Health & Wellbeing – THISDAYLIVE Truth and Reason Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:49:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bridge Clinic Series: Role of Technology in Fertility Care Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:47:00 +0000

Oladimeji Ajayi

Since ancient times, there has been a strong connection between medicine and technology with some notable advancements and innovations that paved the way for future developments. 

Ancient cultures developed medicinal herbal remedies, which involved processing and preparing plant extracts using primitive technologies. Ancient civilizations also recorded medical knowledge in written texts, like the Edwin Smith Papyrus (circa 1600 BCE) and the Hippocratic Corpus (circa 400 BCE), which facilitated knowledge sharing and advancement.

Ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, India, Africa, Greece, Meso-America and Rome also developed simple medical instruments including scalpels, forceps, and scissors, which were often made from copper, bronze, obsidian, or iron.

Animal bones and antlers were used to make instruments like needles, awls, and surgical needles while ivory was used to make delicate instruments like surgical knives and scalpels

Wooden instruments like splints, probes, and applicators were used for various medical procedures and gold and silver were used to make decorative and ceremonial surgical instruments, as well as those used for special procedures like trephining (a form of skull surgery).

These materials were often used in conjunction with other substances like leather, cord, or wood to create functional and durable surgical instruments.

Ancient surgeons developed techniques like trephining  and laparotomy (abdominal surgery), which required basic technological advancements. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks also developed simple prosthetic devices and orthotic appliances to aid mobility and function and in Central America Mayan and Aztec healers in the Pre-Columbian era developed surgical techniques, including skull surgery and dental implants. 

Notable medical practitioners who developed technological advancements in ancient civilizations include Galen, the Greek philosopher and physician, (129-216 AD) who developed forceps and scalpels as surgical instruments and improved surgical techniques.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) [980-1037 AD] the Persian polymath invented  the surgical needle while the Chinese Hua Tuo (110-207 AD) developed the first general anesthetic and performed surgical operations and Sun Simiao (581-682 AD) wrote extensively on medicine, including the use of acupuncture and herbal remedies.

In Africa, Imhotep (2600 BCE), an Egyptian polymath, developed surgical instruments and techniques, and wrote medical texts and Amenhotep (1500 BCE) an Egyptian physician developed a surgical procedure for cataracts.  

In India, Sushruta (600 BCE) wrote the “Sushruta Samhita,” which focused on surgery and described procedures like cataract surgery and caesarean sections and Charaka (400 CE) authored the “Charaka Samhita,” a foundational text on Ayurvedic medicine that described the use of herbs, minerals, and other substances for treatment.

While ancient medicine was relatively primitive compared to modern standards, these early innovations demonstrate the beginnings of a connection between medicine and technology that has continued to evolve over time. 

Today, medical practitioners are heavily reliant on the application of current technology which permeates all aspects of medicine. 

Examples of this connection between technological advancements and the practice of medicine in modern times include the development of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) which digitalize patient data, streamlining access and management.

Virtual consultations and remote monitoring via telemedicine expand access to healthcare, and advanced MRI, CT, and PET scans enable earlier disease detection.

Robotic surgery enables precise surgical procedures with reduced recovery time; Artificial Intelligence (AI) assists in diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans; and cloud computing provides secure data storage and analysis which facilitates collaborative research.

In addition, 3D Printing creates custom prosthetics, implants, and surgical models; gene editing enables precise genetic modifications; and Nanotechnology enables targeted drug delivery 

Point-of-care testing devices for rapid disease diagnosis and  wearable devices which track vital signs, activity, and health metrics have also been developed.

These technological advancements have transformed the healthcare landscape, enhancing patient care, streamlining clinical workflows, and driving medical innovation.

In fertility clinics, technology and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) have a deeply intertwined relationship, with technological developments driving innovation and advancements in ART. 

Technology  provides the tools and platforms for ART procedures such as IVF, ICSI, and PGD; enhances precision and accuracy in ART procedures, like embryo selection and genetic testing; and enables increased efficiency by streamlining laboratory workflows, reducing time and costs.

Technology enables remote monitoring, telehealth and personalized care, providing an enhanced patient experience by improving patient engagement as well as expanding access to ART services, making them more widely available and affordable..

Technology provides valuable data and analytics to improve ART outcomes, predict success rates, and identify trends; and drives innovation in ART, enabling new techniques like gene editing and stem cell therapies.

The use of certain technologies, however, such as genetic selection and gene editing can raise serious ethical concerns requiring careful consideration and regulation.

This synergy between technology and ART has transformed the field of reproductive medicine, improving outcomes and expanding possibilities for people seeking to build their own families.

It is evident that technology plays a crucial role in ART, enabling various procedures that help individuals and couples conceive. Some key technological advancements in ART include: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) where eggs are fertilized outside the body, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus; Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), in which a single sperm is injected into an egg to fertilize it; and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in which embryos are tested for genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities.

Improved nutrients and environments support healthier embryo development and cryopreservation techniques allow for preservation of eggs and embryos for future use.

AI-assisted embryo selection and prediction models optimize IVF outcomes and robotic-assisted reproductive surgery enables minimally invasive procedures, and improves accuracy and recovery in surgeries like tubal ligation reversal.

These technological advancements in ART have significantly improved success rates, reduced complications, and expanded access to reproductive care, offering hope to individuals and couples hoping to start their families.

Bridge Clinic integrates various advanced technologies into IVF to enhance treatment outcomes for couples.

Bridge Clinic employs PGT which involves genetic screening of embryos prior to implantation and ensures only healthy embryos are used, lowering the risk of genetic disorders.

 Vitrification technology is used at Bridge Clinic for the cryopreservation of eggs, sperm, and embryos, maintaining high survival rates upon thawing. This method is recommended for clients who are scheduled for cancer treatment or clients who for other reasons want to postpone having chilldren.

Bridge clinic utilizes an advanced but user-friendly medical record system. This houses the records of  clients with a seamless financial element that allows payment gateway integration, data integrity and synchronization with our Customer Relationship Management System (CRM). All activities are automated to allow for a seamless engagement with our ever-increasing database.

Our financial software, ERP next, helps track all our revenue transactions making payment easy for our clients and reconciliation almost unnecessary.

Bridge Clinic utilizes specialized media that mimics the natural conditions of the human body and supports better embryo development.

By leveraging these advanced technologies, Bridge Clinic aims to boost the effectiveness and efficiency of their IVF treatments, offering patients a greater chance of achieving a successful pregnancy as well as connecting with them emotionally throughout their treatment journey.

Over the past 50 years, since Drs.  Edwards and Steptoe’s ground-breaking in-vitro fertilization techniques resulted in the birth of the world’s first ‘test tube’ baby in 1978, ART practitioners have  employed several emerging technologies, particularly from the field of computing, to improve service delivery. In the near future these technologies will include enhanced artificial intelligence algorithms which will be used for embryo selection, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment plans.

Quantum computing will enable high-speed processing for complex data analysis, simulations, and predictive modeling in reproductive medicine. Machine Learning (ML) models will improve IVF outcomes, detect anomalies, and optimize laboratory protocols while advanced robotic systems will ensure precise embryo handling, injection, and sorting.

Precise genetic modifications using CRISPR/Cas9 and other technologies will prevent inherited disorders; regenerative medicine utilising stem cell therapies will be deployed for reproductive tissue engineering and repair; advanced genomics and proteomics will permit individual cell analysis and personalized treatment; and nanotechnology will make targeted drug delivery possible.

Through 3D printing and biofabrication, the creation of artificial gametes, reproductive organs, and personalized prosthetics will be possible and wearable devices will facilitate remote monitoring, AI-powered fertility tracking, and virtual consultations.

These emerging technologies will transform the field of ART, improve outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance patient experiences.

*Oladimeji Ajayi is Head of Technology, Bridge Clinic. 

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Providing Access to Affordable Healthcare for Bwari Community Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:37:00 +0000

The Health Services and Environment Secretariat, HSES, of the Federal Capital Territory Administration, in reinforcing 

the priority towards health and environment, recently took the “Renewed Hope Medical Outreach” to Bwari Area Council. Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that through this citizen-tailored outreach, the HSES Mandate Secretary, Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, ensured provision of affordable and accessible high quality healthcare services to the residents 

In line with global best practices used to provide targeted medical and surgical care to meet the health needs of the underserved and vulnerable populations, the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has reinvigorated its quest to touch the lives of such populations, one community at a time.

Through the Health Services and Environment Secretariat (HSES), led by Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, an award winning physician, who is the Mandate Secretary (MS), the FCTA continuously reinforces priority channeled towards health and environment under the present FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike.

Thus one community at a time, the mandate secretary has been carrying out medical outreaches that are citizen-tailored to meet almost all their healthcare needs, thereby fortifying a transformative public health systems in the FCT and ensuring provision of affordable and accessible high quality healthcare services to residents of the FCT.

At the medical outreaches, like the one in Kuje recently, the communities had antenatal care for pregnant women, general outpatients care, pediatrics, eye and dental care, nutrition services, HIV, hepatitis tests, follow-up care, surgery and even pharmacy. This was in addition to smart gases shared. 

An All Encompassing Outreach for Bwari Community 

Recently at Bwari Community, one of the many suburbs that dot the FCT, these and many more were their lot when the Fasawe-led team carried out an all encompassing medical outreach in the community. 

The outreach covered medical services like health promotion, antenatal care (ANC), immunisation services, free HIV screening, screening for diabetes, hypertension and sickle cell diseases, free dental health services, nutritional assessment, pharmaceutical services for free prescription drugs,  distribution of fertilisers for farmers, gas cylinders, sanitary pads amongst others.

While flagging off the free medical outreach at Pilot Science Primary School in Bwari Area Council, the FCT Minister of state, Dr. Mariya Mahmoud, stressed that the FCT Administration is fully committed to meeting not just the peoples’ health needs, but also the needs that would give the residents of the FCT the best health services.

Mahmoud, who noted that Nigeria is one of the African nations with high maternal and child morbidity and mortality; due poor ANC attendance, low facility based delivery, low uptake of immunisation and family planning services, especially in rural communities, said that rapid population expansion leading to increased demand for health services has posed serious health challenges to the administration.

To address some of these identified challenges, Mahmoud stressed that FCT Administration is committed to improving the primary healthcare system, such as renovation, upgrading and building of more primary health centers across the six Area Councils, and employment of more healthcare workers.

She also harped on the danger signs in pregnancy, importance of ANC attendance, exclusive breast feeding, importance of immunisation in preventing childhood diseases such as polio, TB, pneumonia, pertussis, diphtheria, measles, importance of screening for HIV, Diabetes, Hypertension, amongst others.

Reaching Underserved Communities 

Earlier, the Mandate Secretary, Health Services and Environment Secretariat, Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, acknowledged that despite recent improvements in access to quality healthcare for residents of the Federal Capital Territory, many communities remain underserved.

She noted that free medical missions like what they have been hosting, are global best practices used to provide targeted medical and surgical care to meet the health needs of the underserved and vulnerable populations. 

“This strategy has been successfully adopted in many parts of Nigeria, and it takes healthcare directly to those who need it most through mobile health service delivery,” she added.

Fasawe emphasised that the success recorded in the last free medical outreach held in Kuje Area Council that gave birth to the expansion of the 2024 medical mission.

According to her, “We attended to 1,578 general outpatients, with 42 referred to Wuse and Asokoro District Hospitals for surgery. Dental services were provided to 302 patients, including 45 extractions, 12 dentures, and five operculectomies, with 48 referrals to Wuse District Hospital.

“For eye care, we saw 931 patients, provided reading glasses to 531 of them, and made 91 referrals to Asokoro District Hospital, where 29 cataract extractions have been completed. Antenatal care was provided to 74 women, and with 206 enrolled into FCT Health insurance Scheme (FHIS).”

Again, the Mandate Secretary HSES appreciated the efforts of IHS and Zenith Bank PLC for partnering the HSES to ensure the success of the medical outreach. She also called on other potential partners to collaborate with government in order to provide succour through various interventions and initiatives in the society.

The highlight of the event was the FCT Minister of State, Dr. Mariya Mahmoud in company of the Mandate Secretary HSES, Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe carrying out consultation on some patients.

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Bridging the Healthcare Gap: How Interswitch and Lagos State are Transforming Patient Care Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:36:00 +0000

Precious Ugwuzor

In Lagos, where healthcare systems sometimes struggle to keep up with the demands of a rapidly growing population, a new initiative is promising to change the narrative. The Lagos State Health Information Platform (Lagos SHIP), a collaboration between Interswitch Group and the Lagos State Government, is set to redefine healthcare delivery in the state. This groundbreaking platform was the focus of a recent stakeholders’ engagement forum, where key players in the healthcare sector gathered to discuss its far-reaching potential.

At its core, Lagos SHIP leverages cutting-edge technology to create a seamless and comprehensive health information system. Developed by Interswitch’s healthcare subsidiary, e’Clat, the platform enables Lagos residents to book appointments, access their medical records, and pay for healthcare services with amazing ease. Beyond convenience, Lagos SHIP represents a strategic shift towards a more connected and efficient healthcare system.

In his keynote address which was delivered at the forum, Professor Akinola Abayomi, the Honourable Commissioner for Health in Lagos State, painted a vivid picture of the platform’s transformative potential. He highlighted how Lagos SHIP could streamline operations, reduce administrative burdens, and ultimately enhance the quality of care provided to patients. 

He said: “By embracing the Lagos SHIP, we can leverage advanced technological improvements that translate into cost savings and better resource allocation, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and improving patient outcomes.

We are living in a time of rapid transformation in healthcare, driven by advancements in technology and a shift towards more informed and involved patients. The Lagos SHIP initiative, a joint effort by the Lagos State Government and Interswitch Group, is designed to revolutionise healthcare services in the state by connecting patients to doctors, streamlining patient care through electronic medical records, and solving operational challenges,” the Commissioner added.

