Emmanuel Okonji – THISDAYLIVE https://www.thisdaylive.com Truth and Reason Fri, 20 Sep 2024 22:00:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Nigeria’s Cybersecurity Struggles: Why African Countries Like Mauritius and Rwanda Are Leading the Charge https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/nigerias-cybersecurity-struggles-why-african-countries-like-mauritius-and-rwanda-are-leading-the-charge/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/nigerias-cybersecurity-struggles-why-african-countries-like-mauritius-and-rwanda-are-leading-the-charge/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2024 11:58:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1014167

By Remi Afon

The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024, recently released by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), underscores the urgent need for Nigeria to address its cybersecurity shortcomings. Despite being Africa’s largest economy and a rising tech hub, Nigeria’s performance in the GCI reflects several deep-rooted challenges that hinder its ability to effectively secure its digital infrastructure. In contrast, other African countries such as Mauritius, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, and Kenya have made significant strides in cybersecurity, positioning them as regional leaders.

This analysis reviews Nigeria’s performance in the GCI 2024, identifies key factors behind its lower ranking, and draws lessons from African countries that have achieved higher standings.

Nigeria’s Performance in the GCI 2024

In the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024, Nigeria is classified within the “Establishing” tier, reflecting significant gaps in its cybersecurity framework. The index assesses countries on five key pillars: legal measures, technical measures, organisational measures, capacity building, and cooperation. Nigeria’s ranking is indicative of systemic issues that prevent the country from establishing a resilient and coordinated cybersecurity structure.

While some progress has been made in recent years, Nigeria’s performance reveals several areas in need of urgent attention. These include the implementation of existing cybersecurity policies, investment in cybersecurity capacity building, and the revision of outdated legal frameworks. Without swift reforms, Nigeria’s digital ecosystem remains vulnerable to a range of cyber threats.

Key Factors Contributing to Nigeria’s Ranking

1. Lack of Implementation of the National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy (NCPS)

Nigeria launched its National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy (NCPS) in 2015 and was updated in 2021, with the aim to provide a comprehensive approach to securing its digital infrastructure. However, the lack of concrete implementation has limited its effectiveness. The policy has yet to be fully operationalised across government and private sectors, leading to fragmented and uncoordinated efforts in addressing cybersecurity challenges.

2. Inadequate Capacity Building

A significant issue for Nigeria is the lack of investment in capacity building. Government agencies and critical sectors lack the trained personnel and resources to handle growing cyber threats. There are limited training programs aimed at developing cybersecurity expertise within public institutions, leaving the country underprepared to respond to cyber incidents.

3. Outdated Cybercrime Legislation

Nigeria’s Cybercrime Act of 2015 is outdated and insufficient to address modern cybersecurity challenges. The legal framework lacks provisions for addressing emerging threats such as ransomware, advanced cyber espionage, deepfakes, and other AI-enhanced cyber-attacks. Without updates, law enforcement agencies face difficulties in effectively prosecuting cybercriminals, leaving gaps in Nigeria’s cyber defences.

4. Underfunding of Cybersecurity Initiatives

Nigeria’s cybersecurity efforts suffer from chronic underfunding. The country has not allocated sufficient financial resources to strengthen its cybersecurity infrastructure, including key initiatives such as the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC). Without adequate funding, the ability to build capacity, enhance infrastructure, and respond to cyber threats remains severely limited.

5. Delayed Operationalisation of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC)

The NCCC was established to serve as a central coordinating body for national cybersecurity efforts. However, delays in its operationalisation have resulted in a lack of national coordination, weakening Nigeria’s response to cyber incidents. This gap has left critical sectors such as finance, telecommunications, and energy more vulnerable to attacks.

6. Inactivity of the Cybercrime Advisory Council

The Cybercrime Advisory Council, intended to provide strategic oversight on cybersecurity matters, has remained largely inactive. Without the guidance and leadership from this advisory body, Nigeria’s cybersecurity policies lack the high-level coordination needed to effectively tackle cyber threats.

Learning from Africa’s Cybersecurity Leaders

While Nigeria faces significant challenges, other African countries have made impressive progress in securing their digital environments. Mauritius, Rwanda, and Kenya are notable examples of nations that have successfully implemented comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, leading to higher rankings in the GCI 2024.

Mauritius: A Cybersecurity Success Story

Mauritius ranks in the “Role-modelling” tier, the highest among African countries in the GCI. Its success is driven by a comprehensive and well-implemented Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Strategy, which provides clear guidelines for both the public and private sectors.

Capacity Building: Mauritius has prioritised capacity building by investing heavily in developing its cybersecurity workforce. It has established ongoing training programs and partnerships with international organisations to upskill its cybersecurity professionals.

Modern Cybercrime Laws: The country’s legal framework is regularly updated to address emerging cyber threats. This ensures that Mauritius can respond effectively to the latest developments in cybercrime, providing a legal basis for prosecuting cybercriminals.

Rwanda: A Model of Focused Governance

Rwanda, ranked in the “Role-modelling” tier, has implemented a centralised and focused approach to cybersecurity through its National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA).

National Coordination: Rwanda’s NCSA plays a key role in coordinating national cybersecurity efforts, ensuring that government agencies and private sector players are aligned in protecting the country’s digital infrastructure.

Investment in Capacity: Rwanda has invested significantly in building a skilled cybersecurity workforce. This effort has been instrumental in increasing the country’s ability to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats.

Kenya: Building Cyber Resilience

Kenya also ranked in the ” Role-modelling” tier, has taken major steps to strengthen its cybersecurity infrastructure, driven by its growing role as a tech hub in Africa.

Public-Private Partnerships: Kenya has fostered strong public-private partnerships in cybersecurity, recognizing the importance of involving the private sector in national cyber defence strategies.

Legal Framework: Kenya’s Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act (2018) provides a modern legal foundation to tackle cybercrime, making it easier for authorities to address both domestic and international cyber threats.

Recommendations for Nigeria’s Cybersecurity Improvement

To improve our cybersecurity standing and safeguard our digital infrastructure, Nigeria must take decisive action. The following steps are critical to strengthening our cybersecurity framework:

Full Implementation of the NCPS: The Nigerian government must prioritize the full implementation of the National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy. This includes setting clear action plans, monitoring progress, and ensuring compliance across sectors.

Invest in Capacity Building: Nigeria must invest in developing a skilled cybersecurity workforce. This can be achieved through partnerships with international organisations, NGOs like Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN), roll out training programmes, and initiatives that promote cybersecurity education and awareness.

Update Cybercrime Laws: The Cybercrime Act of 2015 should be revised to address modern cyber threats such as ransomware, IoT attacks, AI-related cyber-attacks and other advanced cybercrimes. A strong legal framework will empower law enforcement to effectively prosecute cybercriminals.

Increase Funding for Cybersecurity: Adequate funding is essential for Nigeria to build the infrastructure and human capital needed to respond to cyber threats. The government should allocate sufficient resources to support cybersecurity initiatives and capacity-building efforts.

Operationalise the NCCC: The National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre should be fully operationalised to provide central coordination for national cybersecurity efforts. This will enhance Nigeria’s ability to respond to incidents and coordinate actions across sectors.

Revitalise the Cybercrime Advisory Council: The Cybercrime Advisory Council must be reactivated to provide strategic leadership and oversight. A functioning council will ensure that cybersecurity efforts are cohesive and aligned with global best practices.


Nigeria’s position in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024 reflects critical gaps in its approach to cybersecurity, particularly in the areas of policy implementation, capacity building, legal frameworks, and national coordination. As the digital landscape evolves, Nigeria faces growing threats that require immediate and strategic action.

By learning from the successes of Mauritius, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, and Kenya, Nigeria can take the necessary steps to improve its cybersecurity standing and better protect its digital infrastructure. With the right investments, updated legal frameworks, and coordinated efforts, Nigeria can enhance its resilience to cyber threats and secure its place as a leader in Africa’s digital economy.

Remi Afon is the Founder GoLegit Africa (www.golegit.africa) and immediate past President, Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN)). He wrote from Lagos

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/nigerias-cybersecurity-struggles-why-african-countries-like-mauritius-and-rwanda-are-leading-the-charge/feed/ 1
Abuja Chamber Of Commerce Congratulates Federal Government As Economic Stabilisation Plan Boosts Investments, Announces 19th Abuja International Trade Fair https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/abuja-chamber-of-commerce-congratulates-federal-government-as-economic-stabilisation-plan-boosts-investments-announces-19th-abuja-international-trade-fair/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/abuja-chamber-of-commerce-congratulates-federal-government-as-economic-stabilisation-plan-boosts-investments-announces-19th-abuja-international-trade-fair/#respond Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:12:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1014010

The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has applauded the Federal Government for its proactive efforts in creating a more conducive business environment, which is now yielding tangible results through increased investments in Nigeria. The Chamber lauded the government’s Economic Stabilisation Plan as a key driver in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country, evidenced by the Coca-Cola system’s commitment to an additional $1 billion investment in Nigeria’s beverage and manufacturing sector.

Professor Adesoji Adesugba, First Deputy President of the Abuja Chamber of Commerce, expressed the Chamber’s delight at the growing investor confidence being fostered by the government’s policies. He noted that the Coca-Cola system’s significant investment is a testament to the effectiveness of the government’s initiatives, particularly the ongoing economic reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable growth.

“The Economic Stabilisation Plan of the Federal Government is highly commendable and is already delivering promising outcomes. The Coca-Cola system’s decision to accelerate its investments in Nigeria to $1 billion reflects the positive impact of an enabling business environment,” said Adesugba. He further acknowledged the government’s comprehensive approach to creating business-friendly policies and encouraged other companies to take advantage of Nigeria’s improved business climate.

Professor Adesugba also lauded President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s “Renewed Hope” agenda, stating that the administration’s efforts will drive Nigeria toward long-term economic prosperity.

In a related development, the ACCI is set to commence the 19th Abuja International Trade Fair (AITF), which will take start from **Monday September 20 to October 1, 2024, at the Abuja Trade and Convention Centre, Lugbe. This prestigious event, now in its 19th edition, has become one of Nigeria’s most significant multi-sectoral trade platforms, offering local and international exhibitors a prime opportunity to showcase their products and services, enter new markets, and forge valuable business relationships.

This year’s theme, “Mobility Options for Transportation, Trade Financing, and Taxation,” reflects a strategic focus on key areas that are critical for business growth and development. The AITF will explore solutions to reduce logistical challenges, enhance supply chain efficiency, and lower operational costs. It will also address the need for sustainable financing and effective taxation strategies in today’s global economy.

AITF 2024 is expected to attract over 500 exhibitors, displaying more than 10,000 products, services, and solutions to nearly 100,000 attendees over the 12-day event. The trade fair will provide a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration among entrepreneurs, policymakers, and industry leaders. Discussions will focus on sustainable business practices, equitable financing, and innovative taxation strategies, all aimed at fostering a more resilient and inclusive economy.

The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to work toward the sustainable growth and development of businesses within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and across Nigeria. Through its various partnerships with business groups, international chambers, and trade associations, the ACCI remains committed to promoting economic and industrial development.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/20/abuja-chamber-of-commerce-congratulates-federal-government-as-economic-stabilisation-plan-boosts-investments-announces-19th-abuja-international-trade-fair/feed/ 0
Durodola: ID Holder’s Consent Imperative in Identity Management https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/19/durodola-id-holders-consent-imperative-in-identity-management/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/19/durodola-id-holders-consent-imperative-in-identity-management/#comments Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:22:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1013538

Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of UrbanID Global, Mr. Olatunji Durodola,  speaks to Emma Okonji on a range of digital identity technology matters, at a time when the world is grappling with how to solve data privacy and identity management issue, emanating from cybercrime and identity theft, but gives thumbs up to Nigeria for being ahead in the fight. Excerpts:

UrbanID is synonymous with the digital identity ecosystem for a long time. What has been your involvement in the ID system industry?

Nigeria has had a lot of issues over the years with identity. In the early 2000’s I became involved in the overhaul of the Identity systems for a large estate in Lagos. I cut my chops in Identity Management during that period.

In 2012, I was fortunate to have been headhunted to attend to some issues in Abuja, and that led me to raise my hand and offer to serve as Systems Integrator and Technical Consultant at the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). A three-month contract eventually turned to 10 years. I have also been consulting for a few companies in Europe, advising and giving keynotes on the state of affairs in the Global South.

You were called ‘Linux Prophet’ by a leading technology magazine back in the early 2000s. What is your story in the Open Source tech sector?

I have always had an interest and passion about taking on big players. Microsoft, Oracle, Novell – having to pay top dollar for licensing for productivity. I made a decision one day “anything one can do in Windows, if it can’t be done in Linux, then it’s not worth doing”. So, since 1999, I have been a passionate Linux advocate. Since August 2001, I have not used any Microsoft, Oracle or other proprietary product; yet my productivity and solutions provisions have only increased – decade to decade.

