Comments on: How Democracy (Really) Dies Truth and Reason Fri, 06 Sep 2024 21:29:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marmalade Fri, 06 Sep 2024 21:29:10 +0000 In reply to iwe paul.

In relation to the above article that is ideological spin, maybe the greatest threat to democracy is when the ignorant or willfully misinformed write about what they don't understand or, worse still, write to disinform others. There is no radical far left in power in the United States, in spite of the false claims made in this piece.

If one looks at the actual data, most Americans on many major issues are to the left of both of the main parties. Yet the author argues for a 'democracy' that is even further to the right, which in not representing the American people would be a banana republic. That is how democracy dies, through propaganda and deceptive rhetoric.

American Leftist Supermajority

By: William Norris Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:50:17 +0000 Mr Amadi, I totally agree with your sentiments and logic in this article. It's very surprising coming from a socialist like you. You must have mustered some real courage to write it.

Thank you.

By: Magnus0071mg Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:04:00 +0000 Intolerance is the killer of ideas and consequently all things. No idea should be more important than others. Once this is understood nothing dies including democracy. They may be out of fashion for a while but maybe resurrected from time to time lose relevance hibernate and come to fore again. People of influence do more damage to ideas.

By: Aguiyi Wed, 04 Sep 2024 14:40:45 +0000 Doc:

You picked the wrong subject to write on today. Nigeria has a plethora of issues plaguing us. So, a Nigerian Professor of Law, and Public Intellectual, should not be wasting his grey matter analyzing ephemeral, esoteric, and tangential issues, that plague a $30 trillion economy

Nigeria signed five (5) memorandums of understanding with China yesterday. You could have gone through them one by one, read each of them in exquisite detail, and explained to us the import and impact of those MOUs on us.

Sadly, 99.9% of Nigerian lawyers have failed to read the decisions in P & ID case and the decisions in China/Ogun State free trade zone case. Even though the material is available in public domain. Regardless, many of them have written complete nonsense on those cases, based on their theoretical/classroom understanding of the principles of law involved in those cases.

And notwithstanding the fact that if, at least, 30% of Nigerian lawyers spend 16 hours, each, studying those cases, they will be well informed about the decision points. And Nigeria will be better for it

By: Charles Wed, 04 Sep 2024 10:02:17 +0000 Et tu Dr Amadi? Supporting a terrible, misogynistic human-being who only believes in self and self alone? Disappointed. Oga u no try for this one !

By: iwe paul Wed, 04 Sep 2024 09:46:50 +0000 Interesting article, but i am totally surprised on how you adroitly evaded the invasion of the capitol by associates of Trump and his ilk and his lies about his winning the election he lost woefully! Or is that not a threat to democracy?
You are obviously now a supporter of Trump and the policies he makes people believe he supports! HOW the left is now a threat to democracy in AMERICA with no credible evidence in your write up (you even claimed the books you quoted point fingers at the extremist right) is perplexing to me. Navigating your article was a hard read with almost no evidence of what you espouse and conclude!

I expected better Dr. Amadi and I beg to totally disagree. I am still a fan though.

By: Interessant Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:24:15 +0000 American democracy cannot die. They have institutions to enable them experiment. White people use their brains to develop their countries. They are not like some Nigerians who boast that they are brainy but are busy developing other peoples counties and spaces .

By: Owo Wed, 04 Sep 2024 08:00:02 +0000 All true. All right. Has Dr Sam Amadi crossed to the right from the left?