Lagos SHIP reimagines what healthcare could look like in the 21st century. By incorporating technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), the platform is poised to deliver smarter, more personalised care. 

Dr. Wallace Ogufere, Managing Director of Interswitch e’Clat, spoke passionately about the platform’s potential to set new standards in healthcare, not just in Lagos, but across Nigeria and the continent. According to him, the vision of a more connected healthcare system where data flows seamlessly between patients, doctors, and administrators represents a significant leap forward in how healthcare is delivered and experienced.

Through Lagos SHIP, we will support the Lagos State Government in unlocking the potential of electronic medical records, securely leveraging data from public and private hospitals and allied locations. This will facilitate improved experiences for stakeholders across the board, from healthcare administrators to medical professionals and patients,” he noted.

By leveraging advanced technologies like virtual care, wearables, data analytics, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) among others, Lagos SHIP will redefine the way healthcare is delivered, accessed, and experienced,” Dr. Ogufere added. 

The forum underlined the importance of collaboration in bringing this ambitious vision to life. Stakeholders from various sectors, including healthcare providers, government agencies, and technology experts, engaged in discussions about the platform’s implementation, data security, and privacy concerns. The consensus was clear: for Lagos SHIP to succeed, it requires the collective effort and support of all involved.

The launch of Lagos SHIP emphasises Interswitch’s commitment to driving positive change and enhancing healthcare delivery across Lagos State and beyond. As the Lagos SHIP initiative gains momentum, it stands as a testament to what can be achieved when innovation meets public service. 

The platform’s potential to transform healthcare delivery in Lagos is immense, and with continued support, it promises to set new benchmarks for healthcare in Nigeria and beyond. For the residents of Lagos, Lagos SHIP offers not just a new way to access healthcare, but a brighter, healthier future.

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How a Flawed Judicial Process Incarcerated Photographer for 10 Months in Prison for ‘Intentional Insult’ Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:32:00 +0000

Amidst allegations of abuse of power and a flawed judicial process, Sunday Ehigiator investigates the disturbing case of a former employee of Pesther Photo Studio, Nicholas Peter, who was arrested and imprisoned for over 10 months, for resigning from his job through ‘an insulting text’

On August 28, 2024, a disturbing story surfaced on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) involving Nicholas Peter, a 26-year-old photographer.

Human Rights Lawyer Funke Adeoye, a prominent advocate and convener of the ‘Hope Behind Bars’ movement, in her tweet, alleged that Nicholas’ former employer, Oluwole Mike, owner of Pesther Photo Studio in the Federal Capital Territory, had misused his political connections to harass and detain Nicholas for over 10 months. The reason? Nicholas had resigned from his job at the studio.

The Allegation

Adeoye’s tweet read: “This is Nicholas. A 26 year old graduate, photographer & Keyboardist.

“Sometime in October 2023, Nicholas sent a text message to his boss resigning his role as a photographer in the photo studio. His boss was angry at the content of the text message & got him arrested.

“From spending 2 days in police detention, he ended up being charged for intentional insult”, locked up in a room with 189 other cellmates at a prison in Keffi because he could not afford the bail sum initially N100,000 & later N50,000.

“He remained there even after the said boss, a politician in the current administration & owner of a popular photography studio in FCT wrote a letter to the court withdrawing the charge.

“Two weeks ago, someone hinted @hopebehindbar about Nicholas’s plight and @thehassanian reached out to a friend of his who donated N50,000 anonymously.

“The first picture is a picture of Nicholas 2 months before prison, the second is a picture of him when we got him out last week and the third is a picture of him at @hopebehindbar office today.

“After working in this space for 6 years, You’d think that we have heard the worst stories but it keeps getting crazier. Imagine spending 10 months in prison for sending a resignation text to your boss.

“Name of Boss: Oluwole Mike, Owner of Pesther Photostudio in FCT and Publisher of One Nigeria Television.”

She would later ask to send Nicholas’s account details to emails of people willing to support him, as the post began to galvanise public empathy and criticism of Pesther studio boss, who was also rumoured to be related to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Kayode Egbetokun.

Mike Reacts, Accuses Nicholas of Theft

Following the allegation, THISDAY reached out to Nicholas’ former employer, Mike to get his side of the story.

Reacting to the allegation, Oluwole narrated, “I had never met Nicholas before he visited my branch, offering to sell me a prime lens. My photographer verified the lens’s quality, and I agreed to purchase it, despite having bought a new one the previous week. Nicholas came to my head office, and we negotiated a price of 35,000, which I paid him.

“When I asked about the lens’s ownership, he claimed it belonged to him and his friend, who was supposedly ill and needed 25,000 for medical expenses. I asked for the receipt, which he said was at home, and told him to bring it the next day. He wrote a note confirming ownership and promising to bring the receipt but never did. Despite this, I paid him the agreed amount, and he left.

“What happened next was that Nicholas returned to my office the following week, complimenting me on its beauty and organization. He expressed his desire to work for me, claiming to be a skilled photographer.

“I agreed to give him a chance, offering him a test assignment. He passed the test, and I hired him despite his lack of formal certification. Initially, I was impressed with his work and paid him a starting salary of 70,000, with the promise of a raise after six months or a year.

“However, things took a turn for the worse when Nicholas began behaving strangely towards my customers. He would bully them, fail to complete photo shoots and leave his camera for others to finish the job.

“When I confronted him, he claimed he needed money and didn’t belong at the studio. One day, I found him unresponsive and bent over at his desk, which frightened me.

“After snapping him out of it, he confessed that he needed money and shared his troubled past, including being expelled from missionary school for jumping over the fence. Despite sensing dishonesty, I chose to mentor him and assigned staff to guide him.

“After three months of employment, Nicholas requested a 20,000 IOU, which I granted without interest, as I sometimes do for staff in emergencies. However, shortly after receiving his salary and the IOU, he suddenly quit via text message. When I asked him to repay the 20,000, he ignored me and later sent an insulting message, which angered me.

“I then got prompted by instinct that he may have gone with the lens I bought from him and decided to take inventory of all my studio equipment. This was when I discovered that my office phone which consists of all the contacts of our clients which we have built for over five years was missing.

“Hence we decided to review the studio’s security footage, to ascertain who took it. The CCTV footage showed Nicholas leaving the office with a colleague, and then returning alone to retrieve the phone. He had cleverly switched off the camera power at the changeover point, allowing him to take the phone without being detected.

“I reported the incident to the police, who presented Nicholas with the evidence. Despite this, he denied returning to the office and taking the phone. The police arrested him on Saturday and charged him in court on Monday.

“I offered to give him the phone, worth N145,000 if he would let me retrieve my customers’ contacts, but he refused. The DPO (Divisional Police Officer) was lenient and advised him to confess, but Nicholas continued to deny the allegations.

“Despite Nicholas’ continued denial, the truth began to unravel in court. It was revealed that he had been previously convicted of stealing cameras and photo equipment from his friends, and one of those friends identified the prime lens camera which he sold to me as his own.

“The friend explained that Nicholas had a history of dishonesty, including an incident where he claimed his external hard drive was stolen, only to have it mysteriously reappear after a threat from a herbalist.

“Nicholas continued to call me from jail, and eventually, a pastor from the prison in Keffi contacted me. The pastor was furious with Nicholas and scolded him for betraying my trust.

“Nicholas apologised, and the pastor offered to mediate a resolution. After some discussion, it was agreed that Nicholas would be released if I paid N20,000. I agreed to pay, and the pastor provided a contact to arrange the payment.

“I asked Nicholas for his lawyer’s account number to pay the agreed N20,000, but he provided someone else’s account number instead. He also failed to ensure the full amount was paid, as the person using his account collected N6,000 from the money.

“When they appeared in court without a lawyer, the judge dismissed them. Nicholas then asked me to retrieve the money from the first person, which became a problem. The barrister had to intervene to recover the remaining amount.

“Nicholas called me again, and I forwarded the money to another account number provided by the pastor, but it wasn’t the barrister’s account. This delayed his release.

“By November, I wanted to resolve the issue, and my wife suggested forgiving him. I wrote a letter to the judge, but it didn’t secure his release. I then appealed to others for help.

“Nicholas sent various people to me, claiming his father was an Army General and his mother a prominent businesswoman in Ghana. However, his friends revealed that his mother was actually ill, and they had previously sent him to jail for stealing their cameras.

“Others called me, saying Nicholas had stolen laptops, cameras, and studio lights from a private school in Abuja and disappeared. I urged them to show mercy, hoping for his release.

“Last week, Nicholas appeared in my office around 9:30-10 am. When Nicholas arrived, I asked how he was doing. He replied that he had just been released from prison and had nothing.

“I inquired about his intentions, and he expressed a desire to return to work. I explained that I couldn’t reemploy him, so I asked what else he needed. He requested financial assistance.

“I consulted with three staff members who knew him, seeking their input on how much to give. I offered options of N5,000, N10,000, N15,000, or N20,000. The oldest staff member, a female, suggested giving him N20,000, citing my previous mention of that amount.

“I agreed but tried to transfer the funds, which was unsuccessful due to network issues. We resorted to using a POS machine, and I instructed Nicholas to write a receipt for the N20,000. However, the total amount paid was N20,400 due to transaction fees. He left with the money on August 16, 2024.

“Last Friday, Nicholas messaged me that he had found a job, and I congratulated him. However, he then asked for money for transportation, despite having received N20,000 from me just days prior.

“He claimed he owed many people and needed to pay them. I offered to send him N5,000, but the network connection failed. He continuously called me on Sunday morning, demanding payment, which angered me. I told him not to call me again.

“Despite my anger, I tried to transfer N5,000 to him using office WiFi, but the bad network connection prevented it. Later that day, someone called me, cursing their enemies, and I responded with ‘back to sender in Jesus’ name.

“Then, a person messaged me, claiming to know me and saying they didn’t like what they were hearing about me on social media. They sent me screenshots of posts from a 31-year-old Yoruba lady who was blackmailing me without contacting me first. She claimed I had imprisoned Nicholas due to my alleged connection to the IGP, which is false.”

Nicholas Reacts

Reacting to the allegation of theft, being an ex-convict, and wanting to return to working for Pesther Studio levelled against him by his boss, Nicholas, while speaking with THISDAY, denied it all.

According to him, “May God forbid it that I ever think of such. I am a highly skilled photographer and so many people want me to work for them. What would make me think of going to work with Pesther?

“And it is not true that I stole my friend’s lens and sold it to him. It’s not true. Also, I’ve never been convicted.

“What happened was that I went to an event with my friend’s camera and mine along with a camera that was given to me by a school I was working with. I went for that job with two of my friends. It was that night that I was robbed and my whole bag was taken with those gadgets in it.

“It was days later that my friend took us to court for ‘breach of trust’ but he withdrew the case six weeks afterwards. So I don’t know what Pesther is saying. I was even the one who told him all this.

“And also, it was not the same camera lens that was stolen from me before I met him that I sold to him. The one I sold to him was for another person. He’s just lying.

“And his other allegation that I stole a friend’s terabyte is ridiculous. Which of my friends would I be working for? I trained almost all my friends who are into photography, so how would I be working for them again?

“Now Pesther took me to prison because I sent him a text and he alleged that I took his office phone, whatever it was that happened between me and my friend is not his business. He should face what’s on the ground and stop trying to deflect attention. If my friend wants a case against me, let him advise him to sue me then.”

On how he met Mike also known as Pesther and why he decided to resign, he said, “It was when I went to sell a friend’s lens to him that he told me he needed a skilled photographer and an editor. That was how I presented myself and we began working.

“I saw him humiliate a colleague, Shadrach, because he collected money from a customer through his account. He had that boy locked in the cell for two days just because of that. That was when I had the thought of looking for a better place. I worked for him not up to three months before I resigned.

“I tendered my resignation on the 10th of October 2023, it was on the 15th of October that he came to arrest me because I sent him, as he claims, ‘an insulting text’ on the 14th of October.

“The text message that he said was an insult was what triggered the arrest. He just placed the phone thing on me to have a very strong case against me. There were CCTV cameras in the office, why didn’t he check it?

“He claims that I went to switch it off, but there is a camera by the side so it could have captured whoever it was that tried to switch it off. Did he see me switch it off? Then let him bring the footage.”

Asked about the N20,000, and Case-withdrawal letter  Mike said he sent to the court for his release, Nicholas said, “He sent money to a warden, N20,000 but the court refused the money so the warden refunded the money to Pesther, and Pesther confirmed it. I had to report the warden to the in-charge of the prison before he sent the money back to Pesther.

“Actually on his part, he tried because he wrote a letter to the court asking them to discharge the case, but they refused and were asking for N50,000. It was the warden who told him to pay N20,000 initially, and that he’ll talk to the judge but the judge declined it.

“When my lawyer took the letter to court, they would have discharged me if it was honoured, but the judge declined the money and didn’t honour the letter because they asked Pesther to bring the letter himself.

“That was what the prosecutor said, ‘That the complainant should come to court himself if he wanted to withdraw the case’. I informed Pesther about this, but he said he was too busy and would not be able to go to court, this was around March 2024. So that was how I remained in custody till Hope Behind Bars came to my rescue.

“So, Pesther wasn’t instrumental in my release. It was hope behind bars that helped secure my release. They reached out and sent the N50,000 that was demanded by the court to the welfare officer who forwarded the money to the registrar in court, so Pesther did not take part in my release.”

Speaking on circumstances that could have led to his 10-month awaiting trial, till his eventual release, he said, “First, I wasn’t convicted. The judge did not convict me in court. I was only awaiting trial for these 10 months because I couldn’t meet up with my bail conditions. So I’ll say it’s our bad judiciary system that caused it.