As a leading professional in the digital identity ecosystem, considering the recent experiences of reported data breach in Nigeria’s national identity sector, how could Nigeria have averted such breaches?

There needs to be a more serious approach to identity management. Whilst every company is set up to turn a profit and carry out business, relaxing restrictions so that companies can make money is a classic recipe for trouble.

Each and every verification carried out on a person’s identity, needs to be known, from the natural person carrying out the transaction to the company for whom that natural person is acting on their behalf, all the way to ensuring that the ID holder is kept in the loop at all times. My identity is mine– not the government. So I reserve the right to know how my identity is utilised, by whom, when and where.

If I wish to transfer money to another person, even if it is in two equal tranches, I need to authorise the transaction twice. Where companies are not constrained from doing ‘store and forward’, whereby they keep illegal copies of a legal request for data, it opens up vulnerabilities for such issues. Plenty can be done, if we have the will to make it happen.

In view of trust and reliability issues that arose when individual data could be accessed with the authorisation of the data owner, what is the impact of data breach on a nation’s security?

Many past systems had been designed with a concept of licensing verification entities (relying parties) that are issued access rights to personal information. Some of these parties then build their own Application Programming Interface (API) infrastructure, without the knowledge of the ID holder, and data is then transmitted, sometimes with little or no encryption.

In the era of Data Privacy focus designs, it has become imperative to seek and obtain the consent of the ID holder, each and every time. The National Identification Number (NIN) is a static number; which means that if the NIN is what is used to fetch information, then the ID holder’s input or consent becomes redundant and goes against the positive global trend for enhancing data privacy.

How would you rate Nigeria’s National Identity Database vis-à-vis data security and protection issues, given recent events in the country?

Surprisingly, a lot has been done in a short space of time. Nigeria is actually in the forefront of enhancing Consent and Data Privacy. We just need to tidy up a few loose ends. We are currently, believe it or not, the envy of a few ‘developed’ economies, who wonder how Nigeria could have come up with a system that puts the NIN holder first. We just need to fine-tune some issues, and we will establish great relevance in the world of identity management and user consent.

How secure is the Nigeria digital identity database given the issues of ID authentication, consent management and verification?

That is a question really for the government to answer. Any response I give may not be a fair one.

UrbanID is involved in ID systems globally, but with key concerns for developing economies like Nigeria. What is UrbanID’s focus on getting Nigeria to be topmost in data privacy as a benchmark for other nations?

It’s about time Nigeria takes the lead on a few positive things, especially in technology. What we have been privileged to have helped Nigeria accomplish, including Africa’s first MobileID ecosystem: last count 23 million users as well as one of the most advanced User Consent Systems based on privacy by design and zero-knowledge proof technologies, with a healthy dose of public key cryptography.

There is so much more work to be done, to get our functional IDs to work seamlessly with the foundational one, ensure strict one-person, one-identity compliance, and more. Are we there yet? No. Is Nigeria on the path? Absolutely. Let’s not relent or roll back.

Your company has a passion for digitalisation as a key feature for getting governments to optimise service delivery, accountability and transparency. What is your target for getting Nigeria to key into this goal?

Good question. The first thing governments need to do, is focus on treating citizens/legal residents as customers whose needs come first.

No environment or country is perfect – there are always flaws and issues. But where we take customer service delivery as paramount, and self last, a government will be so highly praised, that even where it has flaws, they will be overlooked.

Respect for citizens’ concerns, rights and privileges are so very important, just like fuel for a vehicle is. I also suggest that we adopt a system of rewarding public servants who prioritise resolving customer’s needs. Nigeria is not unique in this regard. We also advise a number of other governments, and see to a varying degree interactions between the general public and public servants. It’s very doable. The Nigerian government at the time, is making great strides and effort to attend to these concerns, and should be given a chance to erase any mistrust of the past.

Based on statistics, transformational projects such as the National Identity Scheme have an average of 30 success success rate in meeting their objectives, globally. How will you rate the Nigerian journey so far?

The journey of a thousand kilometres starts with the first step (or turn of the wheel). Let’s keep it up. Successive governments should take up the baton from the past one, and do better, rather than simply discard what was working and replace it. That’s like beginning a race all over again. The next folks will come in and repeat the process. I wish the government well. Let the process be led by them, not by the interests of vendors. I would include myself in this. just speaking as a Nigerian.

Technology used in identity biometrics has evolved significantly over the years from smart card to digital ID Apps that can run on mobiles and block chain systems. In your view, how current is Nigeria in this area?

Technology should be an enabler for simplifying use cases. Whilst there is definitely a need for physical identity tokens, the support infrastructure is fragile and very capital intensive. eID Cards and Payment Cards (popularly known as ATM Cards) may look alike, but their implementation, issuance and lifecycle are very different.

Having designed Nigeria’s first eID Card back in 2012-13 and overseen the deployment of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to support it, I am acutely aware of the issues contained therein.

The world (for good reason) is trending towards very secure MobileIDs and in increasing cases, mobile Drivers’ licence specifications (mDL), all with a view to using technology to achieve a low total cost of ownership, simplifying ID updates and features without the need to replacing physical documents. I could give a myriad of examples, but I think the point is clear.

For now, if Nigeria opts to go back down the road of physical cards, I wouldn’t say it’s wrong. But simply discarding 23 million issued and functional mobileIDs and secure documents in favour of identity smartCards, when both can run in parallel I personally think is not the way to go. I may be wrong, but I doubt it. Time will tell.

With your experience on global ID systems, what should be the ideal system for an emerging economy like Nigeria?

There are international standards and best practices that it can tap in to. A hybrid of Digital IDs and physical cards with a proper Public Key Infrastructure and Card Lifecycle Management System are necessary technologies. Training and technology transfer are key to customer services.

With Nigeria’s population growth rate at an average 2.40 per cent, how concerning is the country’s identity management system since enrolment of citizens is an ongoing process and huge capital is required?

My short answer: Tighten enrolment systems, retrain enrolment staff, enhance identification of enrolees to reduce chances of a person obtaining multiple identities, and spend money where needed. The rest will sort itself out.

Whereas the bank verification number (BVN) appeared to have launched Nigeria into global reckoning with Fintech, will you consider BVN an appropriate tool for National Social Register?

The Bank Verification Number is a functional ID, designed for the fintech industry and has worked pretty well until now. Extending the BVN however, beyond that sector, especially to rival the National Identification Number (NIN), is a recipe for trouble. The NIN is a foundational ID, which in itself needs to be protected. It’s not meant to be shared willy-nilly under the umbrella of ‘Mandatory Use of the NIN’. Likewise, for a National Social Register, a functional ID needs to be created, which will be linked directly to the NIN, but should not be the raw NIN and most certainly not the BVN.

Issues in payment and access to finance have been linked to poor national identification system. To what extent will you consider the new electronic-ID as the ultimate solution?

From the experience of Nigeria and other countries, physical ID Cards alone are not a solution. Certainly not where we have limited support infrastructure. I won’t say much on the topic. Time will tell.

What exactly is the difference between the current digital ID System and the E-ID?

Digital ID systems make heavy use of Smartphones and technologies that do not require physical cards to deploy credible tokens for personal identity. A very good case is the US where most states have physical driver’s licences, but are now being integrated into smartphones, adopting mobile driver’s licence standards such as ISO 18013-5.

E-IDs are generally Electronic ID Smart cards containing a chip, and may be contact, contactless or dual interface cards. The eID infrastructure is great, if properly deployed, very secure, but very, very capital intensive.

Insecurity still persists in Nigeria despite the enrolment and issuance of over 120m NINs by NIMC. Why do you think it is so difficult to track criminals in spite of advances in our identity management system?

The answer is a simple one. We need inter-agency cooperation and collaboration. Every problem has a solution. If we are ready to solve these challenges, it’s not hard. There are countries that link Healthcare, Banking, Property rental and purchase, and so much more, to the foundational ID. If Nigeria wishes to solve the problem, it’s not theory that will solve it. All hands on deck, collaborate between agencies without one believing they are superior to the other, and the solution will magically appear.

But so long as turf protection exists, individuals within and without the country will continue to exploit our weaknesses.

There are obviously challenges in our system with several silos collecting data of Nigerians. What are your views in eliminating the practice and harmonising the various databases?

As mentioned earlier, turf protection is our biggest challenge. A key outtake of this is the silos you mentioned. The establishment of an independent government cloud, and an enabling environment where stakeholder agencies contribute to its evolution, and we will get there.

How do you compare Nigeria’s National Identity Management System presently with that of other developing nations?

Over the past 12 years, Nigeria has taken very bold steps. Back in November 2013, it issued one of the most sophisticated eID Cards in the world.

The issuance of cards for free, was however, a challenge for companies who had installed capacity to personalise those cards. The sticky point was how they would be paid. So it eventually died.

Between 2020 and 2024, Nigeria led Africa with the issuance of MobileIDs, taking advantage of the very enviable spread of Smartphones in the country, and creating an enabling environment for their use. Alas, public awareness was lacking. That 23 million MobileIDs were even issued is a testament to the power of word of mouth.

All these developments were by 100 per cent local talent – and it worked.

The World Bank had also advised against the issuance of physical cards, which were to a large extent, also very reliant on foreign expertise. Nigeria does not produce components and does not produce the operating systems they rely on.

Those foreign vendors with specialist skills will provide invoices to the government in their native currency (USD or Euro). They want our money, but not our currency. In other words, they want our Naira, but not in Naira.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/19/durodola-id-holders-consent-imperative-in-identity-management/feed/ 1
ALTON: We Will Not Embark on Industrial Action over Telecom Tariff https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/15/alton-we-will-not-embark-on-industrial-action-over-telecom-tariff/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/15/alton-we-will-not-embark-on-industrial-action-over-telecom-tariff/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2024 15:22:57 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1012623

Emma Okonji

The Association of Licensed Telecom Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) at weekend stated that it would not embark on industrial action for upward review of telecoms’ tariff across networks.

Chairman of ALTON, Gbenga Adebayo, stated this yesterday when a trade union, known as Private Telecommunications and Communications Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PTECSSAN), suggested an industrial action during a visit to ALTON’s office located in Lekki, Lagos.

The PTECSSAN team, led by its General Secretary, Okonu Abdullahi, had suggested that ALTON should resort to the use of industrial action to compel the federal government to accept its proposed tariff hike for voice calls and data services.

ALTON had in April 2022, written to the telecoms industry regulator, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), asking for a 40 per cent hike in voice and data tariff, to enable telecoms operators cope with the high cost of delivering telecoms services across the country, but ALTON is yet to receive the NCC’s nod.   

Disturbed by the delay in approving tariff hike for telecoms operators, the trade union wrote ALTON, requesting a visit and possible collaboration with ALTON to help telecoms operators achieve their desire for tariff hike.

While making the recommendation to ALTON during the visit, Abdullahi said: “As a critical stakeholder in the private telecommunication sector, we are concerned about the economic challenges in the country that is threatening the existence of the telecoms sector and the refusal of the government to agree to the call by the network providers for increment in tariff on all telecommunications services in the country. 

“Since ALTON is at the forefront of this call for an increment in tariff, we deemed it necessary to meet with you to deliberate on likely alternatives that can be placed before the government.

“Government cannot say no to an increase in telecoms tariff because the cost of offering telecoms services has skyrocketed. If the government refuses to accept an increase in telecoms tariff, then the government should be ready to supply diesel directly to telecoms operators at a discounted rate, offer favourable forex rate to telecoms operators and give tax waiver to telecoms operators,” Abdullahi explained.    

But Adebayo who expressed deep appreciation for the visit, however, said ALTON would not accept the use of industrial action to address the issue of tariff hike. According to him, ALTON was already in talks with industry stakeholders and the industry regulator, and would not be confrontational over the issue. 

