Comments on: Hajiya Dada: A Matriarch Departs Truth and Reason Thu, 05 Sep 2024 02:06:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Middle of Everywhere Thu, 05 Sep 2024 02:06:48 +0000 You support subsidy removal. But what was the proportion of subsidy in the budget previously? It was still negligible (compared to recurrent expenditure & debt servicing respectively). That was why I had said pre- Drug Lord's era that the most subsidy removal will achieve for nigeria is to make it "borrow less".

In his book, 'Power, Politics & Death', one Olusegun Adeniyi quoted a fact finding commission set up by Yar' Adua as implying that nigeria's problem of underdevelopment owes to the fact that it is comparable to a boat engaged in a rowing competition having 7 captains & 4 passengers. That is to say the elephant in the room is recurrent expenditure. But since 2007 when the commission issued its finding till today, the same Adeniyi is still opposing restructuring of nigeria.

The north took a giant step in 2020 by setting up a Think Tank which ended up recommending a return to a 12 state structure. But rather than give their support, some other people decided to start shouting on top of their voice to drown the call. Now, same north have also said they are ready ( )