“It was the first day I was taken to court, on October 17, 2023. that I was granted bail, on the condition of N300,000 or provided a reliable surety, but I couldn’t meet up with the bail condition. I didn’t appeal. I couldn’t meet it otherwise I would have been out since before now.

“So when they took me to court again, they had changed the judge and brought in another one who started mentioning the case from the beginning but didn’t grant me bail.

“At some point, the new judge also set bail conditions of N300,000 or a reliable surety in likesome for me, but I was later taken to court again as I couldn’t pay that sum again and nobody signed the surety for me.

“But by then, they had called off all upper area courts in FCT and said they no longer have jurisdiction to trial criminal cases. So I was asked to pay N50,000.  They asked my lawyer to bring the money so they’ll strike the case off.”

On the type of justice he would like to get to get closure, he said, “First I was factually innocent of the charges against me and there were procedural errors that violated my rights. No investigation was done by the police; I spent a whole 10 months for nothing.

“Well, I don’t want to fight over it. If I were him, I’d call me for mediation. I thought Pesther would have called me. Instead, he’s going about telling people another story that doesn’t even relate to what’s going on, trying to divert attention.”

THISDAY Findings

THISDAY obtained a screenshot of evidence of the resignation text message sent by Nicholas to his boss, which his boss alleged to be insulting, and the ensuing conversation.

The message first sent on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and delivered at exactly 11:01 pm, read: “Good morning sir. Just to make the notice that today would be my last day working with @pestherphotostudios.” But there was no response to this message from his boss.

In a follow-up message sent by Nicholas on Friday, October 13, 2023, at exactly 10:22 pm, he said, “Thanks to God, what I wanted came up on time and I had to leave Pesther early.

“I think you have to learn so many things about leadership and management. I never trusted you from my first day at work, judging from the many times you spoke. I am an intuitive psychologist.

“It was good that I wasn’t Shadrach that you humiliated. I lost every semblance of value I had placed on you ever since you wrongfully maltreated that dude.

“Well, I am off to be on my own now and yes, the real reason I called earlier was to let you know how unfair you are and what you have to do to become better. Sire!  Goodbye.”

Responding to Nicholas the next day, Saturday, October 14, at exactly 11:48 pm, Mike wrote, “I give you today to pay back my N30,000, or else, the law will take its course.”

We also obtained evidence of a withdrawal receipt of N20,400 from a POS machine, which Mike claimed to have assisted Nicholas with upon his arrival from prison, and also obtained an ‘undated’ case withdrawal letter sent by Mike to the court.

Furthermore, after hearing Mike’s side of the story, THISDAY contacted Mrs Adeoye, Convener of the ‘Hope Behind Bars’ movement, to verify the counter allegations made by Mike regarding the incident.

Mike had previously stated that the court-set bail amount for Nicholas’ release was N20,000, contradicting Nicholas and Adeoye’s claim of N50,000.

Additionally, Mike alleged that if Adeoye indeed paid N50,000, it would not have been deposited into a government account, but rather used as a bribe paid into a corrupt prison warder’s account to facilitate Nicholas’ escape from prison.

Furthermore, he accused Adeoye of not fact-checking Nicholas’s story from him at any point, before sharing untrue and defamatory information concerning him on her social media handle, and threatened to take legal action against her.

In response to Mike’s allegations, Adeoye acknowledged that the N50,000 payment was made into a personal account, not a government account, and she later realised it was a bribe since no receipt was provided.

Additionally, Adeoye admitted to not verifying Nicholas’ claims with Mike before publishing her statements on social media and acknowledged that Nicholas visited Mike after his release and received a gift of N20,000 from him.

According to her, “Nicholas was referred to us by Yiaga Africa, a personal organization, with a request to pay his bail. We sourced funds and paid the N50,000 bail, despite not having full details of the case.

“Further investigation revealed that the N50,000 we paid was a bribe, not a bail sum. This discovery raised more questions. Nicholas’ last court appearance was in January at an Abuja court.

“Later, in March or May, the Chief Judge ordered a temporary closure of all area courts in Abuja. During this time, Nicholas’ boss submitted a letter withdrawing the case, stating he no longer wished to pursue it.

“Despite this, we were initially told the bail sum was N100,000, which was later reduced to N50,000. These inconsistencies suggest a complex and potentially corrupt situation. The money was paid to a personal account.

“Afterwards, a team member visited the correctional facility, where we have established connections, and made the payment without seeing the charge sheet. Nicholas claimed he was charged with ‘Intentional Insult and Theft’.

“After his release, we invited him to our office to discuss the next steps. He planned to stay with a friend and also wanted to visit his former boss, Mike, to show him the impact of his actions. Our colleague advised against it, but Nicholas insisted. After meeting Mike, Nicholas returned to our office and reported that Mike had given him N20,000.

“Many have been wondering what constitutes ‘Intentional Insult’ and whether it is a criminal offence. Yes, it is indeed a crime under the criminal code. Moreover, Nicholas faced an additional allegation of theft. I reviewed the text message that led to his arrest five days later.

“At the police station, the message was printed, and Nicholas was questioned about why he would send such a message to an elderly person. Furthermore, his former boss accused him of stealing his phone when he left, resulting in an additional charge. We also have recordings from Nicholas’ former colleague urging him to apologise to his boss, saying ‘Come and beg boss’.

“I made it clear to Nicholas that I wasn’t interested in past events, but rather the truth about what happened. He mentioned that ‘intentional insult’ was the primary charge during our conversation.

“Currently, we are still awaiting the official charge sheet from the court, as the correctional service didn’t have it. However, all the information we’ve shared so far is based on our discussions with the correctional officers. I don’t see why his past should be relevant to this situation.”

The flawed judicial system in the country may have contributed to Nicholas’s prolonged pre-trial detention of 10 months. Nevertheless, Nicholas views his initial arrest, which led to his extended imprisonment, as unjustified, motivated by malice, and deserving of condemnation.


The flawed judicial system in the country may have contributed to Nicholas’s prolonged pre-trial detention of 10 months. Nevertheless, Nicholas views his initial arrest, which led to his extended imprisonment, as unjustified, motivated by malice, and deserving of condemnation

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Sickle Cell Awareness Month: New Study Reveals Urgent Need For a National Legal Framework on Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:27:00 +0000

Timely Comparative Analysis by Nguvu Change Leaders identifies the deficiencies of existing state laws  and coincides with a proposed National Bill on Sickle Cell

As the Nigerian Senate for the third time deliberates on the proposed National Bill to address the management of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), Nguvu Change Leader Onor-obassi Tawo, with the support of the Nigerian Nguvu Collective team has released a pioneering comparative study that underscores critical gaps in the existing state policies and their implementation. 

The report, titled “A Comparative Study of Existing Sickle Cell Laws in Four Nigerian States”, launched during the Sickle Cell Awareness Month in September, sheds light on the lacuna in the premarital genotype testing laws and the lack of awareness about SCD, particularly in the states studied.  

The study covers the states of Anambra, Kano, Kaduna, and Abia, revealing significant disparities in public awareness and the effectiveness of state laws. While Anambra has benefited from active advocacy, resulting in better-informed citizens, Kano, Kaduna, and Abia suffer from alarmingly low awareness levels.

“This report comes at a pivotal moment, coinciding with national discussions on creating a unified framework for SCD management,” says Nguvu Change Leader Onor Obassi-Tawo. 

“Our findings highlight the urgent need to address these gaps to better improve outcomes for SCD patients across Nigeria.” While the Federal Government’s initiatives like newborn screening and sickle cell centres are commendable, a massive investment of resources and a concerted effort is needed to address the burden of SCD. With 4-6 million Nigerians carrying the sickle cell trait, legislative intervention must complement treatment and care. A national Act could provide a balanced template for states to follow, ensuring both public health and individual freedoms are respected.”

Key Findings: The study identifies several critical issues, including:

  • Severe Lack of Awareness Proves a Major Handicap for Effective SCD Control:
    The report reveals a significant variation in awareness regarding state laws related to premarital screening across different regions. In Kaduna State, respondents displayed a notable lack of awareness about the mandatory premarital screening law, indicating a potential gap in the dissemination and implementation of the legislation within the state. In Anambra State, considerable awareness of the state law on genotype screening was noticed, attributed to ongoing advocacy efforts by the SCD community (including NGOs). Three of the four states surveyed showed very poor awareness levels of the Laws. 
  • Inconsistent Implementation & Lack of Standardised Framework Creates a Lacuna: Each state demonstrated varying degrees of implementation and interpretation of the Law. Despite the existence of these policies, the actual enforcement and execution of the laws remain inconsistent across these regions.The absence of a standardised legal framework led to differing approaches and varying levels of enforcement across the states where these laws had been enacted.
  • Nigerians Struggle to Access and Afford Genotype Screening Services: The report highlights a severe crisis in the availability and affordability of genotype screening, especially in rural areas. Many Primary Health Care (PHC) centres lack the necessary resources, driving up costs and limiting access to essential screenings. This, combined with infrastructure and funding deficiencies, severely hampers Nigeria’s healthcare system’s capacity to offer early detection and effective management of SCD.
  • Socio-Cultural and Religious Barriers Give Rise to Stigma & Poor Information: Deep-rooted socio-cultural and religious beliefs often discourage genotype screening and promote traditional practices over genetic compatibility in marriage. These factors contribute to the low acceptance of premarital testing, impeding public health initiatives. Additionally, individuals living with SCD face significant stigmatisation, which not only diminishes their quality of life but also discourages them from seeking necessary medical support.

This qualitative study employed a comprehensive research methodology including In-Depth Interviews with healthcare practitioners, doctors, sickle cell advocates, patients, and religious leaders across the four states, Social Media Monitoring and Comparative Analysis of 4 existing State Laws. 

The study provided valuable insights into awareness levels on Sickle Cell Disease, the challenges of information dissemination, the influence of cultural and religious beliefs, disparities in awareness, the effectiveness of outreach efforts, and the potential impact of a national framework.

“Since 2017, Nigeria has had sub-national Laws on Sickle Cell Disease, but no efforts have been made to assess the real world impact of these Laws. Nguvu Change Leader’s Onor Obassi-Tawo’s Comparative Analysis is a strong step towards informing the proposed National Bill on Sickle Cell Disease. It exposes glaring gaps in the prevention, control and management of the disease and spotlights the urgent need for a standardised and unified national approach to tackle SCD. We hope this report will spark constructive debates and inform the proposed National Bill,” says Durga Nandini, Co-founder and Chief Advisor of Nguvu Collective.

Recommendations: The report offers several actionable recommendations to address the identified gaps:

Enhance Public Awareness: Implement targeted, clear, and accessible messaging to promote genotype screening and increase public knowledge of SCD.

Engage Religious and Cultural Leaders: Leverage the influence of these leaders to spread essential information, particularly in underserved areas.

Universal Health Care and Accessibility: SCD patients should have access to universal health care that ensures affordability of drugs and healthcare services. 

Establish and Enforce Ethical Guidelines: Protect individuals’ rights by ensuring confidentiality and preventing discrimination during the screening process.

These findings and recommendations could provide a crucial roadmap for policymakers as they work to develop a comprehensive national framework to reduce the burden of SCD in Nigeria, which remains one of the countries most affected by this disease globally.

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Helpster App Eases Healthcare Access for Needy Children in Africa, Asia, Bridges Gap with Sponsors Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:25:00 +0000

Victoria Ojiako 

Helpster Charity US Inc., a nonprofit organization based in the US, is transforming healthcare access in Africa and Asia, using an innovative app and a web platform to give underprivileged children hope to live again.

The Charity operates by finding those in crucial need and providing a mobile app and a web platform for fundraising to support the treatment of poor children living in remote regions through an impactful, transparent and efficient system, with the mission of ensuring that no child suffers or dies due to lack of financial means.

Founded by a team of dedicated IT experts, Helpster Charity US Inc developed the life-saving technology solutions in 2023, to bridge the divide between vulnerable children who need critical medicare and donors willing to finance their treatments. Most health issues treated are appendicitis, sepsis, severe malaria and pneumonia that start from just 20 USD.

According to the World Health Organization, WHO, over 3.5 billion people globally lack access to healthcare services. 700 million of them do not have access to vital healthcare, the global health organization’s statistics have revealed. Making up a considerable chunk of that figure are African and Asian children in indigent families who suffer varying degrees of health crises because their parents or guardians lack the funds to cater to their health needs. This has led to the untimely but avoidable death of some of these children. 

The CEO of Helpster Charity US Inc., Kate Lysykh, said: “Our aim is to make the process of raising funds for vital healthcare easy, transparent, and efficient. Hence, we launched an app and a web platform where good-hearted individuals can donate to fund the healthcare access of children whose cases have been verified by the organization itself, its volunteers and partners. 

“All verified cases and hospitals are displayed on our mobile app and on where you can also track your contribution from donation to complete reports. You can choose who you want to help, from which country and with what health problem, or you can leave it to the system to automatically distribute the donations. Financial records and documents for each case are available on the mobile app, as transparency is of utmost priority to us. 

“This explains why all our financials are publicly accessible and hundred percent of our donations go directly to the verified hospitals to attend to verified cases of children needing vital healthcare. About 5-7 percent of the money is used to offset transaction charges and currency exchange losses”. 

The NGO said, in a little above 1 year, it has saved over 650 children, with 250 awaiting funds to access critical healthcare services, adding that this is reflective of its palpable impact and inflexible commitment to improving healthcare access for those that truly need it.