“At this point, I would like to caution; when it comes to any form of industrial action.  We all know that telecommunications is a critical infrastructure for the economy. Any disruption of services due to strikes or industrial action could have serious consequences not only for the sector but also for the entire economy. “Businesses, hospitals, security services, and financial institutions all depend on uninterrupted telecoms services,” Adebayo said.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/15/alton-we-will-not-embark-on-industrial-action-over-telecom-tariff/feed/ 1
Report: 586,130 Cyber Threats Launched against Nigeria’s Financial Institutions in Six Months https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/report-586130-cyber-threats-launched-against-nigerias-financial-institutions-in-six-months/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/report-586130-cyber-threats-launched-against-nigerias-financial-institutions-in-six-months/#respond Sat, 14 Sep 2024 01:42:23 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1012243

Emma Okonji

Cybervergent, a cybersecurity-focused technology company, yesterday released its half year cyber threat report on the activities of hackers that focus their attacks on Nigeria’s financial institutions and telecoms companies, revealing how it detected 586,130 attacks on organisations that it manages in Nigeria.  
The attacks mostly external, were monitored from January to June 2024.
Among the 586,130 attacks launched on various arganisations, Cybervergent was able to resolve 226,103 of the attacks by automation, while 19,920 endpoints were protected by Cybervergent.
According to the report, events analysed by Cybervergent’s Security Operations Centre (SOC), reached 304,522, while all potentially malicious events analysed by Cybervergent within the same six months period, reached 42,200.  
Analysing the report, the Chief Solutions Officer at Cybervergent, Mr. Gbolabo Awelewa, said with the increasing threat in the cyberspace, organisations must ensure that regular application and systems updates are carried out on existing applications and systems to prevent the attacks at scale.
“As we move forward, our Cyber Operations Centre remains steadfast in its mission to anticipate, detect, and thwart evolving threats that seek to compromise the integrity of digital assets. With a deep understanding of the threat landscape and a relentless pursuit of innovative security solutions, we are poised to continue our unwavering defense of the financial sector and other industries’ digital landscape, safeguarding organisations’ trust and confidence in the face of ever-changing cybersecurity challenges,” Awelewa said.
Highlighting the threat actors that targeted Nigeria in the first half of the year, Awelwewa listed them to include: Gelsemium, Equation Group, Lyceum, Gamaredon, Circus Spider, Mirage, Common Raven, Bronze Highland, Earth Krahang, as well as Insider Threat Syndrome.
According to him, Gelsemium is a sophisticated cyber espionage group known for its targeted attacks on high‑profile organisations across various sectors.
“They use custom malware and advanced techniques to evade detection, and their target is on public administration, educational services and national security,” he said.
Awelewa described the different types of insider threats to include: Disgruntled Employees, Accidental Insiders and Negligent Insiders. He explained that motivated by anger, financial gain, or a feeling of being benched, the disgruntled employee could inflict serious damage, while accidental insiders are those that capitalise on mistakes of others to launch an attack on the organisation.
He said the negligent insiders are those that reveal their credentials to others or forget to lock their laptops when leaving the office, adviding on staff duty rotation and compulsory leave for all staff.  

The report highlighted cybersecurity trends that organisations and institutions must tackle in the second quarter of 2024 as Zero-Day Exploits, where hackers exploit unknown vulnerabilities before anyone can patch them; Cloud Security Focus, since every organisation and institution is moving to the cloud; Cybercrime as-a-service, which allows hackers to launch frequent attacks; and Ransomware Surge, with attackers likely to use more sophisticated encryption and sneaky tactics to avoid detection and maximise the impact, including insider threats.  

Divisional Head, Business Growth at Cybervergent, Bamidele Obende, said: “Our H1 2024 cyber cardio assessment shows we’ve got numerous opportunities to improve our endurance and speed in penetrating digital defenses. By focusing on the weak spot and continuously improving our techniques, we can enhance our ability to outpace and outlast cybersecurity measures. In the world of ethical hacking and cybersecurity testing, always ensure you have proper authorisation before conducting any penetration tests or vulnerability assessments.”

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/report-586130-cyber-threats-launched-against-nigerias-financial-institutions-in-six-months/feed/ 0
TECNO Unveils PHANTOM V Flip2 5G Phone https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/tecno-unveils-phantom-v-flip2-5g-phone/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/tecno-unveils-phantom-v-flip2-5g-phone/#respond Sat, 14 Sep 2024 01:23:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1012389

TECNO has unveiled its new AI-enhanced, second-generation flip smartphone, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G. 

A remarkable fusion of on-trend aesthetic design and powerful technologies, it brings stylish individuals a fun, fashionable and functional flip phone experience that makes everyday iconic.   

Bringing pocket-sized ease and elegance to daily life, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G is freshly equipped with TECNO’s brand-new TECNO AI suite of AI functions. The suite features an upgraded Gemini-integrated Ella AI Assistant, AI Artboard, AI Writing and much more. It also upgrades the flip experience with a stunning infinity pool-inspired ThruPool cover screen, a flagship imaging system, an ultra-flat flagship main screen and a long-lasting 4720mAh Super Battery with 70W Ultra Charge.

“At TECNO, we believe that form and function are both equally important factors in our product design. We’re delighted to be bringing users the new PHANTOM V Flip2 5G, which perfectly highlights both of these elements in a pocket-sized device,” said Jack Guo, General Manager of TECNO. “This stylish new flip phone reflects TECNO’s commitment to delivering futuristic design and technologies that are fun, functional and revolutionary in the lives of our global users.”

Despite its tiny size, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G is packed with innovative AI functions that deliver a massive creativity boost to content creators and fashion-forward individuals. TECNO AI is a new suite of AI functions that boost creativity, convenience and fun, helping every user stand out on socials with their creativity unlocked. 

Whether scrolling social media, managing work projects, or organizing a party with friends, TECNO AI’s Gemini-integrated Ella AI Assistant is always on hand to help. Ella offers online search capabilities and Smart Q&A to give intelligent answers based on real-time information, responding to questions fluently. In addition, users can interact more intelligently with over 400 system functions with Ella, from setting wallpapers to switching the system language. PHANTOM V Flip2 5G also features AI Text Summary and face-to-face AI Translation. Meanwhile, AI Writing functions, such as text summary, text generation, proofreading and rewriting capabilities also save users valuable time. 

An icon of sleek and flowing design, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G’s ThruPool Cover Screen is a stylish creation inspired by infinity pools. The cover features a 3.64” screen that is perfectly integrated with the slightly curved main body, while the suspended camera lens is immersed in the pixels that beautifully flow across the display. 

PHANTOM V Flip2 5G reimagines everyday uses of the cover screen, supporting over 2000 apps to make life easy for users who often won’t even need to open up the main screen. The screen is majorly upgraded compared to its predecessor and is both visually stunning and supremely functional. The screen is larger and more regular in shape to make it natural to use, while its 413PPI display is delicate and dynamic.

While the device’s main screen offers an immersive flagship candy bar phone experience, the cover screen features a new design to make it more even functional without the need for card-style screen operations. Unlike traditional card-style design, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G’s desktop application centre allows users to complete more operations on the external screen without inefficient sliding. Users can set up shortcut icons for instant access to useful features like step count and weather. The screen also supports a full keyboard display for easy dialling and typing, including quick replies.

With its foldable design, PHANTOM V Flip2 5G flips standard shooting on its head for a more creative imaging experience. Capable of hovering at any angle from 30-150°, users can explore new perspectives with FreeCam shooting. 

PHANTOM V Flip2 5G lets users chill all day without worrying about charging, boasting one of the largest battery capacity and fastest charging speeds in its category. 

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/14/tecno-unveils-phantom-v-flip2-5g-phone/feed/ 0
Oyenuga Advocates for Harmonious Blend of Technology, Sustainability in Furniture Design https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/13/oyenuga-advocates-for-harmonious-blend-of-technology-sustainability-in-furniture-design/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/13/oyenuga-advocates-for-harmonious-blend-of-technology-sustainability-in-furniture-design/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2024 23:40:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1012295

Spazio Ideale’s Head of Design, Temilola Oyenuga,  has emphasized the vital role of technology and sustainability in furniture design, creating spaces that not only inspire productivity but also nurture mental and physical well-being.

Speaking at the Homex Nigeria Expo held on September 6, 2024, Oyenuga showcased the transformative potential of tech-enabled furniture in enhancing daily life.

Temilola Oyenuga’s session, titled “Designing tech-enabled furniture for home comfort” was an expert guide to the transformative potential of tech-enabled furniture, emphasizing its ability to enhance our daily lives in profound ways.

Oyenuga’s insights have inspired designers, manufacturers, and consumers alike to explore the possibilities of tech-enabled furniture. Her commitment to creating innovative and comfortable spaces has solidified her reputation as a visionary in the field of interior design.

Oyenuga discussed the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating technology into design, emphasizing the importance of user experience, ergonomic considerations, and collaboration between designers, manufacturers, and technology experts.

Temilola Oyenuga also sat in a Panel session with Omolola Hunkuten, the Head of Projects at Spazio Ideale, a seasoned expert in the Built and Construction industry and with them was the PRO of Vento Furniture Lagos. Their panel session was insightful as they addressed key issues in the industry.

Oyenuga’s vision for solving problems through the design of spaces and furniture alike extends beyond the confines of the Homex Expo. She believes that by incorporating technology while maintaining sustainable practices in our spaces, we can create environments that are aesthetically pleasing and promote mental and physical well-being.

Under Temilola Oyenuga’s leadership of the design team, Spazio Ideale has established itself as a pioneer in the field of interior design. The firm’s commitment to creative designs & sustainability has enabled it to consistently deliver impactful solutions for a wide range of clients, including leading corporations and organizations.

As the world continues to evolve, so too does the concept of comfort. Oyenuga’s vision for tech-enabled furniture offers a glimpse into the future of spaces. By embracing technology and design innovation, we can create environments that are not only comfortable but also inspiring, functional, and sustainable.

Temilola Oyenuga’s insightful analysis of the future of home comfort and her passion for tech-enabled furniture left a lasting impression on attendees. As the design industry continues to evolve, Oyenuga’s vision for a more comfortable and connected future will undoubtedly shape the way we experience our living spaces

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/13/oyenuga-advocates-for-harmonious-blend-of-technology-sustainability-in-furniture-design/feed/ 0
Industry Leaders to Set Global Standards for Emerging Technologies https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/industry-leaders-to-set-global-standards-for-emerging-technologies/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/industry-leaders-to-set-global-standards-for-emerging-technologies/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2024 01:03:54 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011541

Emma Okonji

India is billed to host a world conference where telecoms industry leaders will meet to consider priorities for international standards to support industry growth, innovation, and trust in emerging technologies at the International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA), taking place from 15 to 24 October at New Delhi.

Organised every four years, WTSA is the governing conference for the standardisation work of ITU, the United Nations Agency for Digital Technologies. 

Giving details about the conference and the need for global standardisation in new technologies, ITU Secretary-General, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, said: “Standards are taking centre stage in global governance discussions. When countries gather in New Delhi in India for WTSA-24, they will have an opportunity to foster digital inclusion and trust, as well as values that are more important than ever to ensure that innovation in fields like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Metaverse, and Quantum Information technologies helps us create the future we want.” 

Giving further details of the standardisation processes, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardisation Bureau, Seizo Onoe, said: “Standards agreed by consensus create the confidence to continue innovating and investing. With every breakthrough in science and technology comes wider transformation, and we must keep coming together to develop the standards required for people and economies to thrive while pushing new frontiers.”

Secretary of the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India, Neeraj Mittal, said: “We welcome the world’s telecoms leaders to our national capital, New Delhi, for WTSA-24. We are confident the assembly will set new benchmarks in standardisation to drive sustainable growth in information and communication technologies.” 

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/industry-leaders-to-set-global-standards-for-emerging-technologies/feed/ 0
Transforming Africa’s Data Centre Infrastructure https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/transforming-africas-data-centre-infrastructure/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/transforming-africas-data-centre-infrastructure/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:59:25 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011538

With the meagre 400 Megawatts (MW) capacity generated in the whole of Africa, stakeholders and operators of data centres are pushing for increased capacity of electricity that will enable data centres across Africa operate optimally, writes Emma Okonji

The Hyperscalers Convergence Africa conference, which held in Lagos last week with the theme: “The Power of Convergence,” brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators to address Africa’s digital infrastructure challenges, especially in the area of power generation and distribution.

The conference highlighted the need for a unified strategy to accelerate the continent’s digital transformation.

Stakeholders stressed the importance of integrating various digital infrastructure components, insisting that subsea cables, tower companies, fiber networks, and satellite internet are all critical elements. According to them, without convergence, these elements remain disconnected, hindering Africa’s ability to fully leverage digital technology.

The conference featured over six panel sessions with key stakeholders from across Africa, tackling specific challenges to the continent’s digital progress. Key issues discussed included power shortages, high energy costs, and limited access to renewable energy sources—significant obstacles for data centers and telecommunications operations. The lack of robust middle-mile infrastructure was also identified as a barrier to efficient data traffic distribution.

Africa’s Challenges

Chairman of the conference, and CEO, Precise Financial Services, Dr. Yele Okeremi, in his opening remarks, said given the population of Africa, which is 18 per cent of the world population, the African continent stood at a critical juncture in the global digital evolution, because the 18 per cent accounts for a mere 0.02 per cent of the global fiber optic infrastructure and less than one per cent of the world’s 40 Gigawatts data centre capacity.

According to Okeremi, “The situation of Africa’s infrastructure development is really bad. It’s a big challenge, despite the progress made by companies and individuals that have invested heavily in technology since the 1990s when the first generation of Nigerian technology companies were just talking about that.

“Africa boasts of just over a million kilometers of fiber network with limited data centre capacity, which is in contrast to the rapidly advancing digital landscape in other parts of the world. The importance of a robust digital infrastructure cannot be overstated. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is not only a significant contributor to Africa’s GDP, but also a fundamental enabler of all the political factors from agriculture to healthcare, to education, among others.”

