Uzoamaka Okwor: Meet Young Nigerian Public Health Nurse and Epidemiologist Championing Fight Against Cardiovascular Diseases

By Joshua Olomu

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels, which include coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney disease, strokes, peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, and other conditions.

Today, CVD represent a significant health burden in Nigeria, echoing a global trend but exacerbated by unique local challenges. As a developing nation with diverse socioeconomic dynamics, Nigeria faces numerous obstacles in combating the rising prevalence of CVD.

According to the Nigerian Cardiac Society, available data shows that over 20.5 million people die of heart-related diseases yearly, and over 75% of the deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries.

Recent estimates indicate that CVD accounts for about 10% of total deaths in Nigeria, with hypertension being the most common cardiovascular condition affecting approximately 30% of the adult population.

The incidence of other CVDs, such as heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease, has also been increasing, stressing the already strained healthcare infrastructure.

The impact of CVD in Nigeria is profound, affecting the economic stability and quality of life of its citizens. The high cost of treatment and the chronic nature of these diseases often lead to significant out-of-pocket expenditures for families, pushing them into financial hardship.

Furthermore, the loss of productivity due to CVD-related morbidity and mortality can hinder economic development. The treatment of CVD is protracted, expensive, and with limited access to health insurance, the cost burden typically falls on individuals and families.

This financial strain can lead to delayed or foregone care, worsening health outcomes. Nigeria’s healthcare system struggles with inadequate facilities and a shortage of specialized healthcare professionals equipped to manage chronic diseases like CVD.

This gap limits the effective management and control of CVD cases, leading to higher rates of complications and fatalities. There is also a significant lack of awareness about the risk factors and early symptoms of CVD among the general population.

Factors such as cultural beliefs and practices also influence the perception and management of these diseases, often leading to late diagnosis.

It is in this context, that the work of Uzoamaka Okwor, Nigerian public health nurse and epidemiologist, becomes crucial. Her research has focused on community-based strategies to improve CVD awareness and interventions designed to enhance access to preventive care and treatment.

Uzoamaka is passionate to reduce the incidence and impact of cardiovascular diseases in Nigeria, especially in local uninformed communuities, implementing targeted health education programs and extensive advocacy for policy changes and implementation.

Her notable contributions include research on the effectiveness of community health workers in managing hypertension, and the role of diet and physical activity in preventing CVD.

In one of Uzoamaka’s studies, titled the “Prospective Cohort Study of Non-communicable Disease among HIV-infected Individuals in Nigeria, she investigated the prevalence and causes of NCDs such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease among HIV-infected individuals in Nigeria.

Its objective was to identify early NCDs in this population and provide insights to improve prevention and treatment, making it highly relevant for reducing morbidity and mortality linked to NCDs in the context of HIV.

As the coordinator of the study, Uzoamaka was instrumental in ensuring its smooth execution, recruiting over a thousand people in Abuja Nigeria, organizing and overseeing critical aspects of the research process, from protocol training to data management, sample collection and analysis, which helped maximize the impact of the study on improving healthcare outcomes in Nigeria.

During the UMB-NCD study training, which took place from January 13th-14th, 2021, at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH), Uzoamaka facilitated the training of healthcare workers and other research assistants to ensure that they were well-prepared to carry out the research. This training was crucial for orienting the team on the study protocol and equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Uzoamaka’s coordination in the acclaimed study was essential in facilitating discussions on the study design, clinical and laboratory procedures, and staff responsibilities. Under her guidance, participants reviewed ethical principles, with hands-on practice in administering informed consent, a vital aspect of patient care and research integrity.

Additionally, she ensured that team members were proficient in using the REDCap mobile application for electronic data collection and synchronization, which was key to maintaining accurate and timely data flow throughout the study.

Her leadership and organizational skills played a crucial role in aligning the team’s efforts, ensuring that the study’s objectives were met, and fostering a collaborative environment for successfully conducting the research. Her contributions were significant in driving the study forward and ensuring its potential to improve NCD management among HIV-infected individuals in Nigeria.

There is no doubt, the relentless efforts of healthcare professionals like Uzoamaka Okwor are essential in mitigating the impact of CVD in Nigeria.

She has always sued for continued research, improved healthcare policies, and enhanced community engagement as critical tools to addressing the challenges posed by cardiovascular diseases, and for improvement of the health and well-being of Nigerians.

*Joshua Olomu is an Abuja-based Journalist

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