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For Maximum Protection against Toilet Seat Germs, Shodan Pharmaceuticals Unveils Sitfine Sanitiser Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:22:00 +0000

Esther Oluku

An indigenous pharmaceutical company, Shodan Pharmaceuticals Limited, has launched the Sitfine toilet seat sanitizer spray into the Nigerian products market.

According to the company, this is in line with its aim to provide high-quality healthcare products to Nigerians since its establishment in 2023 by Seun Tola Shosanya.

The Vice President, Shodan Pharmaceuticals Limited, Mr. Daniel Okeoma, who the announcement at a press conference in Lagos, said Sistine is a game-changer in personal hygiene as it offers maximum protection against germs on toilet seats.

According to him, the inspiration for the product arose from the need to cater to the hygiene needs of Nigerians as they go about their busy everyday schedules.

Okeoma explained that maintaining a healthy body at home or away from home would require a deliberate consciousness to ensure that surfaces one comes in contact with in the course of answering the call of nature are free of germs, as these germs are capable of impacting negatively on one’s health.

The Sitfine toilet seat sanitizer is a quick-drying aerosol spray which disinfects surfaces while neutralizing offensive odours with the goal of providing users with germ free and pleasant scenting restrooms in the course of their daily lives.

With its sleek and easy to carry around can, Sitfine will open up a bold new era for Nigerians by providing a safe and mobile product which assures users of hygiene on the go.

Okeoma said: “Our goal at Shodan Pharmaceuticals is to make sure we reduce or curb the spread of infections. When people use the toilet, they may claim that it is neat but if observed closely, there are germs that can be left behind. 

“To make sure we eradicate infections which persons can contract from the use of toilets, Sitfine comes handy. Sitfine is ideal for personal hygiene in public and private restrooms. It is clinically tested and approved by the National Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). 

“It is very easy to use. All a person has to do is just spray it on the toilet seat and it disinfects it leaving it dry in five seconds. It is also pocket friendly which means that even the high class individual and the not so high class individual can get a can at a flat market rate of N2,000.”

On his part, Director of Alfa Crest Consulting, Mr. Emmanuel Emeh, noted that the product would enhance the hygiene experience of its users.

Shodan Pharmaceuticals Limited is the official distributor for Sitfine while Alpha Crest Consulting is the official Marketing and Sales partner for the brand as the product is already available in major supermarkets across Nigeria, with plans to expand its reach nationwide.

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GATES, PATE AND SECURING PUBLIC HEALTH Mon, 09 Sep 2024 00:54:00 +0000

PAUL A. OBI writes that the application of vaccines and immunisation determines the strength of nations to fight preventable diseases

“The Return on investment in global health is tremendous, and the biggest bang for the buck comes from vaccines. Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history.”

Seth Berkley,

American epidemiologist and former CEO, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance (2011 – 2023)

The conversation on global public health for nearly a century now has been steeped and submerged in conspiracy theorists and the narrative battles of cost and effect of vaccines and vaccination, largely. In the same stretch, the greatest encounter of modern medicine has chiefly been the scientific discovery in which a single dose of vaccine could save millions from death and the world itself from epidemic catastrophe. Today, with scientific sophistication, the world has resolved the challenges of Covid-19 – all thanks to vaccines. At the moment, a similar feat is being enacted as scientists move closer to using vaccines to end the HIV pandemic. But over the years, the drawback on vaccines has been recorded in both advanced democracies of the west and the developing world, particularly, in Africa. The bone of contention in all of these, principally, stemmed from the deficit of public (dis)trust on the state, governmental institutions and multilateral agencies. In many African states, the government is regrettably a prime suspect – even erroneously, before the eyes of citizens.

This is because most African governments have continually broken and breached the social contract agreement between the government and the governed. This is due to failure of the state to fulfil the mandate of that social contract and the material welfare of the citizenry. Thus, when governments failed woefully to live up to the dictates of this element – provision of welfare; providing life-saving vaccines obviously becomes a huge cross to bear. Rural communities in Africa often have suspicion of government distributing vaccines when the same government cannot address poverty or end illiteracy. This has been the bane of vaccines, mostly, in Africa, and even Nigeria, where myths, stereotypes, and now disinformation, misinformation and infodemic have now been added as obstacles. Beyond these challenges, the role of global institutions like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has stood the test of time far outside the operations of other global bodies within the global healthcare system, particularly,  with regard to vaccines and immunisation. 

With the Gates Foundation, Gates tops world donors in donations to global public health. In Africa, the Foundation  ranks topmost, and in Nigeria, Gates Foundation funding to education, healthcare, immunization, maternal health and vaccination projects remain remarkable. In Nigeria, Gates donations run into billions of dollars, and has never stopped giving to Africa’s most populous nation. Over the years, the Gates Foundation funding includes immunization for child-killer diseases like measles; polio immunization, primary healthcare delivery services, maternal health, infant health care, healthcare commodities among others. More so, with more than passive support  for the country, Gates holds Nigeria dear to his heart. This was reflected last week during the summit organized in Abuja by the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) for members of Northern Traditional Leaders’ Committee on Primary Health Care Service Delivery (NTLC).

At the summit, where Gates frowned over the overt fixation on local manufacturing of vaccines, he applauded the efforts made so far, adding that, “we’ve made tremendous progress together; with continued collaboration and focus, we can finish the job on polio and significantly boost immunization coverage, ensuring better health for all Nigerian children.” However, Gates also had one or two words for Nigerian leaders, stating that, “by putting the Nigerian people first, Nigeria’s leaders can build a better future; I still believe in the grand vision of Nigeria’s future, and that future depends on all of you,” Gates added. The American billionaire and the world’s highest giver and donor at the sidelines of the National Economic Council (NEC), further explained that “we spend a lot in Asia, but we spend even more in Africa. The country we spend the most in Africa is Nigeria. I feel glad that things like the child mortality rate have come down, but we could do a lot better. Our work is almost entirely primary health care because the impact per dollar is dramatically greater than anywhere else,” Gates said.

Further, at the home front in Nigeria, Gates has an energizer and  a stellar  policy maker in the person of the Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof Muhammad Ali Pate. On issues of vaccines, vaccination and immunization in Nigeria, no one does it better compared to Pate, who has more than cognate experience on how to tackle child-killer diseases. At the intersection of policy, public health and practical steps towards fighting vaccines preventable diseases like polio, Pate has the technical know-how to stem the tide of such public health related challenges in Nigeria. Additionally, Pate has the full grasp of what role traditional and religious institutions and leaders can do as stakeholders in promoting immunization and pushing front and centre the critical task of vaccine acceptance in Nigeria, and ensuring that vaccines preventable diseases are continually kept at bay.

Yet, as James Colgrove in his book, The State of immunity: The Politics of Vaccination in Twentieth-Century America observed, the most fundamental cases of tensions and claims of coercive energy in public health remains the issues of vaccination and immunization. That said, Nigeria holds the ace on how much some of these vaccine preventable diseases are erased completely from the surface of the earth. Take polio for instance, Nigeria’s frantic efforts to end polio appears to be nearing the finish line. Yet, it is the combined efforts of Gates’ generosity with billions of dollars in donations on the one hand, and Pate’s technocratic experience to tele-guide the best health policies and outcomes that Nigeria is able to turn the page in healthcare service delivery. This combination is very instrumental to how Nigeria set the pace on global health through the deployment of vaccines and the attendant immunization. Thus, the NTLC summit came at no better time than now, when the difference between a healthy society and pandemic lies in the use of vaccines.

Further, with other leaders like founder and chairman of the Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote; the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III; Executive Director of NPHCDA, Muyi Aina, Gates and Pate are forming a strong coalition for a global health initiative that is defined by the relativity with vaccines as a precursor to saving many from a world that susceptible to pandemics and epidemics. The inclusion of Northern Traditional Leaders Committee (NTLC) in such new vaccines’ coalition with Nigeria as the rallying point is capable of positioning Nigeria as the locale for change on how vaccines are the most critical instrument for resetting global public health. With the buy-in from the traditional and religious institutions, the next battle lies in Nigeria’s ability to overcome the pitfalls of disinformation, misinformation, infodemics, fake news and manufactured myths all targeted against vaccines and immunization. This is one area where both the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the NPHCDA have not deployed enough proactive measures to defeat conspiracy theories. That is an area that the Gates Foundation needs to support Nigeria, specifically, NPHCDA.

In the end, the recognition of the nexus of health security in relation to economic growth, governance, national security and general wellbeing of a society have been the cornerstone of global discourse on global health. Stretching further, vaccines tend to correlate the extent to which a society is healthy or not. It is the application of vaccines and immunization that determine the strength of nations to fight preventable diseases. In all facets, vaccines potentially direct the shape and pathway a nation’s public health takes. For Nigeria, with Gates and Pate leading the charge and pushing the frontiers of vaccines, this is the best of times for the country. These efforts and partnership in the long run demonstrate the required synergy to further equip Nigeria’s public health for good. Therefore, as Berkely stated above, there can be no other cost-effective investment on public health comparable to vaccines. In vaccines, Nigeria’s long-awaited dive for eradication killer diseases beckons.

Obi is a lecturer, journalist and researcher based in Abuja

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Improving Access to Oxygen Therapy for Primary Health Centre Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:10:11 +0000

To improve access to oxygen therapy, the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation recently partnered the  Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency, EDSPHCDA, which is responsible for delivering quality primary healthcare services in Edo State

and HealthPort Limited, a health-tech company dedicated to improving access to quality medical care through digital solutions. Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that this service will complement the foundation’s ongoing efforts to revitalise  primary healthcare centres in the state under the Adopt-A-Healthcare-Facility-Programme

What is Oxygen therapy and why is it so important in healthcare? Also referred to as supplemental oxygen, it’s a form of medical treatment where oxygen is giving as a supplement to help those in need of it get oxygen their bodies need to function.

Either used in cases of hypoxemia (low blood oxygen levels), to maintain blood oxygen levels during anesthesia, or for those with lung diseases or breathing problems, the import of oxygen therapy to get their bodies need to function, cannot be overstated. 

While this might not be a novel idea, however, access to such therapy has often been an impediment to underserved communities in Low and Middle Income Countries. Across the globe, investing in oxygen systems has proven to drastically reduce mortality and long term health defects. 

Tripartite MoU for Primary Healthcare

It was on this premise that the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation, a philanthropic non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming public service delivery in Africa and advancing access to quality primary healthcare, recently entered into a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Edo State Primary Health Care Development Agency (EDSPHCDA) and HealthPort Limited. 

The EDSPHCDA is the governing body responsible for the provision of primary healthcare services in Edo State, while HealthPort is a health-tech company committed to improving access to quality medical care through innovative digital solutions.

Improving Access to Oxygen Therapy for PHCs 

This strategic partnership seeks to improve access to oxygen therapy across primary healthcare centres and other key facilities within Edo State. 

The initiative, titled ‘Oxygen as a Service,’ will complement the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to revitalise  primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in the state under the Adopt-A-Healthcare-Facility-Programme (ADHFP).

According to Bukky Akinsemoyin, the foundation’s Director of Funding and Partnerships, “We

are honoured to join forces with EDSPHCDA and HealthPort in this critical initiative. Our shared vision of enhancing access to quality primary healthcare forms the bedrock of this collaboration. 

“The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation is currently revitalising 18 PHCs under the ADHFP to deliver affordable and reliable healthcare services to vulnerable populations. The Oxygen initiative seamlessly aligns with our broader goal of promoting innovative healthcare solutions across Nigeria by leveraging private sector resources. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our efforts to elevate healthcare standards in the country.”

According to her, this partnership aims to ensure that patients at the PHCs have seamless access to oxygen therapy as part of their medical care, thereby eliminating the need for long-distance travel to obtain such services. Additionally, the Foundation will collaborate with HealthPort to strengthen the operational capacity of the PHCs by providing specialised training for healthcare staff in the administration, management, and maintenance of oxygen plants.

Given that each partner in this collaboration will contribute their unique strengths, the EDSPHCDA will facilitate access to PHCs for the delivery of essential medical and non-medical services while HealthPort will oversee the implementation and life cycle of the project; and the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation will provide evidence-based technical expertise, advisory support, and strategic guidance to ensure the project’s success.

For humanity, the signing of this MoU solidifies a robust partnership between the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation, EDSPHCDA, and HealthPort, marking a significant step forward in the collective effort to improve access to quality primary healthcare in Edo State.

Modalities for Oxygen as Service Initiative

The MoU aligns with HealthPort’s innovative “Oxygen as a Service (Breathe)” initiative, which involves a collaborative effort to install Micro PSA plants, train healthcare staff, and establish a robust distribution system for medical oxygen. 

The Foundation facilitated this collaboration between EDSPHCDA and HealthPort, as part of its commitment to fostering public-private partnerships for quality primary healthcare.  

The “Oxygen as a Service (Breathe)” project complements the Foundation’s ongoing Adopt-A-Healthcare-Facility-Project (ADHFP), which focuses on revitalizing 18 primary healthcare centers to provide affordable and quality healthcare services to vulnerable populations. By integrating oxygen therapy into these revitalised facilities, the Foundation aims to ensure that patients have easy access to comprehensive medical care.

The project will also enhance the capacity of healthcare staff in administering, managing, and maintaining oxygen plants. This will enable primary healthcare centres develop and strengthen their capabilities to meet the needs of their patients and deliver sustainable healthcare outcome. This collaborative effort represents a significant step towards improving healthcare access and outcomes in Edo State.

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation 

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation is a public sector-focused philanthropic organisation founded by Aigboje and Ofovwe Aig-Imoukhuede to improve the lives of Africans through transformed public service delivery and increased access to quality primary healthcare. 