Convener of the conference, Temitope Osunrinde, who gave a general perspective of the slow digital development in Africa, said: “At this juncture, we’re not doing well as a country and as a continent. If you look across the broad fundamentals of the digital economy, and the metrics that drive digital economy, like fiber cable deployment and data centre operations, you will discover that we’re not doing well, and there is a mismatch.

“Nigeria as a country in Africa, for instance, has huge submarine cable capacity at the shores of the country, through the landing of several submarine cables in the country, but we have a big issue of transmitting the capacities to the hinterlands to boost data centre operations.”

According to him, power and cooling are the biggest issues for data centre operators in Nigeria and Africa, adding that the target of 2,500 Megawatts for data centre operators in Africa will be an ideal thing, compared to the 400 Megawatts that the entire Africa currently generates.

Africa’s Solution

Conference participants explored solutions such as collaborative partnerships between governments, private sector companies, and international organiations. Managing Director of Bayobab, Josephine Sarouk, who spoke at the conference, emphasised the need for supportive policy frameworks that foster competition, innovation, and affordability. She urged government officials and the Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, Dr. Bosun Tijani, to focus on fostering partnerships, bringing stakeholders together, and creating an enabling environment for investors, despite the complexities of aligning interests across 54 countries.

The potential of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies were also discussed. These technologies could enhance resource allocation, improve cybersecurity, and unlock new economic opportunities for Africa, the participants said.

There was a strong consensus on the urgent need for convergence. Participants agreed that by breaking down silos and collaborating effectively, Africa could leverage its digital infrastructure to drive economic development, enhance social services, and build a more inclusive society.

Investment in subsea infrastructure for resilience was highlighted as crucial. However, greater emphasis on local exchanges and terrestrial infrastructure to minimize downtime during outages was also emphasised. CEO of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Nigeria, Wole Abu, called for collaboration beyond technical levels, advocating for a unified approach among industry stakeholders to solve these challenges collectively.

Program Manager, Network Investments at Meta, Ego Jegede, praised the collaboration on the 2Africa project, noting that the model of cooperation among competitors should be replicated for terrestrial corridors to address infrastructure gaps and improve connectivity.

Power Infrastructure

Power emerged as a recurring theme, with operators advocating for advancements in power infrastructure and exploration of alternative sources such as solar, gas, and private power solutions close to data centers. However, the enabling environment for power projects, particularly around transmission and distribution, was recognised as a significant barrier.

Regional Executive at Africa Data Centers, Dr. Krish Ranganath, called for collaboration among industry stakeholders on power and real estate, suggesting that data centers along a geographical axis could work together with independent power producers.

Chairman of ConnectedCompute, Lanre Kolade, and Head of Operations at Radio Group, Adewole Adebisi, highlighted the importance of political will in creating a conducive environment for African businesses to thrive.

They stressed the need to improve the ease of doing business for both foreign and local investors.

Enabling Environment

In some of the panel sessions moderated by the CEO, Open Access Data Centres, Dr. Ayotunde Coker and the COO, MDXi, Mr. Gbenga Adegbiji, the panelists identified several factors affecting the growth of data centres in Africa, but explained that with strategic collaboration between government and the private sector, the challenges could be addressed.

The panelists were of the view that government should build the enabling environment for data centre business to thrive across Africa.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/transforming-africas-data-centre-infrastructure/feed/ 0
How Irradiation Technology Will Boost Nigeria’s Food Preservation, Reduce Wastages of Farm Produce https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/how-irradiation-technology-will-boost-nigerias-food-preservation-reduce-wastages-of-farm-produce/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/how-irradiation-technology-will-boost-nigerias-food-preservation-reduce-wastages-of-farm-produce/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:57:54 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011531

Emma Okonji

A food communications analyst, based in the United Kingdom, Blessing Ikechukwu has stressed the importance of irradiation technology in preserving food, reducing waste and boosting food sustainability in Nigeria, if adequately adopted.

According to her, food is fundamental to life, and its preservation is crucial for keeping a healthy nation, adding that traditional methods such as canning, refrigeration, and drying have long been utilised to extend the shelf life.

She however said irradiation technology offers a modern alternative for food preservation, which involves applying ionising radiation to enhance safety and extend shelf life by reducing or eliminating harmful microorganisms and insects.

She described irradiation as a process where food is exposed to controlled amounts of ionising radiation, such as gamma rays, X-rays, or electron beams.

The treatment, according to Ikechukwu, effectively kills bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens that can cause spoilage and foodborne illnesses.

“Importantly, the process is completely safe; it doesn’t make the food radioactive, nor does it alter the taste, texture, or nutritional qualities of the food. Instead, it extends the shelf life of foods, helping to reduce waste and ensuring a safer food supply. Food loss and waste are critical issues in Nigeria, with the World Bank suggesting that approximately 40 per cent of the total food produced annually is lost due to spoilage and waste between harvest and consumption,” Ikechukwu said.

Recent research study has shown that farmers in Nigeria lose about 50 per cent of their farm produce and around 30 per cent of grains before they reach the market. Inadequate transport and storage facilities, often due to poor access to power, cold storage, and drying facilities, are major challenges.

This issue is particularly severe for perishable such as vegetables, fish, fruits, and staple crops like cassava, yams, maize, millet, and sorghum. With the nation’s population projected to double from 201 million today to around 400 million by 2050, and an increasingly urbanised population reaching approximately 70 per cent by the same year, food security concerns are expected to worsen. Additionally, according to the World Bank findings, over 15 per cent of Nigerians are undernourished, underscoring the need for effective solutions to reduce waste.

Ikechukwu, in a statement, where she analysed the opportunities around irradiation technology, insists that ionising radiation, or ‘cold’ sterilisation, remained a safe and high-tech method for food preservation, adding that more than sixty countries have approved its use, and that its safety and effectiveness are well-documented. Studies also indicate that the radioactivity of irradiated food is no higher than that of luggage after an airport scanner or teeth after an X-ray examination.

“Irradiation technology has become widely accepted as a proven and effective post-harvest treatment to reduce bacterial contamination, slow spoilage, and maintain food quality. The process prevents premature sprouting and ripening and acts as a phytosanitary treatment to control insect pests in fruits and vegetables.

“Food irradiation involves ionising radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, or high-energy electron beams. This method ensures that food remains ‘clean’ and inhibits spoilage, making it possible to keep food longer while ensuring a higher level of safety and quality. Additionally, irradiation is a viable pest control method, providing phytosanitary security for traded fresh produce by preventing insects and other pests from developing and reproducing.

“The irradiation process is closely monitored, with precise calculations of the energy and dose absorbed. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the World Health Organisation have confirmed the safety of this method,” Ikechukwu ascertained.

According to her, several countries on the African continent have successfully integrated food irradiation into their food preservation strategies, leading to significant reductions in food waste and enhanced food safety. She explained that before the implementation of food irradiation, post-harvest losses in South Africa’s fruit export sector were estimated to be around 20-25 per cent, primarily due to insect infestations and spoilage during transportation. She said after the adoption of irradiation technology, the losses have been reduced to less than 10 per cent. “In Ghana, post-harvest losses for yams, a staple food in the country, were previously as high as 30 per cent.

The losses were also largely due to pest infestations and spoilage during storage. After the introduction of irradiation technology by the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, the losses have been reduced to approximately 15 per cent,” Ikechukwu said.

She however explained that despite its potential, food irradiation technology was yet to gain widespread commercial traction in Nigeria. According to her, Nigeria has only one irradiation facility located at the Nuclear Technology Centre and the Nigerian Atomic Energy Commission. “This limited availability presents a significant barrier to the technology’s adoption, making it difficult for potential users to access and implement irradiation methods. Typically, an irradiation centre can process up to 20,000 to 30,000 tons of food per year, but the limited number of facilities in Nigeria restricts the technology’s impact,” she said.

She is therefore worried why more attention has been given to increasing food production rather than addressing the significant losses occurring during the post-harvest and storage phases, a development, according to her, is prevalent in many developing countries, including Nigeria, where food crises driven by waste and spoilage are common.

“As Nigeria continues to confront food security and waste challenges, irradiation presents a valuable opportunity to improve food preservation and support long-term food sustainability,” Ikechukwu advised.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/12/how-irradiation-technology-will-boost-nigerias-food-preservation-reduce-wastages-of-farm-produce/feed/ 0
Field to Tackle Maternal Mortality Crisis in Africa with $11m https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/field-to-tackle-maternal-mortality-crisis-in-africa-with-11m/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/field-to-tackle-maternal-mortality-crisis-in-africa-with-11m/#comments Wed, 11 Sep 2024 03:59:25 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011300

Emma Okonji

Field, a leading African healthtech company, yesterday announced the launch of a route-to-market service t\hat will introduce emerging therapies to tackle the urgency of maternal mortality, newborn and child health, along with nutrition.

The initiative will leverage Field’s proprietary technology, distribution, and financing services, which today powers a network of over 40,000 private and public healthcare providers in rural and urban areas across Kenya and Nigeria.

The initiative launches with an initial $11 million in support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in recognition of Field’s commitment to introduce emerging therapies and supply chain transformation in combating Africa’s most urgent health priorities.

Since its inception in 2015, Field’s streamlined infrastructure has facilitated over 800 million health interventions across more than 60 therapeutic areas, such as family planning, HIV and Tuberculosis.

Starting in Kenya and Nigeria, with scope to expand to other regions, Field will advance on its unique capabilities within complex distribution channels to create an accelerated route to market for emerging therapies and technologies.

This is to include an extensive digitisation overhaul for private healthcare providers, hospitals and healthcare bodies at state and federal levels, with financing options to strengthen operations and purchasing capabilities.

Additionally, healthcare providers stand to benefit from last-mile delivery to improve day-to-day health services and the installation of pharma-grade refrigerators. In its entirety, the service will be reinforced by the establishment of a coalition to include governments, manufacturers and other key stakeholders for one of the continent’s most ambitious maternal health programs to-date.

Maternal mortality is one of the continent’s most pressing healthcare challenges. The likelihood that a woman will die in childbirth in Africa is 45 times higher than in Europe.

Report from World Health Organisation (WHO), showed that Africa accounted for 69 per cent of global maternal deaths, with Nigeria alone representing 29 per cent of all maternal deaths worldwide in 2020.

Field’s service will provide expectant mothers in Africa access to emerging therapies such as heat-stable carbetocin and calibrated drapes, which detect and treat postpartum haemorrhage, the leading cause of maternal mortality in Africa.

The platform will accelerate these new interventions, support established therapies, and address related complications like preeclampsia.

CEO and Founder of Field, Michael Moreland, said: “This is public health powered by technology and today’s news ecognizes the products and services that Field has built over the past eight years scaled and integrated into large-scale public health programs; this is what we believe health technology companies should be doing; joining innovative, impactful coalitions between private and public entities.”

“Digitally powering, networking, and financing health systems at scale will have an overwhelmingly positive effect on access to quality care. With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation we are set to rapidly improve mother and child survival in every setting,’’ Moreland further said.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/field-to-tackle-maternal-mortality-crisis-in-africa-with-11m/feed/ 1
NCAIR, Google Launch N100m AI Fund to Empower Nigerian Startups https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/ncair-google-launch-n100m-ai-fund-to-empower-nigerian-startups/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/ncair-google-launch-n100m-ai-fund-to-empower-nigerian-startups/#respond Wed, 11 Sep 2024 03:55:18 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011294

Emma Okonji

The National Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NCAIR), with support from Google, yesterday, announced the launch of the AI Fund, a N100 million initiative aimed at supporting Nigerian startups that are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop innovative solutions.

The initiative follows a series of strategic programmes by the Ministry of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, aimed at harnessing the potential of AI to drive development, innovation, and well-being in Nigeria.

Earlier this year, the Ministry held the Artificial Intelligence Strategy Workshop in April, bringing together key stakeholders to discuss the future of AI in Nigeria.

This was followed by the release of the National AI Intelligence Strategy in August, which outlined the country’s roadmap for integrating AI into various sectors to enhance growth and societal well-being.

The AI Fund is a significant step in actualizing these plans, providing Nigerian startups with the necessary resources to innovate and scale their AI solutions.

The AI Fund is open to Nigerian-based startups that are focused on AI-driven technology solutions with the potential for significant impact.

Selected startups will receive up to N10 million in funding, along with access to Google’s extensive resources, including AI tools, mentorship, and a global network designed to help them scale their innovations.

Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Dr. Bosun Tijani, who emphasised the importance of this initiative, said: “The AI Fund is a critical step in nurturing homegrown innovation that addresses local challenges and contributes to economic growth.

“By supporting our startups, we are not only investing in their success but also in the future of Nigeria’s digital economy.”

