A fighter for the Itsekiri 

I was shocked. I could not take it in – that Justice, Chief Frank Atake is no more with us. He was the lover of the truth – the bare truth and justice.

He will be remembered for the truth he uttered on the Warri Crises. He narrated the history and philosophy of the situation in Warri, admittedly from the Itsekiri perspective. The judgments and historical perspective which he espoused  were laid out in bold. It is ridiculous to suggest the judgments were obtained by fraud and deceit. It is for those who hold contrary views to go to the law courts to establish their case. He was at pains in arguing that courts including the West African Court of Appeal and the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council in the UK, were courts of competence and the judgments were fair and objective.

As the Vice Chairman of the Committee of Concerned Itsekiri, he was the leading spokesman of the Itsekiri case. He died but he lives on. The cause he advocated will not die even though he is no longer with us. The generations unborn will carry on the fight until our cause is vindicated. Warri (Iwere Land) will be vindicated.

As a Senator in the Second Republic, he was the originator of the Resources Control Movement. Until his death, he advocated Resource Control being carried to its logical conclusion. The local governments concerned should get their shares of the resources, especially the derivation of petroleum resources. The conclusion being the establishment of 50 per cent derivation, with 25 per cent to the state government and 25 per cent to the to the local governments. The balance can be retained by the Federal Government.

The late Justice was part of the Itsekiri Leadership which formed the Itsekiri Leaders
Forum to establish the Warri State as a long term objective. As the Vice Chairman, he was one of the pillars of the Forum. We recognised that the home work and preparatory
steps had to be done in establishing Warri State which the Urhobos and ljaws in the enclaves would have to accept.

We will miss his forthrightness and bluntness. The struggle continues. The survival
of the Itsekiri must continue. We owe it as a debt the Justice Atake’s memory.

Justice Atake was an Itsekiri man. He died fighting the cause of the Itsekiri. Let’s ensure that he did not die for a lost cause.

We cannot end this tribute without acknowledging that he was a gentleman to the core and distinguished jurist.

He was miles ahead of his days. His conferees will miss him and his judgments.

Ochofu, we salute you for the proud record you left for us. We say goodbye till the resurrection day when we will meet again.

_Allison Ayida is a Former Secretary to the Federal Government and Head of Service and Chairman, Itsekiri Leaders Forum_

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