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation accomplishes its mission by supporting the reform initiatives of public sector entities, providing financing, consulting support, and capacity-building programmes and resources for the public sector workforce. The Foundation provides funding and strategic support to drive the work of affiliate organisations such as ABC Health, the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria (PSHAN), the Nigerian Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF), and others. 


The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation is currently revitalising 18 PHCs under the ADHFP to deliver affordable and reliable healthcare services to vulnerable populations. The Oxygen initiative seamlessly aligns with our broader goal of promoting innovative healthcare solutions across Nigeria by leveraging private sector resources. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our efforts to elevate healthcare standards in the country

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Interswitch Group, LASG Continue to Revolutionise Healthcare with Lagos SHIP Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:09:56 +0000

Precious Ugwuzor

Following the recent signing ceremony to launch the Lagos State Health Information Platform (Lagos SHIP) platform, Interswitch Group and the Lagos State Government have organised a stakeholders’ engagement forum marking another milestone in the journey towards providing unrestricted healthcare access for Lagos State residents.

Lagos SHIP is a digital healthcare platform designed to boost healthcare services by leveraging Interswitch’s robust technology infrastructure. The platform aims to create a comprehensive health information system that bridges the gap between patients and healthcare providers, offering a seamless and efficient way to access a wide range of healthcare services. Lagos residents will be able to book appointments, pay for consultations, access medical records, and purchase medications with ease using the platform.

In his keynote address, Prof. Emmanuel Akinola Abayomi, Honourable Commissioner for Health, Lagos State Ministry of Health, emphasised the transformative potential of data-driven healthcare solutions, stating that the Lagos SHIP initiative will create enhanced experiences for all healthcare stakeholders and enable residents to access quality healthcare services.

Prof. Abayomi further stressed the importance of collaboration in healthcare, noting,”By embracing the Lagos SHIP, we can streamline healthcare operations, reduce administrative burdens, and make more informed decisions. These improvements translate into cost savings and better resource allocation, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and improving patient outcomes.

“We are living in a time of rapid transformation in healthcare, driven by advancements in technology and a shift towards more informed and involved patients. The Lagos SHIP initiative, a joint effort by the Lagos State Government and Interswitch Group, is designed to revolutionise healthcare services in the state by connecting patients to doctors, streamlining patient care through electronic medical records, and solving operational challenges.”

Dr. Wallace Ogufere, Managing Director of Interswitch e’Clat, stated that Interswitch, through its healthcare subsidiary Interswitch e’Clat, is working with the Lagos State Government to improve health outcomes in the state. As a development partner and supporter of the government’s developmental agenda, Dr. Ogufere envisages a future where the Lagos State health sector will serve as a model not only for other states in Nigeria but across the continent and beyond.

Through Lagos SHIP, we will support the Lagos State Government in unlocking the potential of electronic medical records, securely leveraging data from public and private hospitals and allied locations. This will facilitate improved experiences for stakeholders across the board, from healthcare administrators to medical professionals and patients.

“By leveraging advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, virtual care, wearables, data analytics, and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Lagos SHIP will redefine the way healthcare is delivered, accessed, and experienced,” Dr. Ogufere added.

The Lagos SHIP Engagement Forum was organised to raise awareness for SHIP and its benefits, educate stakeholders on its functionalities, secure stakeholders buy-in and support for SHIP adoption, and address concerns related to data security and privacy in the Lagos health care ecosystem.

The launch of Lagos SHIP underscores Interswitch’s commitment to driving positive change and enhancing healthcare delivery across Lagos State and beyond. Both Interswitch and the Lagos State Government are confident that Lagos SHIP will serve as a catalyst for positive transformation within the healthcare sector, ultimately improving the well-being of millions of residents.

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Federal Lawmaker Seeks Urgent Reduction of Maternal, Neonatal Mortality Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:08:42 +0000

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health Secondary and Tertiary, Senator Ipalibo Harry Banigo has called for urgent action to address Nigeria’s alarming maternal and neonatal mortality rates. 

The federal lawmaker made during a dialogue with female Commissioners of Health from across Nigeria, in Abuja .

She emphasised that Nigeria’s maternal mortality rate of 512 deaths per 100,000 live births and neonatal mortality rate of 39 deaths per 1,000 live births were unacceptable and required immediate attention.

The meeting, organised by the Office of the Special Adviser to the President on Health (OASP-H), aimed to discuss issues around the health of women and children in line with President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

As women leaders in health, Sen Banigo stressed their unique responsibility to save lives and improve healthcare outcomes. She urged Commissioners of Health across the country to work together to address these challenges and prioritise the health of women and children.

Banigo expressed her experience as Acting Commissioner of Health and Deputy Governor and highlight the importance of collaboration across all levels, including local governments, primary healthcare centers, states, and federal authorities. 

She encouraged the Commissioners to harness the strategic platform of their State Council of Health to drive improvement in health outcomes.

The Senator eulogies the accomplished women who have shown commitment to transforming healthcare for women and children, and expressed confidence that the ideas shared, knowledge exchanged, and strategies developed would translate into real progress, ensuring the health of women and children is protected and prioritized.

According to her, “I was truly honored to be invited as a Special Guest of Honour at this crucial dialogue with our female Commissioners of Health from across Nigeria. Being surrounded by such accomplished women, all committed to transforming healthcare for our women and children, filled me with immense pride and optimism.

“To be candid, the challenges before us are enormous. Nigeria’s maternal mortality rate of 512 deaths per 100,000 live births and neonatal mortality rate of 39 deaths per 1,000 live births are not statistics we can accept as the norm. These figures underscore the urgent need for coordinated action. As women leaders in health, we bear a unique responsibility to reverse these trends and save countless lives.”

She advised that “As Commissioners of Health, you hold a vital position. Even though the constitution delineates responsibilities between Local Governments and our primary healthcare centers, States and their secondary health services, and the Federal Government overseeing tertiary care, the reality is that the health outcomes of your state are your responsibility”. 

She said as health authority in their various states, is essential for the Commissioners to understand that they are accountable for the entire spectrum of care.

“From my past experience as both Acting Commissioner of Health and Deputy Governor, I know firsthand how critical it is to foster collaboration across all levels. I have seen the importance of bringing all stakeholders together, including CSOs and development partners. Your position is pivotal in ensuring that everyone works together towards a common goal.

“Your State Council of Health is also a strategic platform at your disposal. It is a melting pot of diverse perspectives. I encourage you to harness this resource effectively, making it a key driver in improving health outcomes in your states”.

Banigo added that the meeting marked a significant step toward aligning their efforts across the national and sub-national levels, saying “As we move forward, I am confident that the ideas shared, the knowledge exchanged, and the strategies developed will translate into real progress, ensuring that the health of our women and children is not only protected but prioritized”.

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Abia Embarks on Comprehensive Upgrade of Sec Health Facilities in Umuahia, Water Sanitation Projects Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:07:51 +0000

Emmanuel Ugwu-Nwogo in Umuahia

After the initial renovation of the Specialist Hospital and Diagnostic Centre, and the Amachara General Hospital all in Umuahia, the government has embarked on “comprehensive upgrade” of the two secondary health facilities.

Commissioner for information, Prince Okey told journalists after the State Executive Council meeting that the goal in upgrading the hospitals was to enhance their capacity to handle medical cases that require highly specialised expertise.

He listed the special areas of medical treatment to include internal medicine, minimal invasive surgery, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, surgical services,  among others.

Kanu said that Governor Alex Otti has also given approval for recruitment of highly specialised medical professionals that would provide the needed specialist services in the various medical fields.

He explained that upgrading of the two secondary health facilities located in the capital city “is in furtherance to the ongoing reforms in the health sector of the state”, adding that the hospitals “would be retrofitted”.

According to him, the Specialist Hospital and Diagnostic Centre would be retrofitted to offer all kinds of diagnostic and surgery services in a one-stop-shop.

Corroborating his information counterpart,  the Commissioner for Health, Professor Enoch Ogbonnaya Uche, said that funds for the project and hiring of “high calibre specialists” has been approved by the governor.

He stated that the comprehensive upgrading of the health facilities involve renovation of infrastructures, procurement and installation of state-of-the-art medical equipment and bringing in the required manpower.

Prof Uche, who assumed duties as health commissioner last week, said that Otti was desirous of providing the highest standard of healthcare services in Abia thereby reversing the health tourism trend in the state and Nigeria.

“In the succeeding days and weeks, some of these retrofitting and upgrade of services will become manifest,” Prof. Uche said, adding that Abia would become a centre of excellence in various medical services.

To further improve the general health and hygienic condition of Abia residents, the SEC has also given the nod for the implementation of the Abia Integrated Water Sanitation and Hygiene Accelerated Programme.

Kanu said that the programme involved construction of solar-powered toilet facilities across the state, in line with global standards,  as well as revamping of abandoned water facilities and water treatment plants.

While throwing more light on the programme,  the Commissioner for Power and Public Utilities, Mr Ikechukwu Monday, said the programme would basically address water supply issues, which are critical to public health.

“When we took office, we assessed all the water facilities in the state and found that none of the 58 core water facilities was producing even a litre of water,” he said.

Monday said that the course of implementing the three-phased programme, existing boreholes would be revived and converted to solar power to ensure constant water supply instead of relying on inconsistent power grid.

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Survivors Urge FG to Address Proliferation of Fake Cancer Drugs Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:05:50 +0000

Esther Oluku

A group of cancer survivors, Network of People Impacted by Cancer in Nigeria (NePiCiN), has called on the Federal Government through the Ministry of Health to address the menace of proliferation of fake cancer treatment drugs in Nigeria.

The President NePiCiN, Mrs. Gloria Orji, explained that as a chronic illness, the adverse reactions and inactivity of fake drugs have the potential of causing the death of patients hence the need for a more targeted approach to enable survivors lead longer and healthier lives.

Orji attributed the proliferation of fake drugs to the unavailability of drugs at national oncology pharmacies, forcing patients to seek alternative sources. She advised the government to eliminate middlemen in the sale of cancer drugs and ensure original medications are always available at national oncology pharmacies.

She said: “We are not just battling with the cost of drugs, we are talking about life here. Nobody gets a second chance and it’s quite appalling how this is going. Fake drugs impact the patient as it does a lot of harm and no good.

“When you get a drug and find out it’s not working, a higher one is recommended and you spend more than you would ordinarily. I believe this problem happens because there are middle men who could be supplying you with the good ones but also mix the fake ones and one can’t hold them responsible because they also supply the good ones.

“I also believe that if the government puts their foot down, they can get it right. The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) can be used to get these drugs from source, such that patients can get all drugs from the hospital and are not allowed to go outside. That is how it should be.

“At the national hospitals, there are oncology pharmacies. Why can’t drugs be stocked because it explains why people go out to get fake drugs.”

On his part, Engr. Dozie Akwarandu, a member of NePiCiN urged the government to exercise the political will to ensure that policies around the regulation, control and circulation of drugs are enforced to curb this problem.

According to him, agencies like NAFDAC, FCCPC and SON amongst others must work unanimously to checkmate the issue of fake drugs circulation such that from the processes of manufacturing, packaging, warehousing and supply, these drugs are monitored to nip the issue of counterfeit products in the bud.

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Canadian Govt Supports Nigeria with $23m in Building Oxygen Plants Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:08:00 +0000

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The Canadian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr James Christoff, has revealed that the government of Canada in a bid to respond to health intervention call supported the Nigerian government with $23million in the building of oxygen plants across nine states in the country.

Christoff who made the disclosure yesterday, during his visit to the newly commissioned Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) oxygen plant at the General Hospital Nchia, Eleme, Rivers State, said the support was made through the United Nations Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

It would be recalled that the Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, had on August 6, this year, inaugurated the 720,000 litres capacity oxygen plant  handed over to the state government by UNICEF.

The Country Representative of UNICEF, Ms. Cristain Munduate had during the inauguration of the plant, said the initiative was a follow up to the comprehensive and nationwide assessment of oxygen needs of health facilities across the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

She added that the oxygen plant located in General Hospital Nchia, was built in partnership with the Federal Government, Canadian Government, Rivers State Government and IHS Towers.

Speaking further during his visit at the facility yesterday, the Canadian High Commissioner to Nigeria, noted that “the Government of Canada, UNICEF, the government of River State, and of course, the healthcare system, came together and bring effective focus and change to address shortcomings that, ultimately, if addressed, can make a real difference to the general public

“We were not able to effectively address everything that came our way. And so one of those gaps, of course, was the issue of medical oxygen. Canada decided to make a concerted effort in supporting significant funding through UNICEF to address the shortage of medical oxygen across the globe. Our nine projects across Nigeria are in part of a much larger effort to do to address similar shortages around the world”.

Christoff revealed “So it is my sincere pleasure to be here representing Canada and seeing how Canadian tax dollars really have made a difference here in Nigeria. And so the Government of Canada provided $23 million to support the building of nine facilities across Nigeria including this one and to respond to similar gaps that we have identified during our response’

He added that the achievement of the project is another example of where the Rivers government, local health authorities, community, the United Nations System are able to come together, identify a problem, put it on the table and have those from the international community respond in kind.

Earlier in her remarks, the permanent secretary of Rivers State Ministry of Health, Dr Mekele Igwe stated that the oxygen plant is a testament to the remarkable collaboration between the State government and its international partners, saying that “It stands as a beacon of progress and a vital resource in our quest to provide better medical care and ensure that no patient is deprived of the essential oxygen required for their treatment”.

According to Dr Igwe, “This oxygen plant fills about 135 cylinders (20-1liter bottles) in 24 hours and provides 720,000 liters of medical oxygen within the same time frame. This capacity ensures that 100 children with severe pneumonia or 50-60 adults battling critical respiratory illnesses can receive round- the-clock oxygen treatment simultaneously”.