National Coordinator of NCAIR, Dr. Bunmi Ajala, who also highlighted the collaborative efforts, said: “Our partnership with Google is a reflection of our shared vision for Nigeria’s technological advancement. The AI Fund is designed to empower our entrepreneurs with the resources they need to create impactful AI solutions.

“We are excited to see the transformative innovations that will emerge from this program.”

West Africa Director, Google, Olumide Balogun, reiterated Google’s commitment in the initiative. According to him, “Google’s support for the AI Fund is part of our broader mission to enhance digital capabilities across Africa.

“We are committed to providing Nigerian startups with the tools, mentorship, and resources they need to innovate and succeed on a global stage.”

Google’s involvement in the AI Fund aligns with its broader AI commitments across Africa. Recently, Google announced a new cohort for its Google for Startups Accelerator Africa programme, focusing on building Africa-centric products and services using AI in transformative ways.

The cohort includes five Nigerian startups, further demonstrating Google’s dedication to nurturing AI innovation on the continent.

The AI Fund is open to startups that are headquartered in Nigeria, have at least one Nigerian founder. Focus on building AI-driven solutions with the potential to scale beyond the local market, and have a live product in the market, demonstrating early traction and product-market fit.

Applications open September 10, 2024 and close September 25, 2024, and the application link is https://ncair.nitda.gov.ng/aifund/

The selection process will focus on identifying startups that not only have innovative AI solutions but also the potential for significant impact and scalability. Successful applicants will be announced in October 2024.

The fund represents a unique opportunity to gain access to world-class resources, mentorship, and networks that can accelerate their growth and amplify their impact.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/11/ncair-google-launch-n100m-ai-fund-to-empower-nigerian-startups/feed/ 0
How to Choose the Best Online Payment App for Your Business https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/09/how-to-choose-the-best-online-payment-app-for-your-business/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/09/how-to-choose-the-best-online-payment-app-for-your-business/#respond Sun, 08 Sep 2024 23:20:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1011417

In today’s digital era, businesses of all sizes are increasingly adopting online payment apps to facilitate seamless transactions. From small startups to large enterprises, everyone is on the lookout for payment solutions that are secure, user-friendly, and cost-effective. But with a plethora of options available, how do you choose the best online payment app for your business? This article provides a detailed guide on selecting the right payment app, considering the various features, security measures, and pricing models that suit your business needs.

Why Online Payment Apps Are Essential for Your Business

Online payment apps are not just a convenience but a necessity in today’s fast-paced business environment. These apps enable businesses to:

Facilitate Quick Transactions: Reduce the waiting time for payments, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Expand Market Reach: Allow businesses to cater to a global audience by supporting multiple currencies and payment methods.

Improve Cash Flow: Ensure timely payments and better cash flow management.

Enhance Security: Protect sensitive customer data with advanced encryption and fraud detection mechanisms.

Key Features to Look for in an Online Payment App

When choosing an online payment app, it’s essential to consider features that align with your business needs. Here are some key features to look out for:

1. Security and Fraud Prevention

The safety of transactions is paramount when it comes to online payments. Look for apps that offer robust security features such as encryption, tokenization, two-factor authentication, and real-time fraud detection. Payment apps like Payomatix provide advanced anti-fraud measures, ensuring your transactions are secure.

2. Ease of Integration

Choose a payment app that integrates smoothly with your existing systems, such as your e-commerce platform, CRM, or accounting software. This will streamline operations and reduce the need for manual interventions. Many apps offer APIs and plugins that make integration easy and seamless.

3. Multi-Currency Support

If your business caters to an international audience, select an app that supports multiple currencies and cross-border transactions. This feature allows you to offer localized payment options, improving customer experience and reducing cart abandonment rates.

4. Transaction Fees and Pricing Model

Understand the fee structure of the payment app, including transaction fees, setup fees, and any other hidden charges. Some apps offer flat fees per transaction, while others charge a percentage of the transaction amount. Evaluate which pricing model aligns with your business’s financial goals.

5. User Experience and Interface

A user-friendly interface is crucial for both your customers and your internal team. Choose a payment app with an intuitive design, easy navigation, and quick access to all functionalities. The smoother the user experience, the higher the chances of completing transactions without any hitches.

6. Mobile Payment Capabilities

With the surge in mobile commerce, it’s vital to select a payment app that offers a mobile-optimized experience. Ensure the app supports mobile payments, such as UPI, QR code payments, and tap-and-pay features.

Best Online Payment Apps for Businesses in India

Here are some of the best online payment apps in India that offer a blend of features, security, and user experience:

1. Razorpay

Razorpay is a popular choice among businesses for its extensive range of features, including automated reconciliation, multi-currency support, and recurring payment options. It is known for its ease of integration and seamless checkout experience.

2. Paytm for Business

Paytm for Business offers a holistic payment solution, from UPI payments to QR code payments. It also includes features like same-day settlements, merchant lending, and integration with multiple platforms.

3. Google Pay

Google Pay provides a simple, easy-to-use platform for businesses to accept UPI payments. It offers excellent security features, such as two-factor authentication, and is popular among users for its fast and secure transactions.

4. PhonePe

PhonePe is another versatile online payment app that supports multiple payment methods, including UPI, credit/debit cards, and wallets. It is known for its reliability and speed, making it a preferred choice for many businesses.

5. Payomatix

Payomatix stands out as a comprehensive payment gateway solution that offers unique features like multi-MID allocation, intelligent routing, and anti-fraud measures. It caters to businesses looking for seamless integration and enhanced security features to handle both domestic and international payments.

Tips for Choosing the Right Payment App

To select the best online payment app for your business, consider the following tips:

Identify Your Needs: Understand your business requirements, including the volume of transactions, customer base, and preferred payment methods.

Evaluate Costs: Consider both the direct and indirect costs of using the payment app. Opt for an app that offers a reasonable pricing structure and aligns with your budget.

Test User Experience: Before finalizing, test the app to assess its ease of use, speed, and overall user experience.

Check Reviews and Ratings: Research online reviews and ratings to get an idea of the app’s performance and reliability from other users.

Ensure Compliance: Verify that the payment app complies with local regulations, such as RBI guidelines in India, to avoid any legal complications.


Choosing the best online payment app is crucial for enhancing your business’s payment process and ensuring customer satisfaction. While apps like Razorpay, Paytm, and Google Pay offer various features, Payomatix provides a unique, secure, and integrated payment solution tailored to meet diverse business needs. Evaluate your requirements, consider the key features, and choose an app that provides the right balance between cost, security, and user experience.

By selecting the right online payment app, you can simplify transactions, build customer trust, and ultimately drive your business growth in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/09/how-to-choose-the-best-online-payment-app-for-your-business/feed/ 0
ITU Insists on Proper Use of Radio-frequency Spectrum for Effective Global Regulation https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/itu-insists-on-proper-use-of-radio-frequency-spectrum-for-effective-global-regulation/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/itu-insists-on-proper-use-of-radio-frequency-spectrum-for-effective-global-regulation/#respond Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:37:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009357

Emma Okonji

​​Following the increasing demand for spectrum licenses from various countries of the world, Nigeria inclusive, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the United Nations specialised agency for regulating global Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), has released an updated version of the ITU Radio Regulations, which is the international treaty governing the global use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. 

According to the global regulatory body, the released 2024 e​dition of the ITU Radio Regulations, which takes effect from January 1, 2025, is the result of a four-year process that culminated in four weeks of negotiations during the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), hosted last year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

The ITU Radio Regulations govern the global use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits for all radio services, systems and applications, including fixed and mobile broadband, satellite systems, sound and TV broadcasting, radionavigation, meteorological monitoring and prediction, space research and earth exploration, amateur radio services and others. 

Giving details of the regulatory document, ITU Secretary-General, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, said: “The 2024 edition of the Radio Regulations marks a significant milestone in the world of technology.  

“As technological progress advances and the demand for spectrum grows, the international treaty continues to evolve to accommodate new radiocommunication services and applications, minimize interference between services, and ensure equitable access to this essential resource.” 

The treaty serves as the cornerstone of international radio frequency management, ensuring that spectrum allocations keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape and meet the needs of modern communication systems. 

Treaty provisions also direct how radio equipment and systems must operate to ensure efficient and effective coexistence among various services worldwide and anywhere in space, optimising the usage of today’s increasingly crowded airwaves. 

The 2024 Radio Regulations identifies new spectrum resources to support technological innovation, deepen global connectivity, increase access to and equitable use of space-based radio resources, and enhance safety at sea, in the air, and on land. 

Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, Mario Maniewicz, said: “The updated Radio Regulations is the result of hard-won agreements reached at WRC-23 and a testament to the unwavering spirit of cooperation and compromise among all of our members to negotiate timely changes to the international treaty.

 “The updated treaty provides a framework for national spectrum management that aligns with international standards and guarantees the stable, predictable regulatory environment that is essential for the development of innovative radiocommunication services for all.” 

Global regulation of the radio spectrum began with the signing of the first International Radio Telegraph Convention in Berlin on  November 3, 1906 after 30 states came together and agreed on key maritime communications and safety provisions and established ‘SOS’ as a globally recognised distress signal. 

Since then, the Radio Regulations have evolved into a four-volume treaty of more than 2,000 pages. The treaty establishes the rights and obligations of ITU’s 193 member states, Nigeria inclusive, and now covers more than 40 different radiocommunication services, spanning frequencies from 8.3 kilohertz (kHz) to 3000 gigahertz (GHz). 

The ITU Radio Regulations facilitate equitable access to and rational use of the radio-frequency spectrum and geostationary satellite orbits, both globally shared and limited natural resources. It supports the efficient and effective operation of all radiocommunication services; and, as necessary, facilitates the introduction and regulation of new radiocommunication services and technologies. 

The international coordination mechanisms enshrined in the ITU-managed treaty promote its objective to ensure the availability of the frequencies provided for distress and safety communications and help prevent or resolve cases of harmful interference between the radio services of different administrations. 

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/itu-insists-on-proper-use-of-radio-frequency-spectrum-for-effective-global-regulation/feed/ 0
How UrbanID Is Revolutionising Global Identity Management Systems  https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/how-urbanid-is-revolutionising-global-identity-management-systems/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/how-urbanid-is-revolutionising-global-identity-management-systems/#respond Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:05:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009676

As the world grapples with economic development and humanitarian challenges, one company has been leading with tech solutions that focus on implementing next generation digital identity systems to assist nations navigate the challenges.  

Identity Ecosystem

In today’s globalised world, a country’s identity system has, without a doubt, taken a pivotal role in the nation’s continued sovereign existence and as a result the identity system has become one of the most significant and therefore valued national infrastructures of a nation. Whether for security, humanitarian action, for national economic planning or for international networking in the comity of nations, the identity system of a country has become the yardstick on which to tell a nation’s focus on development and humanitarian policies.        

While a robust identity ecosystem has been recognised as a key backbone upon which a country springs to socio-economic development, the United Nations describes legal identity as the basic characteristics of an individual’s identity such as name, sex, place and date of birth conferred through registration and the issuance of a certificate by an authorised civil registration authority following the occurrence of birth.

Revolutionising Identity Management

As nations look to implement digital identity systems in line with global best practices, there are quite a few unique organisations offering technologies and solutions that assist countries to establish robust digital identity ecosystems. One of these organisations whose solutions are enabling the implementation of digital identity ecosystems for countries across the world is UrbanID.

Nigeria is renowned for producing technology specialists whose tech feats lead the way and break new grounds. Just as Philip Emeagwali, is reputed as the inventor of the world’s fastest computer, the brain behind UrbanID, which offers tech solutions that are shaping digital identity ecosystems globally is Nigerian-born Olatunji Durodola, who, for nearly three decades has made unmatched contributions to the tech industry yet with little noise about his contributions.    

UrbanID’s global presence is testament to the versatility and robustness of its technology solutions. Founded nearly three decades ago, and operating out of the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, UrbanID has proven time and again with proof of concept that became reality that the identity of individuals can be managed in a secure, safe and yet easily accessible environment by governments or other stakeholders when necessary.

UrbanID wears its trademark in such a manner that builds and reinforces trust and confidence, and this it has exemplified with its state-of-the-art suites of technology services delivery to very high profile clients, particularly countries in Asia, the Middle East and Africa in the last 25 years. 

According to Durodola, founder of UrbanID, “UrbanID is proud to present state-of-the-art digital identity solutions and products for the developing world, with specific emphasis on Africa and South-East Asia, focusing on their unique identity management challenges. In a world where a person’s identity needs to be secure, trusted and protected, UrbanID comes with over 30 years of experience in the mobile landscape and bears a passion for solving problems that only Africans know best to resolve.”

The Footprints

With its footprints well established both directly and through a couple of subsidiaries in countries like the UAE, the UK, Nigeria, Estonia, Rwanda and still counting, UrbanID prides itself as an IT company with a difference, which offers a wide range of exceptional services that cut across various sectors thereby enabling the global economy. Over the years, the company has committed itself to providing guaranteed world-class digital identity solutions in a disruptive yet highly efficient manner. 