She explained that in a region where access to medical oxygen is often limited, the facility plays a crucial role in saving lives, improving patient outcomes, and supporting healthcare system’s overall efficacy. “It ensures that hospitals within Rivers State and the neighbouring states are better equipped to handle emergencies and provide continuous care to those in need.”

She however, appreciated the Canadian government’s commitment to fostering health innovations and its unwavering support towards strengthening healthcare systems in developing regions, stressing “Your contributions reflect a shared vision for Health for all Rivers’.

On his part, Dr Anslem Audu, the Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Port Harcourt, expressed the believe that the plant will deliver oxygen to both private and government facilities to ensure that any patient that needs oxygen will have it, adding that “There will be no scarcity of oxygen in Rivers state with the commissioning of the plant”.

He also acknowledged that “The funding for the establishment of this plant have been provided by the Canadian government, IHS Towers, through UNICEF and everything has been paid for and the government in their wisdom has ensured that Private Public Partnership will ensure the sustainability of the plant”. 

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How Reliance Health and Platos Health are Transforming Diabetes Care for Nigerians Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:28:00 +0000

In a significant move to enhance the lives of Nigerians living with diabetes, Reliance Health, the company behind Reliance HMO in Nigeria, and Platos Health have successfully completed a pilot study demonstrating the transformative impact of innovative health tech solutions on chronic disease management. This collaboration highlights the power of technology to empower individuals to take charge of their health while achieving substantial cost savings.

The study set out to evaluate the effectiveness and economic benefits of Platos, a virtual platform for chronic disease management, for Reliance HMO enrollees. The results reveal a promising future for diabetes care in Nigeria, with notable health improvements and cost reductions.

Key outcomes from the study include:

● Notable Improvement in Blood Sugar Levels: Over 12 weeks (about 3 months) of treatment, participants saw an average reduction of approximately 12% in fasting blood sugar levels, a critical factor in managing diabetes effectively.

● Significant Reduction in Insulin Usage: The total insulin required to maintain blood sugar control dropped by about 15%, from 94 IU to 80 IU. This reduction is particularly impressive, with two participants achieving a remarkable 43% and 20% decrease in insulin use, respectively. The decreased need for insulin translates to estimated savings of over N88,000 for both the insurance provider and its enrollees during the three months under review.

These outcomes underscore the positive impact of integrating advanced health tech solutions into chronic disease management. By leveraging the virtual platform provided by Platos Health, Reliance Health enrollees were able to achieve better health outcomes with fewer resources, enhancing their quality of life while reducing healthcare costs.

Dr. Ugochi Nwosu, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services, Reliance Health, remarked: “This pilot study demonstrates the incredible potential of technology to improve patient health outcomes and reduce costs. We are proud to partner with Platos Health to bring such impactful solutions to our enrollees.”

Platos Health’s Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Itopa Jimoh, added: “We are delighted to see the positive changes in the lives of Reliance HMO enrollees. Our mission is to make effective chronic disease management accessible to everyone, and this study reinforces the value of our platform in achieving that goal.”

This successful pilot study not only showcases the effectiveness of Platos Health’s platform but also highlights the commitment of Reliance Health to invest in innovative solutions that empower individuals and transform healthcare delivery in Nigeria. Together, these companies are paving the way for a healthier, more cost-effective future.

About Reliance Health: Reliance Health is a leading health tech company providing innovative healthcare solutions to individuals and organizations. Through its health insurance plans, telemedicine services, and a network of healthcare providers, Reliance Health is committed to making healthcare accessible and affordable.

About Platos Health: Platos Health is a virtual platform dedicated to chronic disease management. By leveraging technology, Platos Health aims to provide effective and personalized care for individuals managing chronic conditions, ultimately improving their quality of life.

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To Address Health Challenges, Nutrition, Bill Gates to Meet with Nigerian Leaders, Youth, and Partners Today Tue, 03 Sep 2024 02:06:31 +0000

Chiemelie Ezeobi 

 Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will today, as part of the foundation’s ongoing commitment to Africa’s development, meet with national and local leaders, partners, grantees, and innovators to address health challenges and boost nutrition. 

Gates, alongside other foundation leaders, will meet with experts in primary health care, agriculture, and nutrition who are driving progress across the continent, despite economic challenges. 

He will also participate in a pan-African virtual dialogue focused on addressing malnutrition through integrated health, agriculture, and financing solutions. For this dialogue, Gates will be joined by musician, educator and humanitarian Jon Batiste.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation believes that solutions to Africa’s greatest challenges can come from within Africa. 

This is why the foundation supports African partners whose bold ideas and creative approaches have the potential to save lives, improve health, and help families across the continent.

Since the foundation’s inception in 2000, it has supported partnerships with African regional institutions, national governments, and local communities in 49 African countries to contribute funding and scientific expertise in support of their agendas for change. 

These partnerships have driven the success of numerous health, agriculture, equality, and anti-poverty initiatives.

The foundation has committed more than $7 billion through 2026 to support African countries and institutions working to develop and implement innovative approaches to confront hunger, disease, gender inequality, and poverty.

The foundation works with African governments, the private sector, non-profit organisations and civil society to improve health outcomes, boost agricultural productivity, expand access to digital financial services, and empower women and other marginalised populations with greater economic opportunities.

Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. 

In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. 

Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman, under the direction of Co-chairs Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates and the board of trustees.

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PROMOTING ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE IN FCT Thu, 22 Aug 2024 23:30:48 +0000

Health-related expenditures pose a significant burden on vulnerable populations. And access is a major concern in health care policy. Access reflects fit between characteristics and expectations of the providers and the clients. The characteristics are grouped into five ”As” of access to care: affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation, and acceptability. 

That is why the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the FCT Administration with NISA Premier Medical Group, popularly known as Garki Hospital to promote affordable, accessible and sustainable healthcare delivery for residents of the territory is heartening.

That is also why during the signing of the MOU in Abuja, the Mandate Secretary, FCTA Health Services And Environment Secretariat, Dr Adedolapo Fasawe also distributed world class personal protective equipment (PPEs) to Medical Directors to be used for patients free of charge.

The public-private partnership (PPP) is meant to complement government’s effort towards achieving Universal Health Coverage for all. The essence of the partnership is to bring quality health care delivery closer to the people, particularly those on the Health Insurance Scheme.

The mantra of the FCT Administration is ‘working the talk’. We are all here to also demonstrate sustainability through PPP. There are also plans by the secretariat to begin distribution of drugs as palliatives to those in need of health care.

FCT parents are therefore urged to accept the malaria prevention drug intervention that health workers will be carrying from door step to door for children below five years from now till November.

The PPEs which were donated to the FCT Administration is targeted at enhancing health care workers safety and patients well-being to prevent transmission of infection.

This is to thank the donors for this gesture, and like Oliver Twist, we are open for more partnership, and appeal to well meaning Nigerians to come and partner with FCT Administration in the provision of PPEs and other consumables. Government alone cannot solve the health care needs of the citizens.

We urge all FCT residents to enrol under the FCT Health Insurance Scheme to be able to access quality, affordable health care services in the territory.

Dr. Babagana Adams, Permanent Secretary, FCTA- HSES, Abuja

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Helpster Charity Unveils ‘Influence-for-Good’ to Save Lives of Vulnerable Children in Nigeria, Africa Thu, 22 Aug 2024 01:38:04 +0000

Helpster Charity, an American nonprofit organisation, has unveiled the ‘Influence-for-Good’ campaign aimed at leveraging the power of influencers to save the lives of vulnerable children in underprivileged regions who need essential healthcare services.

Helpster Charity introduced a life-transforming app and Web platform in 2023, which connect children in need of medicare with those willing to fund such healthcare access through a highly transparent process. As at the time this release was issued, 614 children have been saved through the tech solutions, with 237 still waiting for donations to enable them access critical healthcare services.

The #InfluenceforGood campaign is geared towards raising the super heroes that children in health crises need. By leveraging the influence and advocacy of these influencers, the organisation aims to globally spotlight the pressing health issues that numerous children face, especially in underprivileged regions.

“Every child deserves life-saving medicare but due to economic inequalities, not all children receive such medical attention. That is why we launched the ‘Influence-for-Good’ campaign, to join forces with influencers in digital communities to create awareness about the bleak fate that many impoverished children suffer, and engender desired actions.

“Millions of children live in extreme poverty in under-developed and developing countries without free universal healthcare, and their parents/guardians cannot afford the needed medical services.

 This is what Helpster is poised to resolve through our innovative app and Web platform which connect these children in need of medicare with people ready to fund their treatments. Therefore, we need donors who are willing to make a difference in the lives of these kids”, Kate Lysykh, CEO, Helpster Charity, said.

To support the #InfluenceforGood campaign, individuals can share the testimonials of beneficiaries on Helpster’s social media platforms, make a donation to fund healthcare access and create videos that highlight the impact of the organisation. 

The Charity has a robust system that guarantees a transparent process from the point of donation to treatment, with a public portal for tracking every case. Hundred percent of the funds are directly transferred to the hospitals for treatment of verified cases while 5 – 7 percent of the funds cater to payment processing fees, banking fees and currency exchange losses. Operational costs are covered separately by kind-hearted foundations, philanthropists and donors who donate to the Helpster team.

For more information on how to get involved and make a difference, please visit or follow the #InfluenceforGood campaign on our social media platforms: Instagram-; Facebook- Helpster Charity; X- @HelpsterCharity; LinkedIn- Helpster.

Helpster Charity, founded in 2023 by a team of heart-driven IT specialists, is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that operates as a mobile application, providing a platform for fundraising to support the treatment of needy children living in remote regions through an impactful, transparent and efficient system. 

The Charity, now made up of doctors and other professionals, is committed to ensuring no child suffers or dies due to lack of financial means. 

Helpster is a 501c3 nonprofit, registered in the US, registration number 93-3969693, with an office in Dover, Delaware, US.

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NGO Says Declining Trust in Hospital-based Care Worrisome Thu, 15 Aug 2024 01:28:32 +0000

Omolabake Fasogbon

A Non-Governmental  Organisation, Sustainable Development Goals for Her Initiative(SDGforHer) has decried apathy for conventional healthcare in underserved communities, highlighting the urgency to intensify sensitization in this regard. 

It noted this as being detrimental to Nigeria’s health care profile as well as heightens mortality risks in the country.

During a health drive for women in Makoko community, Lagos, Founder of the organization, Hannah Ayilaran-Omon observed a trend of distrust for orthodox care amongst over 200 women reached during the exercise,   worrying that the situation was almost the same in rural communities.

She cited inherent dangers of this mindset to have fuelled  wrong  and late treatment of ailments,  as she reiterated organization’s  the objectives to safeguard women and children’s health, while preventing avoidable deaths. 

She explained that the outreach  held in partnership withTotal Health Trust and Alternative Bank’s Food Bank project sought to enrich physical health of women who are mostly victims of marginalization. 

“This exercise aligns with our goals of driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that partain to women,including gender equality and good health. For eight months consecutively, we have taken our outreach programme to different communities across the country, addressing specific challenges of over 1500 females of different age groups. We are championing health drive in Makoko today because of our understanding of  the women’s  challenges in accessing maternal and antenatal services”

Head of Corporate Social Investment at Alternative Bank, Solomon Okonkwo explained that partnering with (SDGforHer) would  amplify and  drive SDGs achievement as per the company’s vision. 

“We believe that achieving one SDG goal is a stepping stone to realising others . By our alliance with the initiative, we hope to reach women in  vulnerable communities  with all-round empowerment, including good health and financial independence.”

 Representing Total Health Trust, Dr. Eyitayo Abejide addressed the  locals to prioritise insurance coverage to enable them proper health  planning and access  quality medical intervention at affordable cost. 

Beneficiaries of the outreach enjoyed one-on-one consultation with doctor, general health talk and medical checks including BMI, blood sugar, blood pressure monitoring and antenatal counselling. 

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Family Seeks Justice over Alleged Negligence, Extortion by Hospital in Death of Patriarch Thu, 15 Aug 2024 01:27:17 +0000

In what appears to be another case of medical negligence in the Nigerian health system, the Onua family is currently seeking justice over alleged negligence, extortion, and intent to invade justice, by one of the largest Neurosurgical hospitals in Enugu State, Nigeria, Memfys Hospital, in handling the treatment of their late father, Mr Samson Onua. Sunday Ehigiator and Esther Oluku report

The story of Mr Samson Onua, a patient of Memphis Hospital, Enugu, was brought to the knowledge of THISDAY by the family after having been under the care of the hospital for over two months. 

Unfortunately, in the course of filing this report, news arrived that Mr Samson Onua has passed on from complications arising from his sores.

Family’s account

According to Mr Onua’s son, Mr Rodwell Onua, Mr Onua was referred to Memfys Hospital after he sustained a spinal injury from a fall he had while trying to use the restroom in February. He was being managed at a particular hospital until he was referred to Memfys Hospital for further care.

At Memfys Hospital, the family was advised that Mr Onua would have to undergo spinal surgery to correct the spinal injury which had paralysed him from his waist downwards.

The family agreed and made the necessary payments for the surgery but afterwards, the situation worsened. Rodwell who explained the problem following the surgery said; “During the surgery, I think there was a complication. For a person who didn’t have any major health challenges, his lungs stopped functioning well. They said he would have to undergo a tracheostomy. After the tracheostomy surgery, he was placed on a ventilator.

“The situation was financially draining. The hospital just kept giving us bills. We were not seeing any improvement and he was in the Intensive Care Unit after his surgery.

“I had to open a GoFundMe account to raise funds. We managed to bring him out of the ICU and just soon after, he was rushed back to the Intensive Care Unit(ICU) again. When they eventually brought him out from the ICU we saw this mighty bed sore.

“This is a huge hospital but the level of neglect for a person under their care is shocking. Because, how is it possible that the hospital representatives did not know or see the sore if they have been taking care of him?”

Mr Rodwell said the family had tried to get an explanation for the deterioration of their father’s health from the hospital to no avail. Hence, his sister, Ms Blessing Onua, reported the matter to the police.

Alleged extortion

Also speaking with THISDAY, Blessing Onua, a daughter of the deceased, said, “I took the case to the Police. The police redirected me to a lawyer because of the magnitude of the case and the reputation of the hospital. When I contacted the lawyer, he wrote a petition to the hospital.

“The Police station which is an Area Command advised me to refer the case to the Commissioner of Police, Enugu state which the lawyer also wrote.”

According to Ms Blessing Onua, bed sores or pressure ulcers were part of her fears when her father was being kept in the ICU for a prolonged period and she got reassurance that with optimal care from the medical team at Memfys hospital, it would not occur.

The family only got to find out after her cousin who was stationed at the hospital to look after her father revealed that he had spotted a large sore on their father when the medical team was screening him for a bed bath.

She stated that upon the family’s discovery of the situation, the Medical Director had promised to take a percentage responsibility for the financial cost of treating the bedsore but upon meeting the account team to get the rebate promised by the Chief Medical Director (CMD), she was asked to get a signed authorisation from the CMD.

Upon going back to get the rebate authorisation, the CMD reneged on his promise saying that he would not be able to grant a rebate anymore.

Alleged attempt to invade responsibility

According to Blessing, the hospital sent her a report discharging Mr. Onua. When she went to confirm the discharge report, she was invited to the office of the CMD.

She said: “That evening, I received a medical report stating that my Dad had been discharged. On seeing that, I was anxious to know what they meant. I was told that the owner of Memfys Hospital wanted to talk with me. So I went. He started telling me some things that I’d never heard of.

“When we arrived at the hospital initially, we had a biopsy to check if he had a prostate and the result was negative.

“But to my greatest surprise, the doctor said there were traces of cancer in my Dad’s prostate. Again he said my dad had some kind of stroke. They were just bringing up a lot of things. So we asked them what the way forward was.

“They said that since we requested treatment of the bedsore in a petition we had sent for negligence through a lawyer, they have agreed to do the plastic surgery. I told them aside from doing the plastic surgery, my dad is still not in good health. His condition has deteriorated after the surgeries.”

THISDAY’s effort

When THISDAY called Memfys hospital to confirm their side of the story, the Front Desk officer on two occasions, promised to send the number of the Head of Communications to our correspondent, but never did. Upon calling again to re-request the number, the hospital stopped taking THISDAY’s call.

THISDAY however was able to get the contact and contacted the doctor who was said to have taken care of Mr. Onua in the ICU of Memfys Hospital, Prof. Ndubuisi. However, he declined to comment.

Response of the Chief Medical Director, Memfys Hospital, Enugu

Meanwhile in an audio conversation with a member of the Onua family, which THISDAY was privy to, the Chief Medical Director, Memfys Hospital, Prof. Samuel Ohaegbulam, explained to the family that contrary to the thought of the family that Mr. Onua just had a headache, medical assessment done proved that Mr. Onua had other underlying health problems.

He said: “The story we got from the family when he arrived here was that they thought he had a headache but when we extradited the assessment, what we saw on assessment was that he didn’t just have a headache. Even if he had a headache, he had additional problems in the head.

“He had a disastrous spinal cord injury. There are other problems. We’ve done all the tests to find out if we can put a finger on them but we have not succeeded. What else do you want us to do?

“We are not magicians. The only area where we want to investigate is to see if the prostate is related to that. We saw some changes in the brain stem which is critical to the brain.

“In the course of the series of tests, we discovered he was anaemic, some indicators were very high pointing to cancer of the prostate so we had to verify to make sure where we stand because we can’t do a major surgery with all those problems.

“It took us almost a week to reach a point on it. The prostate, we couldn’t dismiss but since there was no sprain on the prostate, we could relieve the pressure of the spinal cord.

“We can’t convince you for what we have done and we can’t take the blame for everything that has happened. We have done our best but our team may not have yielded the expected result. It is beyond us. What is the cause of the deterioration? We don’t know. Many other factors may have added to the problem.”

Responding to the allegation of extortion posed by the Onua family, Memfys CMD stated that contrary to the assumption of the Onua family that adequate care was not given to the patient resulting in the bedsore, the amount paid was only for intensive care and the standard was the same everywhere in the world.

According to him, “The Intensive Care treatment is not drugs, Google it. You requested to leave and we obliged. If you want to stay, we accept. That is the condition of that process. The condition is that if you continue to care, he is now a new patient. Even if you don’t have the cash to pay, you have to tell us how it would be paid. That’s all.

“We cannot give a guarantee as doctors but you are forcing us to do that. Was it an infection? Was it growth? We couldn’t confirm that. The MRI could not say what it was. What is causing the anaemia, we couldn’t see any open bleeding so usually what causes that is something more serious and he came with anaemia.

“What is the cause for the deterioration, we don’t know. Many other factors may have added to the problem.”

Shades of secrecy around the patient’s care

Although Memphis Hospital holds that the stage of the pressure ulcer was stage 3, images captured from Blessing’s camera and analysed by a nurse close to the family showed a depth that may have reached the bone lesions of the patient indicating that the sores may have reached stage 4.

Blessing told THISDAY that the hospital had barred her from seeing the wounds or capturing images of them. She also revealed that a doctor (name withheld) whom she approached to know the current state of the wound advised her to go very early in the morning but on each occasion, they never allowed her to see the wound after her initial capture.

Expert analysis

With the images (rated 18) of the sore captured by the family and made available to THISDAY, we went ahead to seek expert analysis of the case with consideration to the issues raised by the Onua family, a medical doctor with commendable years of practice who pleaded animosity explained that “Usually, bedsores or pressure ulcers are a complication that happens for bedridden patients.

“They are turned occasionally. In my facility, every two hours but that does not mean that the patient may still not have the pressure ulcers.

“The patient is bedridden; he is on ventilation and has assisted ventilation so there is something in the throat that affects the turning of the patient so you can’t turn the patient to the left or to the right all the time because of the attachment.

“Pressure ulcer is a very unfavourable complication that happens with bedridden patients and with the patient in the Intensive Care Unit attached to a ventilator, it happens but before it got to grade 4, they should have called the plastic surgeon to review it.”

Speaking on the ethics of concealing the information on the state of the patient until the family found out, she said: “That is wrong. They should have told the relatives of the patient when they came in for review even over the phone. There may be other things too, such as a patient’s nutritional status.

“I’m not happy that they concealed this wound until it got to stage 4 because from what I can see in this picture, it has already gotten to stage 4. It didn’t just jump to stage 4. I can’t really say what they did for the patient whether there was appropriate wound care to prevent the spread of the wound, but I will advise the family to call in a lawyer, only then can the truth be unravelled.”

Concerns over cases of medical negligence in Nigeria

In recent times, there have been growing concerns over several cases of medical negligence in Nigeria ranging from failure of medical practitioners to promptly attend to patients in emergencies, lack of proper attention to patients’ complaints during care, to making wrong diagnoses, which often, leads to the demise of the patient.

Medical negligence refers to the failure of healthcare providers to fulfil their professional obligations, breaching the duty of care and not exercising a reasonable degree of skill The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN), under the powers conferred on it by the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act 20042 issued a Code of Medical Ethics in Nigeria 2008 (“the Code”).

The Code, which codifies the rules of professional conduct for medical practitioners, also regulates the conduct/activities of medical practitioners in Nigeria.

For instance, the Code states that all medical practitioners and dental surgeons owe a duty of care to their patients in every professional relationship, however, medical negligence recorded in Nigeria often relates to a lack of proper care of the patient.

To curb this, it is very instructive to mention that medical practitioners, like any other professional, are not immune from criminal prosecution for reckless or negligent conduct in Nigeria. They can be prosecuted for obvious misconduct committed while carrying out their professional duties.

This is as seen in the case between The Lagos State Government V. Dr. Ejike Ferdinand Orji (Unreported Decision in Suit LD/8963C/2019).

On 20th January 2023, Honourable Justice A.A Akintoye sitting at the High Court of Lagos State (the Trial Court) delivered judgment in respect of a criminal charge of medical negligence preferred against one Dr Ejike Ferdinand Orji (the Defendant).

The Trial Court, in its well-reasoned judgment, found the Defendant liable for recklessness and negligence in the provision of medical care and services that unfortunately led to the deformity of the left limb/leg of his patient, one Master Somi Ezi-ashi (Somi or the Patient).

In the context of the decision of the Trial Court, more Nigerians need to know that they have a right to life and dignity.

As enshrined in Section 34 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFRN), 1999, provides that every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly, Section 34(a) states that “no person shall be subject to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment…”

Similarly, section 33(1) of the constitution provides that “every person has a right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria.”

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UNICEF Builds, Handovers 720,000 Litres Capacity Oxygen Plant to Rivers Govt Thu, 08 Aug 2024 02:14:07 +0000

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The United Nations Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF), has handed over a 720,000 litres capacity oxygen plant to the Rivers State Government.

The plant located at the premises of the Eleme General Hospital in Eleme Local Government Area was built in partnership with the Federal Government, Canadian Government, Rivers State Government and IHS Towers.

Handing over the facility to the state government, Country Representative of UNICEF, Ms. Cristain Munduate said the initiative was a follow up to the comprehensive and nationwide  assessment of oxygen needs of health facilities across the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

She said the gesture represents a significant milestone and a major advancement in the ongoing efforts to improve maternal, newborn and child health in Rivers State and across Nigeria.

“This plant will significantly boost the capacity of Eleme General Hospital and surrounding healthcare facilities to provide life-saving medical oxygen. It will ensure that oxygen is readily available and accessible, reducing dependency on external supplies and ensuring that emergencies are swiftly and effectively managed. 

The impact of this facility cannot be overstated as it will save lives, improve health outcomes, and provide a stronger foundation for the comprehensive healthcare that every individual deserves,” she said.

The UNICEF Country Representative expressed confident that the state would put the facility to best use. “As we handover this plant to the Rivers State Government, we are confident that they will be maintained and utilised effectively to maximize their impact. 

I am particularly happy that the State has opted for operationalising this plant using the public private partnership model. If properly executed, I have no doubt that the plant’s use would be long-lasting. 

While appreciating partners for their support and the State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara for his dedication towards improving healthcare in the state, the UNICEF Country Representative seek the commitment of the Rivers State Government to deploy skilled healthcare professionals to man the newly established level 2 newborn unit established in the same facility.

Commissioning the facility, Governor Fubara assured that it would be put into best use. He noted that building of the plant aligns with his health policy for the state.

“What we are doing today is inline with our three points agenda. We might have so many things in mind before we came onboard but along the line we must redirect our minds inline with the needs of the people. 

The need for quality education, the need for affordable healthcare and need to put food on the table of our people and you are witnesses to it that we have touched healthcare services like never before in our state.

“We have spent and we are still spending to make sure that Rivers State becomes health tourism state. As we speak today, the zonal health centre are almost 70 percent completed not as we met them but advancing it to international standard and I believe the only reason why this project was allocated to Rivers State is because of our investment in healthcare,” Fubara said.

The governor noted that his investment in healthcare attracted the project to the state. Just as he charged people of Eleme to take ownership of the project and secure it.

“They are seeing what we are doing and they believe that it would be right to partner with Rivers State and I want to assure you that we’ll protect this project, we would do everything to ensure that the Hospitals Management Board put everything in place to secure this project,” he stated.

Giving a description of the project, the State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Adaeze Oreh explained that the faculty has the capacity of producing 123 cylinders and 720,000 of oxygen in 24 hours.

She said the facility will serve facilities in the state and other neighboring states.

Picture: (2nd left) Governor Siminalayi Fubara commissioning the 720,000 litres capacity oxygen plant built and donated by the UNICEF to the Rivers State Government, at Eleme General Hospital, Eleme LGA, yesterday.

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Rewriting the Trajectory of Health Systems in the FCT through People-tailored Initiatives Thu, 08 Aug 2024 02:14:02 +0000

From the medical outreaches to the recently launched medical palliative scheme, ultra modern medical renovations, and measures to reduce maternal mortality, 

Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) Mandate Secretary (MS) for Health Services and Environment Secretariat (HSES), Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, with support of the FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike, is bent on changing the health trajectory of the capital city through People-tailored Initiatives 

In the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), times are changing now given the priority channeled towards health and environment under the present FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike. Although the transformation is not limited to health and environment, the Renewed Hope mandate of President Bola Tinubu’s Administration certainly rings true in the FCT.

For Health and Environment, Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, an award winning physician, was appointed to head the Health Services and Environment Secretariat (HSES) as the Mandate Secretary (MS) and with immense support from the minister, a new horizon has blossomed as they tackle issues of access to healthcare and affordability, which had hitherto posed a major challenge in the past. 

Fortifying Transformative Public Health Systems in the FCT

In a groundbreaking move aimed at fortifying public health and environment stewardship, the minister  merged these vital sectors to address environmental degradation and public health crises with cohesive and proactive strategies to safeguard the well-being of  communities. 

The mandate given to Fasawe was clear- transform the health and environment sectors. For the health sector, she was mandated to ensure provision of affordable and accessible high quality healthcare services to residents of the FCT.

With this mandate, her experience as the Chief Executive of the Lagos State came to bear. In addition to the newly instituted policy of regular unscheduled visits to Health facilities, the HSES management has officially visited more than 14 government owned Hospitals, several Primary Health Care facilities and their catchment communities’ leadership, including those in security high risk areas.