“In a world where identity theft and protection of data are subjects of immense and intense debates and concern to nations, institutions, security agencies, the financial industry and corporates globally; UrbanID has set for itself the onerous task to ensure that its clients adopt ‘digitalisation as a process which eliminates the social barriers that prevent complete individual growth and equal participation of all citizens in a country’s political, economic and social structures’, Durodola further said. 

Identity Management Solutions

Consequently, building technology infrastructures with robust and disruptive Digital Identity ecosystem for the world across borders with mutual recognition, in the thinking of UrbanID, is a bouquet that includes:

Identity Management

In nearly three decades of outstanding tech solutions experience, the company has paved the way as a leading provider of most secure and robust identity management solutions to governments, large enterprises and non-profit organisations across regions of the world. 

Identity Tokenisation

UrbanID is celebrated for spearheading and creating the unique tokenization tech solution which provides one-of-its kind service that strengthens and enhances the security of end-user data protection and protects personally identifiable information (PII).

Public Key Infrastructure

Perhaps in one area where the company has impacted identity management across emerging economies most is in providing services and expertise in public key infrastructure (PKI) that assist governments secure their information systems, databases and operations. Eliminating the phenomenon of ghost has stood out UrbanID thus endearing it to governments at both national and sub-national levels.

User Consent Management

Complementary to tackling the issue of ghost workers and other leakages in organisations is the important component of its identity management system suite. UrbanID equally prides itself as a User Content Management service provider; and, it offers a wide range of ID verification products, along with user content management services for government-issued IDs.

These complex and highly technology-driven suites of ID solutions offered by UrbanID are a sure proof of the tenacity of its founding, a proof of one man’s resilience and years of total commitment to the promotion of best practices in ICT focused on assisting governments secure their most prized asset: the citizens’ identity records and databases. Speaking on why the company places great emphasis on user consent for personal information especially for Africans, Durodola said:

“The identity of a Nigerian or any African, for that matter, is no less important than that of a European. Enterprises are therefore encouraged to value citizens’ personal information higher than bundles of money in a bank account.

“Our world-class disruptive technology seeks to simplify the process (yet retain the integrity) of the importance of ensuring that any verification entity obtains an ID holder’s explicit Consent to verify their identity, with immutable proof of such an approval and what was done. 

 “We emphasise that simply signing a piece of paper ‘I approve’ or clicking on a button ‘I consent’ falls way below any set industry standards for a full value chain of who did what, when and from where, with a citizen’s personal information, and, this is what UrbanID is about: Zero Knowledge Proof,” Durodola stressed.

The Journey 

UrbanID is synonymous with the life-long journey in the world of IT of the highly talented Nigerian, Olatunji Durodola who also founded the company’s subsidiary, CommonIdentity Ltd in Nigeria in 2017 with a clear mandate to serve as an Identity Management Consulting and Software Development firm. Thus, his company is focused on Digital Identity Solutions for Governments of developing nations with Nigeria as the starting point.

With growth and the need to reach the larger world, in 2021, CommonIdentity Ltd was acquired by UrbanID Global and it currently controls 51 per cent equity stake in the new company. Part of the outcome of the acquisition was to restructure and focus on consumer based Identity Solutions. This narrative was based on the earlier accomplishment of having developed Africa’s first and only MobileID ecosystem with around 20 million downloads, and still counting.

Today, another UrbanID subsidiary is a Nigerian outfit called TruID Ltd with focus on Enterprise-based Identity Management solutions. UrbanID holds another 51 per cent stake in this start-up. 

UrbanID’s Commitment

Speaking about UrbanID’s commitment, Durodola said: “Our Patented Tokenisation Technology is being used in the largest Identity Database in Africa, to provide enhanced data protection and privacy to all ID holders. Our passion is to reduce the proliferation of personal data in so many disparate and insecure databases in developing economies.

“To insure this, we use state-of-the-art hardware, hand-picked and custom-built by our engineers and computer scientists, who have decades of experience in Enhanced Data Privacy, development of open standards, hardware and bespoke software development solutions.  

“From the Graphic Processing Units (GPUs), to the high-performance CPUs, to the highly secure Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), to our optimised custom Linux Kernel, we are very proud of our work to put the developing world in particular at the pinnacle of innovation and creativity,” Durodola explained. 


Durodola’s towering accomplishments in developing some of the globally renowned IT solutions leading some of today’s Identity Solutions in various countries through his companies are making the difference in the identity management systems in several countries including Nigeria. His ingenuity in the tech space has some foundations worth mentioning. As far back as the 1980s, Durodola developed the world’s first mobile version of the London Underground Tube Map for the Psion Organiser II. He also collaborated with W & R Chambers to develop the first electronic version of the Official Scrabble Word Dictionary. Similarly, Durodola participated in developing Palmtop work for the Hewlett-Packard Company, in Portland, Oregon, USA. And since 2012, he has been involved in creating some of the most outstanding Identity products for the Nigerian government. 

UrbanID is a critical success factor in the development of Africa’s best, largest and unarguably, most reliable identity management systems. Assisting the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), and seeing the monumental gains the Nigerian state has made in enrolling over 120 million citizens with National Identification Number (NIN), as well as designing the most recent Polycarbonate Card, which manages a robust, easy to use Mobile Digital ID Card are some of Durodola’s accomplishments even as he continues to innovate with a mind-set to evolve and create new tech solutions in the global digital identity space.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/how-urbanid-is-revolutionising-global-identity-management-systems/feed/ 0
Quartey: Direct Selling Model Will Enhance Nigeria’s Economy https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/quartey-direct-selling-model-will-enhance-nigerias-economy/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/quartey-direct-selling-model-will-enhance-nigerias-economy/#comments Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:04:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009503

Senior Legal Counsel, sub-Saharan Africa at QNET, Theodocia Naana Quartey, speaks about the technology behind the QNET’s direct selling model, and its commitment to boost the Nigerian market and economy. Emma Okonji presents the excerpts:   

What is the significance of the product exhibition organised by QNET in Lekki, Lagos last week?

We have noticed that a lot of people know the company QNET but they are not very familiar with our lifestyle and wellness products.

This particular product exhibition is to open up our products to individuals, especially those in Lagos. I came to Lagos and I realised that clean water is an issue in some parts of Lagos and this has compelled people to question the source of the water before taking it. And so there is need for water purifier in Lagos, which is one of the products we are showcasing in Lagos.  

However, like we said, people all over the world, use different gadgets, both for domestic use and personal use and some of the gadgets could be harmful to human health because some of them emit electromagnetic waves that could harm the human body. The gadgets are necessary evils, so we have to use them, but if a company has products that can keep people safe while using the harmful gadgets, I think it is something we should let everybody know about. So the significance of the product exhibition is to create the awareness that we have products that can keep people safe, while using gadgets that could be harmful to the human body.

Tell us about QNET

QNET is a lifestyle and wellness company, using the direct selling model of marketing. We have a wide range of products that we sell on our e-commerce platform, which means that all our products are sold solely online. You will not find any product of QNET in a retail shop, at least not yet. We have a network marketing arm, which ensures that individuals that are interested in building businesses out of our products, promote our products, and are able to earn commissions from product sales. The commissions come when they are able to promote products and promote further purchases. Commissions are made only when products are purchased by individuals who are introduced to the products of the company. QNET was established in 1998 in Hong Kong. 

We currently have our headquarters in Hong Kong and our operational office in Malaysia. We operate in over 25 countries, and we have various partnership and agency agreements with several other companies. 

Could you highlight some of the key activities and initiatives QNET has undertaken in Nigeria recently?

In recent times, we have engaged in product exhibitions. Last year, we had product exhibitions in Lagos and Abuja. The exhibitions brought to the fore, what the company is about, the product of the company, and many more. We have engaged in educational campaigns with several other institutions.

We currently have a running agreement with the Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour where we have educated some youth in the labour market on how to detect fake job offers from real ones, equipping them with the necessary knowledge about the market. Our company has a soft spot for the disadvantaged in the society. Through our Rythm Foundation, which is a corporate social responsibility initiative, we have engaged in FinGreen, which is our financial literacy education programme, targeted at empowering youths on various financial literacy skills to make them financially independent. 

Can you tell us more about FinGreen?

FinGreen is a financial literacy programme where young people are equipped with financial literacy skills to be able to make some money for themselves and become financially independent. For the past two years, we have had these engagements with over 1,300 youth.

The beneficiaries of the financial literacy programme, who are now FinGreen ambassadors, are always celebrated on their graduation ceremonies where we charge them to remain good ambassadors of FinGreen, while training other Nigerians on financial literacy skills, through their various social media networks.

Currently, we are running the ‘Say No’ campaign, which is a campaign that seeks to prevent the proliferation of job and travel scams, telling people exactly what the company stands for and what it doesn’t stand for.

We have also carried out periodic donations during Ramadan celebration and more in various parts of the country. 

Why is QNET doing all that?

We are doing all these because we love people. The founders of QNET have a soft spot for elevating youth from poverty. We are trying to move people from poverty into a state where they can fend for themselves and help raise others. Our Rythm actually means Raise Yourself to Help Mankind. So our founders found it absolutely necessary to show people, especially young people, how to lift themselves up from poverty and then make something good of themselves and then affect the entirety of the community.

You just talked about the ‘Say No’ campaign. How many countries are you running the campaign and what has been the impact on people since the campaign started? 

Currently, we are running the ‘Say No’ campaign in three countries. Just last month, we launched another campaign, ‘QNET Against Scam’, in Ghana.

The impact we have had so far is that we have now been able to engage stakeholders who have wider coverage like the International Organisation for Migration. We are also talking to the Ghana High Commission in Nigeria, and we are in talks with the Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour. What we are doing actually, is to protect the ordinary youth on the street who would hitherto have fallen victim to a scam by some individuals that are out there, seeking to swindle others.

Transblue has been QNET’s legal representative in Nigeria since 2022. How has the journey been so far? 

The journey has been fantastic so far. Transblue has offered us a platform where we are able to reach the Nigerian market. Now, through their innovation and through their partnership, we have been able to reach the ordinary Nigerian.

They have given us ideas on how Nigeria works. Our partnership has made QNET a local company in Nigeria. Transblue has also ensured that taxes including VATs, are paid on time.

Transblue has also ensured that the issues of independent representatives on the ground are catered for on time. They have ensured the registration of all our products and product certificates. And this has been very helpful. 

Can you tell us a bit about the QNET business model? 

As I said earlier, we use the direct selling model, which in its simplest form, is word of mouth. We use spoken words from the mouth to promote QNET’s products.

If I use a QNET product like the eGuard, which is yet to be introduced into the Nigerian market, if I use this product, which protects me from radioactive waves, and I think it is fantastic, I will reach out to people and tell them that I have used the product and that the product is very efficient and extremely good. This is the direct selling model that QNET adopted and it has been very efficient. Direct selling model is the best selling model globally, and it is beneficial to all.

Aside benefiting from the efficacy of this product, people can earn good commission when the product is sold and purchased with their reference number. This is what the direct selling is all about, which is door to door business.  Through this method, the products move from the manufacturer straight to the consumer cutting out all the middlemen that could attract additional cost. And then the network marketing aspect is where people are able to make money for purchasing and for introducing the products to be purchased by others.

QNET is unique from other direct selling businesses because is purely online. So, you will not find a QNET independent representative stocking up products to resell. 

If anybody is introduced to the product, the person is able to purchase the product directly from QNET, and then QNET sends it to its stock office like Transblue, where the individual is able to pick up the products right from its source, whether from Germany, from Malaysia, from Hong Kong, or any other part of the world. 

Still on direct selling method, research has proven that direct selling is the best method of selling products. Since you adopted the method, how has it impacted QNET’s business?

Let me talk about the direct selling industry in general. It has been in existence for over 100 years and it is the fastest growing method of sales globally. You know why? The reason is that anybody from all walks of life can sell the products.  You can be a Banker or a Lawyer or a Fashion Designer and be engaged in direct selling. Whatever the occupation that people are into, they can still add direct selling to what they do.

The impact cannot be overemphasised. Buyers and end-users get their products directly from the manufacturer. It gives multiple streams of income to individuals. Anyone can do the direct selling irrespective of the educational background because it doesn’t require certain level of education.  All you need is your keen sense of marketing and the ability to learn fast. If you are able to learn about the product and you are able to market the product, then direct selling is for you. 

How is QNET leveraging technology to deliver its service?

All our products are highly technologically based. But what we have done to make it easy for individuals to participate in our business, was to develop the QNET app that allows people to interact easily with us. The QNET app allows users to have their business in their pockets. With the app, the users can have everything they need as their tools to learn about the QNET products. Whatever information they need about QNET, such as the policies and procedures, including everything they need to know about QNET, are all embedded in the QNET app. People can go to the Apple store, and they can go to the app gallery on Huawei and they will find the QNET app there.

How does QNET envision its role in creating product awareness in Nigeria, using the direct selling method? 

This is a start. We are starting with the introduction of our products, letting people know what our products do, and how our products can help them.

As we advance in our product awareness creation, we are relying on media to take the message out there, because we know very well that definitely questions are going to come from the public that desire to purchase and use our products. Transblue offices are accessible to everyone and as these things happen, and as what we are hoping for happens, we know that the products will spread far to reach out to more people over there.

The ordinary Nigerian on the street will have access to our products and the products are everyday products. So, we envisage staying in Nigeria for a very long time.

What message would you like to convey about QNET’s commitment to Nigerians? 

The message is clear. We are committed to our Rythm. We are committed to raising ourselves to help mankind. Whatever it takes to help mankind, we will do it in Nigeria and in other countries where we operate.

Whatever it takes to help the Nigerian market, we will do it. We are relying on our collaboration with everyone, with state agencies, including government at the federal level and we are hoping that the partnerships that we have established will open doors, and even bigger doors for Nigerians, especially the youth.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/quartey-direct-selling-model-will-enhance-nigerias-economy/feed/ 1
BOI Expresses Confidence in Imose Technologies’ Laptops, Smart Devices https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/boi-expresses-confidence-in-imose-technologies-laptops-smart-devices/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/boi-expresses-confidence-in-imose-technologies-laptops-smart-devices/#respond Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:04:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009679

Emma Okonji 

Bank of Industry (BOI) has expressed confidence in the quality of digital products that are produced from the Lagos factory of Imose Technologies. 

This is as the bank assured the Lagos-based local manufacturer of Imose Zedon X-Pro laptops, mobile phones and tablets, of its support to boost the local manufacturing of Imose brands of laptops, tablets and mobile phones in Nigeria.

The support is in line with the Executive Order 003 of the federal government that seeks to promote local manufacturing and local content development in Nigeria. 

The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Industry, Dr. Olasupo Olusi, gave the assurance on Tuesday, when he led a team from BOI on facility inspection tour of Imose Technologies assembly factory in Lekki, Lagos.

In line with its six thematic areas for economic growth and development impact namely, SMEs, youth and skills, digital economy, infrastructure, climate and gender, the BOI provided N2 billion loan facility to Imose Technologies in 2023 to expand its operations. The facility tour was therefore aimed at reviewing the organisation’s progress since receiving the facility last year. 

“I want to assure you that BOI is committed to standing side by side with Imose Technologies to ensure that the company’s value chain is further developed. We believe that it is by developing the value chain that we can also contribute to your own growth and also job creation in this country. So, I look forward to seeing the great factory shop where you produce all these fantastic devices,” Olusi said on arrival for the facility tour. He expressed happiness that Imose Technologies currently has over 250 distributors across the country, adding that such milestone shows that the company has very strong support for medium and small businesses, which he said was a major and most significant part of the mandate given to BOI to establish.

“This is one of the institutions that BOI loves to support. We’ve been supporting them through loan facilities and it’s great to see their trajectory of growth and development over the last 10 years, which is amazing. BOI will patronise their products, boost local content development and see to the growth of the technology company,” Olusi further said.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman and Founder, Imose Technologies, Mr. Osayi Izedonmwen appreciated the BOI for its support and stated that the facility from BOI had fuelled the company’s growth.

 “Our staff strength has grown from less than 100 to over 200, 48 per cent of which are women, and that is in line with the BOI thematic areas. We are also focused on providing products that support education. Today, Imose Technologies is the largest local manufacturer of educational tablets and laptops which compete favourably with international brands.

“In addition, we have built a wide distribution network and several service centres across the country to stay close to our customers and provide warranty support and after-sales service; that is why we are on track to produce and sell over 500,000 devices within the next calendar year,” Izedonmwen said.

In his response, Olusi described Imose Technologies as a great Nigerian story which the BOI is very proud to be associated with.

“Imose Technologies is the Nigerian dream. I am fascinated by its story of success, resilience and focus on impact.

“Female employment, digital technology and transformation, a wide distribution network that shows strong support for MSMEs, and a focus on youth development through education check four of the six thematic areas of the BOI. This shows that we are in alignment,” the BOI boss said. 

Imose Technologies commenced operation a decade ago with its flagship IM-10 Desktop GSM Phone. After two years, it expanded its product line to include the Omotab, an educational tablet for children which has now become a market leader in the educational tablet space. The company’s products have further expanded and now include Swag 1s Pro, Waka 1s Pro, Sabi+, Padi II, MyGee and MyGee+, feature phones, Bam III and Sempe smartphones, Omotab 2 and Omotab educational tablets, Opor and X3 tablets, M022 MiFi, R0516 Router, IM-10i and IM-10D Pro desktop phones.

In 2023, the indigenous technology company opened its first assembly factory at the Benin Technical College in Edo State. With the BOI’s intervention, the second factory was opened in Lagos at the beginning of 2024. Both assembly factories can produce up to 1 million smart devices and laptops annually.

Imose Technologies is also certified by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) licensed to design, develop, manufacture, assemble, and sell smart devices and laptops in Nigeria.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/boi-expresses-confidence-in-imose-technologies-laptops-smart-devices/feed/ 0
UrbanID Set to Revolutionise Global Identity Management Systems https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/urbanid-set-to-revolutionise-global-identity-management-systems/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/urbanid-set-to-revolutionise-global-identity-management-systems/#comments Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:00:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009359

Emma Okonji

UrbanID, a technology solutions company with focus on implementing next generation digital identity systems to assist nations navigate the challenges, has reiterated its commitment to offer technology solutions that will assist countries to establish robust digital identity ecosystems.

The brain behind UrbanID, which offers tech solutions that are shaping digital identity ecosystems globally, is Nigerian-born Olatunji Durodola, who, for nearly three decades has made unmatched contributions to the tech industry.    

“In a world where identity theft and protection of data are subjects of immense and intense debates and concern to nations, institutions, security agencies, the financial industry and corporates globally; UrbanID has set for itself the onerous task to ensure that its clients adopt digitalisation as a process, which eliminates the social barriers that prevent complete individual growth and equal participation of all citizens in a country’s political, economic and social structures,” says Durodola, founder of UrbanID.

According to him, “UrbanID is proud to present state-of-the-art digital identity solutions and products for the developing world, with specific emphasis on Africa and South-East Asia, focusing on their unique identity management challenges. In a world where a person’s identity needs to be secure, trusted and protected, UrbanID comes with over 30 years of experience in the mobile landscape and bears a passion for solving problems that only Africans know best to resolve.”

He added: “We are building the technology infrastructure of a robust and disruptive Digital Identity ecosystem for the world across borders with mutual recognition, while offering solutions that are crafted in strict compliance with our mission to empower individuals, strengthen communities, and foster inclusive citizenship services through a secure and innovative digital identity ecosystem.”

With its footprints well established both directly and through a couple of subsidiaries in countries like the UAE, the UK, Nigeria, Estonia, and Rwanda UrbanID prides itself as an IT company with a difference, which offers a wide range of exceptional services that cut across various sectors thereby enabling the global economy.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/05/urbanid-set-to-revolutionise-global-identity-management-systems/feed/ 1
BOI, Imose Technologies Set to Boost Local Content Development https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/boi-imose-technologies-set-to-boost-local-content-development/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/boi-imose-technologies-set-to-boost-local-content-development/#respond Wed, 04 Sep 2024 02:38:11 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009344

Emma Okonji

The Bank of Industry (BOI) has assured Imose Technologies, a Lagos-based local manufacturer of Imose Zedon X-Pro laptops, mobile phones and tablets of its support to boost the local manufacturing of Imose brands of laptops, tablets and mobile phones in Nigeria.

The support is in line with the Executive Order 003 of the federal government that seeks to promote local manufacturing and local content development in Nigeria.

The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Industry, Dr. Olasupo Olusi, gave the assurance yesterday, when he led a team from BOI on a facility inspection tour of Imose Technologies assembly factory in Lekki, Lagos.

In line with its six thematic areas for economic growth and development impact namely, SMEs, youth and skills, digital economy, infrastructure, climate and gender, the BOI provided N2 billion loan facility to Imose Technologies in 2023 to expand its operations.

The facility tour was therefore aimed at reviewing the organisation’s progress since receiving the facility last year.

Olusi further said: “I want to assure you that BOI is committed to standing side by side with Imose Technologies to ensure that the company’s value chain is further developed.

“We believe that it is by developing the value chain that we can also contribute to your own growth and also job creation in this country. So, I look forward to seeing the great factory shop where you produce all these fantastic devices.”

Olusi who spoke on arrival for the facility tour expressed happiness that Imose Technologies currently has over 250 distributors across the country, adding that such milestones show that the company has very strong support for medium and small businesses, which he said was a major and most significant part of the mandate given to BOI to establish.

“This is one of the institutions that BOI loves to support. We’ve been supporting them through loan facilities and it’s great to see their trajectory of growth and development over the last 10 years, which is amazing.

“BOI will patronise their products, boost local content development and see to the growth of the technology company,” he added.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman and Founder, Imose Technologies, Mr. Osayi Izedonmwen, appreciated the BOI for its support and stated that the facility from BOI had fueled the company’s growth.

“In 2023, Imose Technologies, an indigenous technology company opened its first assembly factory at the Benin Technical College in Edo State. With the BOI’s intervention, the second factory was opened in Lagos at the beginning of 2024. Both assembly factories can produce up to one million smart devices and laptops annually,” Izedonmwen said.

He called on the government to support indigenous brands like Imose Technologies that are committing billions to manufacturing of local products that meet the needs of Nigerians and creating jobs for Nigerians.

As local manufacturers, our competitors are foreign brands that get support from their countries. We the local manufacturers of digital devices in Nigeria also need government support to compete favourably, Izedonmwen further said.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/boi-imose-technologies-set-to-boost-local-content-development/feed/ 0
T33 Academy Empowers Next Generation of Live Production Professionals  https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/t33-academy-empowers-next-generation-of-live-production-professionals/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/t33-academy-empowers-next-generation-of-live-production-professionals/#respond Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:59:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009474

T33 Academy, the premier institution for education in live production, has announce the commencement of its latest cohort. 

With a mission to push the boundaries of creativity and equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the entertainment industry, T33 Academy continues to be a beacon for aspiring professionals looking to go ‘Beyond Limits’. 

The new cohort represents a significant achievement as T33 Academy continues to expand its reach and influence in live production education. The academy offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for real-world challenges through hands-on experience and cutting-edge technology. Students will learn from seasoned industry professionals, gaining invaluable insights into the latest trends, techniques, and tools shaping the future of live production.  

“This program offers a life-changing opportunity for young Nigerians to develop high-demand skills in the live production industry,” said Chichi Nwoko, CEO of WHAT Media Group, the visionary force behind T33 Academy. “We are passionate about empowering our youth and providing them with a platform to succeed in sports and entertainment production.” 

Key hghlights of the new cohort include:

Wide Reach Across Nigeria; Elite Training by Industry Leaders; Exclusive Opportunity for Top Performers; and Pathway to Professional Success: 

T33 Academy is excited to announce that applications are now open to aspiring trainees from 20 states across Nigeria. 

Elite Training by Industry Leaders: 

Selected candidates will receive hands-on training delivered by some of the most respected professionals in the live production industry, ensuring they gain practical, real-world skills. 

Exclusive Opportunity for Top Performers: The highest-achieving trainees will be rewarded with an all-expenses-paid trip to T33 Academy’s training facility in Ikenne. This intensive, week-long program includes advanced training, with transportation, accommodation, and meals fully covered. 

Pathway to Professional Success: Upon graduation, successful trainees will have the opportunity to join the prestigious Team33 production team, leveraging their newly acquired skills for further career development and earning potential. 

“We are committed to providing hands-on experience and ensuring our trainees are well-prepared to excel in live production,” Chichi Nwoko added. “Through our partnerships with industry leaders, including the Bet9ja Foundation, we are setting a new standard for live production in Nigeria.”  

Commenting on the partnership, Ada Cuomo, VP and Trustee of the Bet9ja Foundation, stated: “We are pleased to announce Bet9ja Foundation’s partnership with T33 Academy to train students across Nigeria in live television production, focusing on both sports and entertainment. At Bet9ja Foundation, we believe in the power of education and skill development as a catalyst for change. This initiative reflects our commitment to empowering the youth of Nigeria with the practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of live production. By supporting this program, we aim to not only enhance the employability of young Nigerians but also contribute to building a stronger and more vibrant creative industry in our country. We look forward to seeing the incredible impact this training will have on the participants and, ultimately, on our nation.” 

T33 Academy’s training program is not only focused on immediate opportunities but also on building a skilled workforce capable of filling the growing demand in live sports and entertainment production. The initiative aims to support local talent across Nigeria, creating job opportunities and boosting the industry’s overall capacity. 