 According to the MS media aide, Bola Ajao, this confident approach, “open door administration, communication skills, innovative leadership and mentoring has lifted the morale of health workers and improved health service delivery.  

“All these have resulted in great achievements: 10 per cent increase in health Insurance enrollees and creation of enrolment desk in all government owned health facilities, provision of free birthing kits to pregnant women, quick control of Lassa and Diphtheria outbreaks, expansion of the Electronic Hospital Information Systems, and increased Health facility patient attendance.

“Others include delivery of integrated Health programmes like inclusion of HIV/AIDS testing during World Sight Day Celebrations: with 1,000 free glasses distributed and over 500 HIV test conducted, collaboration with other Secretariats for service delivery like the  medical outreach at the Renewed Hope Initiative Elderly Support Scheme (RHIESS) for the Elderly and Disabled.

“Also initiating/ completion/put to use of critical lifesaving interventions, namely, the Emergency Operation Center (EOC), Special Care Baby unit at Kubwa General Hospital (collaboration with USAID), the Oxygen Production Plant at Maitama District Hospital, Medical Outpatient Department and the Library Unit (in collaboration with the German Embassy) at Wuse General Hospital and construction and equipment of 20 bed VVF center at Gwarinpa General Hospital.”

Corroborating, Dr. Fasawe said: “Time and time again, the Honourable Minister has demonstrated that Health and Environment are priorities with Health professionals’ welfare at the top. The evidence are payment of 2023 Medical Doctor’s residency training allowances, clearing of promotion and skipping arrears, and approval for the recruitment of 315 medical personnel in addition to recruitment of 60 resident doctors into various disciplines to lessen the impact of the “Japa” syndrome. 

“It is noteworthy that with the support of the Hon Minister, the FCTA city hospitals secured for the first time full accreditation to train Resident doctors to fellowship level in Internal Medicine by the West African College of Physicians.

“ Also because of an enabling environment created by the current administration, successes at the National postgraduate and West African College examinations by our Resident doctors has been very impressive. In the last one year 19 Residents passed the membership while 11 were successful at the fellowship examinations, most of them at the first attempt. This is one of the best records from any training institutions in Nigeria and the West African subregion.”

Reducing Maternal, Infant Mortality 

The Health Services and Environment Secretariat (HSES) has focused on achieving a very significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality in the FCT through measurable multifaceted approach such as community engagement, transparency, efficient service delivery, optimal health workers’ working environment, increased Health Insurance enrolment and sustainable environment aimed at strengthening the six Health building blocks.

Launch of Medical Palliative Scheme

Just last week, the  Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) unveiled a comprehensive medical palliative scheme to tackle pressing healthcare challenges and provide immediate relief to patients, thus ensuring that every treatment, including medicines and tests, is offered free of charge for a limited period.

The initiative, backed by the FCT minister, Nyesom Wike, is funded through the FCT Health Insurance Scheme for the vulnerable.

Launched at the Gwarinpa General Hospital last Wednesday, Dr. Fasawe said every patient at the hospital  will receive free tests, treatments, and surgeries during this period, adding that “this isn’t something we can do daily, but providing medicines for two months can help patients allocate funds for other essentials. 

“We realise that many patients are falling ill because their limited resources are directed toward food instead of necessary medicines. Thus, the palliative means treating symptoms or providing a temporary solution before the overarching problem is resolved”. 

Dr Fasewe expressed confidence in the scheme’s sustainability and encouraged patient registration to ensure ongoing access to free healthcare.

Also speaking, the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Ali Pate, lauded the FCTA and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare collaboration under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s leadership, just as he listed ongoing efforts to enhance healthcare, including the recent inauguration of the National Emergency Medical Transportation Committee and the expansion of primary healthcare centres.

Medical Outreaches 

One community at a time, the mandate secretary has been carrying out medical outreaches that are citizen-tailored to meet almost all their healthcare needs. 

The most recent was at Kuje community where she keyed into the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike, to extend free medical outreach to more than 1000 residents of Kuje community while also championing cleaner energy with the 500 smart gases distributed. 

Stressing that the federal government led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was working to improve health and well-being of citizens, Dr. Fasawe said the outreach keyed into his Renewed Hope Agenda as this government does not care about your party affiliation, age, sex or religion. 

At the medical outreach were different wings including antenatal care for pregnant women, general outpatients care, pediatrics, eye and dental care, nutrition services, HIV, hepatitis tests, follow-up care, surgery and even pharmacy. There was also health insurance for pregnant women in addition to the already ongoing insurance for FCT residents at a token of N1,000 only.

Ultra Modern Medical Renovations

The Minister’s landmark capacity projects have also been felt in Health as an Ultra Modern Abuja Central Medical Stores (ACMS) has been built in collaboration with partners. Also, across all the 14 FCTA owned Hospitals, at least three call rooms per hospital has been comprehensively renovated and furnished by this administration.

Essentially, the HSES team under the Mandate Secretary is poised to continuously deliver

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 Hepatitis is a health emergency in Nigeria ROBERTO TABOADA urges a comprehensive awareness campaign to sensitive people, including health professionals to the epidemic

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Hepatitis Report, Nigeria is among the top 10 countries that shoulder one-third of the global hepatitis burden. Every day, 3500 people globally die from hepatitis B and C infections, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) African Region accounts for 63 per cent of new hepatitis B infections. 

According to WHO estimates, Nigeria has more than 20 million people living with hepatitis B, C or both; yet more than 80 per cent of the people who have the disease do not know their st

atus. This paints a striking and disturbing picture of an epidemic that has somehow flown under the radar – a severe health problem that has surpassed the combined mortality of HIV, TB and malaria. 

This silent killer cannot be ignored anymore. However, the statistics beg the obvious question: “Why has hepatitis not received more coverage”?

What is Viral Hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. There are several variations of hepatitis, and each one is different. Depending on the strain (A, B, C, D or E), certain types of hepatitis can clear up on their own. However, certain strains can lead to fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or liver cancer if they remain undiagnosed and untreated.

According to the WHO: “Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B, C and D usually occur as a result of parenteral contact with infected body fluids. Common modes of transmission for these viruses include receipt of contaminated blood or blood products, invasive medical procedures using contaminated equipment and for hepatitis B transmission from mother to baby at birth, from family member to child and also by sexual contact.”

To gain some insight into the actual state of hepatitis in Nigeria, I spoke to Dr Danjuma Adda. Dr Adda is a practising medical professional and public health expert whose personal experience with hepatitis B poignantly illustrates the physical, emotional and social challenges faced by people affected by this silent epidemic. In 2004, Dr Adda contracted hepatitis B in a hospital setting while working on comorbidity clinical diagnostics on patient samples. Six months after his diagnosis, he was struck by the fact that, despite the availability of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, he was offered none for Hepatitis B. To clarify, after possible exposure to the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can be used to decrease the chance of getting hepatitis

B. For Dr Adda, this stark reality highlighted a critical gap in healthcare practices at the time. Additionally, the diagnosis came with the daunting task of disclosing his status to his future wife in a community that was, at best, ill-informed about the causes and effects of hepatitis. He also faced extreme anxiety about his future as a healthcare professional. Thankfully for Dr Adda and his wife, mutual courage and support prevailed. A year after the Doctor disclosed his status, his wife was vaccinated, and the couple continue to weather the burden together to this day while Dr Adda is treated, along with their five children.

In 2007, Dr Adda was dealt another tragic blow when his mother succumbed to liver cancer as a result of hepatitis C infection. 

Having been diagnosed years before, treatment had not been administered by the healthcare professional responsible for delivering the diagnosis.

In fact, his assessment, according to Dr Adda, was that there was no cause for concern, as “everybody has hepatitis”. 

As a public health expert, Dr Adda experienced firsthand the lack of awareness about viral hepatitis – not only among local communities but even among healthcare professionals. 

His experiences prompted him to establish a charity to drive better access to diagnosis, care and education for patients and healthcare practitioners. 

Dr Adda has since served as a World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) Executive Board Member for Africa (2014-2016) and the first African WHA President. The Doctor’s dedicated advocacy and hard work are invaluable. However, he cannot win the fight alone.   

Taking control of the hepatitis epidemic in Nigeria and the rest of Africa calls for cooperation from the public and private sectors, local communities and funding organisations. The lack of continuous medical education among healthcare professionals – particularly in addressing diagnosis – compounds the problem in Nigeria. According to accounts from Dr Adda, many doctors and nurses still rely on outdated knowledge from medical school, unaware of current guidelines and treatments for hepatitis. 

The shortfall among healthcare providers reveals a significant gap in knowledge dissemination. This is why updated guidelines from organisations like WHO and EASL (The European Association for the Study of the Liver) often do not reach the frontlines, leaving many healthcare workers ill-equipped to manage and advise on hepatitis effectively.

To address these challenges, community-based awareness programmes and testing initiatives are crucial. Media platforms like radio and television may significantly increase public knowledge about viral hepatitis. NGOs and local health organisations also have a vital role to play in driving awareness and encouraging voluntary testing – especially in underserved communities. Additionally, in partnership with private sector stakeholders, healthcare providers and the public, the Nigerian government should have more open discussions about taking coordinated action against viral hepatitis. 

Practically, this would require innovative approaches to funding, streamlined diagnostics laboratory infrastructure and prioritising access to testing and care for all Nigerian patients, even in the most remote communities.Continuous medical education for healthcare professionals must be prioritised to ensure the patients’ first and most important contact points are up-to-date with the latest guidelines and treatments. Addressing hepatitis as a public health priority is essential to reducing the alarming mortality and morbidity rates in Nigeria. By enhancing awareness, creating robust education initiatives and collaborating to improve healthcare infrastructure, we can move closer to achieving WHO’s 2030 targets of diagnosing 90 per cent of individuals with hepatitis and treating 80 per cent of those diagnosed. 

As individuals, each of us has a role to play. And Dr Danjuma Adda’s inspiring journey proves that a single voice can make a significant impact. Imagine if we added just a few million more voices to remind our communities that everyone deserves to get tested for a better chance at life, and where treatment is needed, everyone deserves access to lifesaving care.

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Bochepharm Pharmaceuticals Signs Aproko Doctor as Brand Ambassador Thu, 01 Aug 2024 01:07:09 +0000

Esther Oluku

A leading pharmaceutical company in Nigeria, Bochepharm Pharmaceuticals, has unveiled Nigerian medical doctor and healthcare content creator, Dr Chinonso Egemba, popularly known as Aproko Doctor, as its latest brand ambassador.

The Managing Director, Bochepharm Pharmaceuticals, Pharm. Obinna Ezenwe made the announcement at a press briefing recently.

Bochepharm Pharmaceuticals, an Indigenous pharmaceuticals company and promoter of the Immunboost range of supplements for men and women boasts over two decades of experience in preventive healthcare with quality assurance meeting national and international regulatory standards.

Speaking on the choice of the social media sensation as its brand ambassador, Ezenwe said: “Aproko Doctor’s background as a medical doctor and his commitment towards improving healthcare in Nigeria through art and various digital platforms made it very easy for us to make our decision to work with him.

“His personality and professional reputation in the healthcare space, we believe, aligns with that of Bochepharm objectives which is to promote and educate the public on healthy living.”

Accepting the role, Dr. Egemba, noted that this collaboration further emphasizes his passion for improvement within the Nigerian healthcare system with a focus on promoting preventive healthcare practices.

He added that the standard and quality put into the Bochepharm product range assures optimum healthcare and supports the vision of universal health coverage.

“Before this partnership, I’ve been using immune boost products. There is a quality of care ensured in the production of this product. There is a high level of quality which is usually not the case with other supplements, especially those which have been certified by public bodies.

“When we talk about universal health coverage, one of the pillars of universal healthcare is health information. I’ve always been focused on education and that will not change. Part of the education is also going to the healthcare professionals. The immune boost product is not designed as a drug but people can get them into their lifestyle practices.”

Egemba further explained that part of his conversations with the Bochepharm MD revolves around sustaining excellence in the product delivery for the Immunboost range for the long haul.

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25,000 Nigerians Receive Life-Changing Care through NIMR’s HIV Clinic Programme Thu, 01 Aug 2024 01:03:50 +0000

Sunday Ehigiator

The Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Prof. Babatunde Salako, has recently revealed that no fewer than 25,000 Nigerians have benefited from the institute’s HIV clinic programme and research.

Salako disclosed this during a news conference which was part of events to mark the end of his eight-year tenure as director-general of the institute.

He said that NIMR also played a significant role in training the national workforce in the control and fight against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

HIV is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which weakens the immune system by destroying T-cells in the human body.

He said: “NIMR has played a significant role over the years in the HIV pandemic and it will interest Nigerians to know that the institute diagnosed the first cases of HIV in the country.

“The institute has an HIV research centre and a clinic programme for many patients of over 25,000 in recent years.

“The institute was also involved in determining the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of some anti-retroviral drugs, especially the anti-generic drugs when introduced to the country.”

Salako, who emphasised the economic importance of NIMR to the healthcare sector, added that the institute tested approximately 65,000 Nigerians for COVID-19 with its home-grown solutions.

The director-general also added that NIMR contributed significantly to building the capacity of no fewer than 1,600 healthcare workers, including doctors, pharmacists, laboratory scientists, and students.

Highlighting other milestones achieved during his tenure, Salako said the institute also provided support in the areas of research for tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases and malaria among others.

He noted that despite the progress made in NIMR, challenges such as staff attrition, limited cancer research, and inadequate funding affected some of its research work.

Salako emphasised the need for more researchers to work on larger cancer studies to prevent a double burden of the condition.

“We can’t wait until it becomes a double burden. We plead for expansion in cancer research,” he said.

Salako, whose tenure will end on July 23, applauded the government for increasing the institute’s yearly allocation significantly. (NAN)

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