 Enrollment for the new cohort is now open. Prospective students are encouraged to apply early, as spaces are limited. 

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/t33-academy-empowers-next-generation-of-live-production-professionals/feed/ 0
How Reliance Health and Platos Health are Transforming Diabetes Care for Nigerians https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/how-reliance-health-and-platos-health-are-transforming-diabetes-care-for-nigerians/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/how-reliance-health-and-platos-health-are-transforming-diabetes-care-for-nigerians/#respond Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:28:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009466

In a significant move to enhance the lives of Nigerians living with diabetes, Reliance Health, the company behind Reliance HMO in Nigeria, and Platos Health have successfully completed a pilot study demonstrating the transformative impact of innovative health tech solutions on chronic disease management. This collaboration highlights the power of technology to empower individuals to take charge of their health while achieving substantial cost savings.

The study set out to evaluate the effectiveness and economic benefits of Platos, a virtual platform for chronic disease management, for Reliance HMO enrollees. The results reveal a promising future for diabetes care in Nigeria, with notable health improvements and cost reductions.

Key outcomes from the study include:

● Notable Improvement in Blood Sugar Levels: Over 12 weeks (about 3 months) of treatment, participants saw an average reduction of approximately 12% in fasting blood sugar levels, a critical factor in managing diabetes effectively.

● Significant Reduction in Insulin Usage: The total insulin required to maintain blood sugar control dropped by about 15%, from 94 IU to 80 IU. This reduction is particularly impressive, with two participants achieving a remarkable 43% and 20% decrease in insulin use, respectively. The decreased need for insulin translates to estimated savings of over N88,000 for both the insurance provider and its enrollees during the three months under review.

These outcomes underscore the positive impact of integrating advanced health tech solutions into chronic disease management. By leveraging the virtual platform provided by Platos Health, Reliance Health enrollees were able to achieve better health outcomes with fewer resources, enhancing their quality of life while reducing healthcare costs.

Dr. Ugochi Nwosu, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services, Reliance Health, remarked: “This pilot study demonstrates the incredible potential of technology to improve patient health outcomes and reduce costs. We are proud to partner with Platos Health to bring such impactful solutions to our enrollees.”

Platos Health’s Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Itopa Jimoh, added: “We are delighted to see the positive changes in the lives of Reliance HMO enrollees. Our mission is to make effective chronic disease management accessible to everyone, and this study reinforces the value of our platform in achieving that goal.”

This successful pilot study not only showcases the effectiveness of Platos Health’s platform but also highlights the commitment of Reliance Health to invest in innovative solutions that empower individuals and transform healthcare delivery in Nigeria. Together, these companies are paving the way for a healthier, more cost-effective future.

About Reliance Health: Reliance Health is a leading health tech company providing innovative healthcare solutions to individuals and organizations. Through its health insurance plans, telemedicine services, and a network of healthcare providers, Reliance Health is committed to making healthcare accessible and affordable.

About Platos Health: Platos Health is a virtual platform dedicated to chronic disease management. By leveraging technology, Platos Health aims to provide effective and personalized care for individuals managing chronic conditions, ultimately improving their quality of life.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/how-reliance-health-and-platos-health-are-transforming-diabetes-care-for-nigerians/feed/ 0
Nigerian author identifies seven forces that determine policy success https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/nigerian-author-identifies-seven-forces-that-determine-policy-success/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/nigerian-author-identifies-seven-forces-that-determine-policy-success/#respond Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:05:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009518

Paul Oluikpe, a Nigerian author, has released a new book on policy, titled “Swim or Sink: Policy Dynamics in Challenging Environments”. The title of the book is a play on the metaphor of turbulence, survival, instability unpredictability and fluidity. He anchors his thesis on the nuances and variability of public opinion at every point in time.

Oluikpe posits that policymakers need to understand and interact with the “cognitive and psychological frames of reference which fuel public responses to policy propositions”.

He opines that most of the time, public policy is blunted by the volatility of the external environment, requiring that strategists, policymakers, and organizational leaders adapt and reinvent themselves in the face of shifting odds.

The continued viability of any policy construct is often challenged by the notion of public perception and reaction, and practitioners need to insert themselves in those spaces where perception is formed and nurtured. This means rigorous organic engagement with the environment.

Oluikpe propounds on seven forces, which he insists, influence policy outcomes. These forces are the economy, politics, ambiguity, complexity, instability, resources and execution. He treats these seven forces in separate chapters, and with a lot of historical and contemporary sources, he provides empirical validation to the ideas and lines of thought on the dynamics of policy in difficult environments.

The book has been received with acclaim from practitioners, as an excellent contribution to the literature and practice of policymaking in contemporary times. Published by Warwick Publishing, the book has 335 pages, with paperback and Kindle imprints.

Oluikpe is known for his novel, Dead on Arrival(2013) and his novelette, the Campus Mafia(2006). With this current book, he demonstrates his mettle and proficiency in taking on writing outside the fictional and creative writing domain.

Born on the 12th of July, 1972 in Abia State of Nigeria, he attended Ovuokwu Omoba Secondary School and Ihie High School, and then proceeded to Abia State University, where he finished with a Bachelor’s degree in Library Studies in 1998.

He then pursued postgraduate education at Loughborough University, UK, earning an MSc from the School of Business and Economics in 2003 and subsequently a PhD in Civil Engineering from the same university in 2007.

He also pursued further postgraduate education at the University of Oxford, finishing with a distinction in Strategy and Innovation at the Said Business School in 2017. He is a Chartered Banker and a member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/nigerian-author-identifies-seven-forces-that-determine-policy-success/feed/ 0
African Casino Resorts Increasingly Popular https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/african-casino-resorts-increasingly-popular/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/african-casino-resorts-increasingly-popular/#respond Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:01:00 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1009692

In recent years, Africa has become a burgeoning destination for luxury travel, with its casino resorts standing out as premier attractions. As more travellers seek unique and indulgent experiences, African casino resorts are carving out a niche that blends opulent accommodations with the thrill of gaming. These resorts are rapidly becoming the go-to choice for discerning visitors from across the globe, eager to experience the continent’s diverse offerings in comfort and style.

South Africa, in particular, has emerged as a hotspot for casino enthusiasts. Sun City Resort, located in the North West Province, is a prime example of this trend. Often referred to as Africa’s Kingdom of Pleasure, Sun City seamlessly combines world-class gaming with various leisure activities. From its two casinos to the luxurious Palace of the Lost City, Sun City offers an immersive experience that caters to both gamblers and those seeking relaxation. The resort’s allure is further enhanced by its proximity to the Pilanesberg National Park, allowing guests to complement their gaming activities with wildlife safaris and nature exploration.

Another standout destination in South Africa is the opulent Montecasino in Johannesburg. Renowned for its European-inspired architecture, Montecasino offers an unparalleled gaming experience in the heart of one of Africa’s busiest cities. The casino itself is a marvel, featuring hundreds of slot machines, table games, and a dedicated poker room. Visitors to Montecasino are treated to more than just gambling; the resort boasts a variety of entertainment options, including theatres, cinemas, and an impressive selection of restaurants and bars, all set within a picturesque Tuscan-style village. This casino/hotel resort is renowned for offering an impressive range of the best slot games ever, ensuring that even the most seasoned gamblers find something to enjoy.

Moving northward, Zambia’s Royal Livingstone Hotel, located near the iconic Victoria Falls, offers a more intimate yet equally luxurious experience. While not a traditional casino resort, the Royal Livingstone provides access to nearby gaming establishments, allowing guests to enjoy the best of both worlds: the serene beauty of one of the world’s natural wonders and the excitement of casino gaming. The hotel’s colonial-era elegance and modern amenities make it a favoured spot for high-end travellers. Its location on the banks of the Zambezi River adds a touch of adventure, with activities like white-water rafting and helicopter tours available for those looking to explore beyond the casino floor.

In Namibia, the Desert Jewel of Swakopmund, the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, offers a unique blend of historic charm and modern luxury. Built within a restored train station, the hotel maintains much of its original character while providing contemporary comforts. The casino is a major draw, offering a variety of gaming options in a distinctive setting. Guests can also explore the surrounding desert landscape, which offers a range of activities from dune surfing to quad biking. Swakopmund’s combination of adventure and gaming makes it a standout destination for those seeking something different from the typical casino resort experience.

As African casino resorts continue to rise in popularity, they are reshaping the continent’s tourism landscape. With each resort offering its own unique mix of luxury, adventure, and gaming excitement, travellers are discovering that Africa has much more to offer than its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Whether it’s the grandeur of Sun City, the elegance of Montecasino, the tranquil luxury of the Royal Livingstone, or the adventurous spirit of Swakopmund, Africa’s casino resorts are quickly becoming must-visit destinations for global tourists seeking a one-of-a-kind experience.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/04/african-casino-resorts-increasingly-popular/feed/ 0
MoMo PSB Partners LSSBI Advisory for Seamless Tax Payments https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/momo-psb-partners-lssbi-advisory-for-seamless-tax-payments/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/momo-psb-partners-lssbi-advisory-for-seamless-tax-payments/#comments Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:42:23 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1008679

Emma Okonji

MoMo PSB has announced a partnership with Leadership Strategy Sustainability Business Innovation (LSSBI) Advisory to enhance financial inclusion and streamline tax payments in Ekiti, Nasarawa, and Rivers states. The collaboration introduces MoMo as the official payment platform for taxpayers, enabling easy and convenient payments via the USSD code *5229#.

The partnership aims to boost compliance, drive revenue development, and promote financial autonomy for marginalised communities. Key stakeholders highlighted the significance of this collaboration in closing the financial gap and promoting economic growth.

With this initiative, MoMo PSB reaffirms its commitment to providing accessible and user-friendly financial services to all Nigerians, particularly the unbanked and underbanked populations. The launch of the USSD code *5229# demonstrates MoMo PSB’s dedication to expanding financial inclusion and promoting digital payments.

Ekiti State officials lauded the partnership, commenting on the convenience of using the MoMo payment platform, while emphasising its potential to increase tax compliance and benefit local communities. The collaboration is part of a broader initiative to empower citizens with financial autonomy, encourage saving, and promote responsible money management.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/momo-psb-partners-lssbi-advisory-for-seamless-tax-payments/feed/ 1
FintechNGR, Africa Fintech Network Call for Collaboration on Cross-border Payments https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/fintechngr-africa-fintech-network-call-for-collaboration-on-cross-border-payments/ https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/fintechngr-africa-fintech-network-call-for-collaboration-on-cross-border-payments/#respond Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:41:55 +0000 https://www.thisdaylive.com/?p=1008676

Emma Okonji

The Fintech Association of Nigeria (FintechNGR), and the Africa Fintech Network (AFN), have called for enhanced collaboration on cross-border payments and remittances.

They made the call during a recent webinar hosted by both bodies, aimed at driving innovation and collaboration within the fintech sector.

The event, themed: “Scaling Cross-Border Payments and Remittances,” brought together industry leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities in advancing cross-border financial transactions.

The webinar, which had average of about 200 participants, featured key insights from seasoned practitioners and experts from across Africa, Hong Kong and Singapore.

The dialogue covered the opportunities and challenges to scaling cross-border payments to boost livelihood and intra-Africa trade as well as trade between Africa and the rest of the world, leveraging the development in fintech and wider digital finance space.

Director of Advocacy and Capacity Development at AfricaNenda, Jacqualine Jumah, who spoke at the event, highlighted key trends in payment volumes across Africa.

She noted that the continent has witnessed a significant surge in digital payment volumes, driven by increased mobile penetration and the adoption of fintech solutions.

Speaking about some pressing issues of fraud, data privacy, and the need for strategic partnerships across Africa, Country Director of Chipper Cash, Abiodun Animashaun, emphasised the critical need for robust anti-fraud measures in cross-border transactions.

He highlighted that the success of the measures relies heavily on global collaboration between the private and public sectors, stressing that the cooperation is essential for enhancing the security and efficiency of cross-border payments.

President Hong Kong Fintech Industry Association, Paul Li, addressed the challenges posed by varying privacy laws on the international transfer of data.

He noted that while technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) could significantly aid in fraud prevention, the infrastructure required for such solutions is often hampered by regulatory differences.

Li, called for a more unified approach at the governmental level to facilitate smoother data transfers, suggesting that mobile based solutions and blockchain technology could offer more streamlined and secure alternatives for managing digital identities.

Lead Consultant at JFourth Solutions based in Singapore, Ho Chee Wai, advocated for collaboration with established players in target markets, noting that such partnerships are crucial for easing the complexities associated with regional expansion.

He emphasised that such alliances are not only beneficial for entering new markets but are also vital for accelerating the setup and operation of financial services across Africa.

https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2024/09/02/fintechngr-africa-fintech-network-call-for-collaboration-on-cross-border-payments/feed/ 0