Comments on: Now That Tinubu Is Backā€¦ Truth and Reason Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:08:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zami Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:08:32 +0000 In reply to Middle of Everywhere.


By: okwute Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:07:41 +0000 In reply to Middle of Everywhere.


By: Middle of Everywhere Tue, 17 Sep 2024 10:07:26 +0000 In reply to Zami.

I have said it severally, if a crim1nal like Tinubu could be allowed to be president, then any criminal prosecution of anybody going forward is persecution! After the criminal, atrocious supreme court ruling, anybody found guilty in court for any reason is victimization!

By: Zami Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:39:49 +0000 In reply to the masked one.

Thiefnubu will have to begin with himself if he wants to adopt the Chinese model. And Abati just did a Balablu with his current write up.

By: Mystic mallam Tue, 17 Sep 2024 07:34:52 +0000 ''President Tinubu must reconsider his strategy'', so says Mr. Reuben Abati and who wouldn't agree with that, except of course, the paid sycophants on the corridors of power. The President says he has done us a huge favor by interrupting his planned itinerary from Abuja – Paris – Beijing – London – New York, which is supposed to be ''robust foreign policy pursuit''. And, in 16 months of rule only, he has logged in visits to 24 countries – countries in which Nigeria has no Principal Envoy, or what the profession calls Ambassadors. And that too, is supposed to be robust pursuit of foreign policy. All of that raise several questions – what is the content and process of the Nigerian foreign policy that PBAT is ''robustly pursuing'' all by his lone self? Does PBAT and his entourage truly believe that going places signing useless MOUs and seeking elusive FDIs is what constitutes Nigeria's foreign policy? If these are PBAT's understanding of the contents and process of foreign policy, turning himself into ''a Roving Ambassador Without Borders'', Nigeria is in much more trouble than his critics have warned. Who will tell the President that the answers to Nigeria's problems are right here within Nigeria, not any of those countries he's frequenting signing MOUs and accumulating empty investment promises. PBAT should be told to stay here in Nigeria and provide the necessary leadership to resolve the country's multifarious and still growing challenges. He needs someone to tell him that foreign policy in itself, is not the object of government, that it, using the profession called diplomacy, is only one of the innumerable instruments of achieving a clearly defined object of government, something this administration is yet to define. He ought to be told that Presidents send Envoys called Ambassadors – Plenipotentiary, and in some cases, Extraordinary – to seek from exogenous sources, those material and non-material resource elements that may be lacking in the domestic environment, which might be necessary or essential for country stability, security, growth and development. The President may be the Titular Head of foreign policy, but for it to succeed and serve the object of government, whatever that is, s/he cannot simultaneously be its diplomatic agent and messenger. The job of the diplomatic agent may exude the glamor of travel, the exotic and adventure, but it's not the job description of presidents. Several Nigerian Presidents thought it was – Obasanjo, Jonathan and Buhari – each of them would readily confess the futility of their foreign policy assumptions and endeavors, that is, if they were to be honest.

By: Middle of Everywhere Tue, 17 Sep 2024 06:29:22 +0000 Only a fool or a liar ever believed the new minimum wage will be implemented!
Only a fool or a liar agreed Lagos-Calabar expressway will be built!
Only a fool or a liar took student loan seriously!
Only a fool or a liar does not know another protest is only a matter of time!
And only a fool or a liar still believes or hopes the Lugardian contraption can be salvaged, even with MOUs with China!

By: the masked one Tue, 17 Sep 2024 02:49:43 +0000 Abati, you wrote a whole lot but you (cleverly) missed the one important aspect in your analysis of the president's trip to China. And that was, what China do to corrupt officials and individuals? I can tell you for free that China do not suffer corrupt officials and individuals gladly. They send corrupt officials and individuals to the gallows.

Tinubu's visit to those waiting execution for corruption in China would have served a useful lesson. He can as well sign 100s of MOUs and learn one or two things about speed-trains and AI-powered tech innovations but without dealing with corruption the Chinese model, he will still be caught up with the China's "debt trap diplomacy".

You can't blame the Chinese for being protective of their wealth! Blame the panhandling president who borrows to live in opulence and builds highways to nowhere while the citizens die of hunger! Blame the president who continues to import fuel which is sold at excruciating prices while the country's refineries remain comatose!

I almost laughed when you said, Tinubu should probe how the N400m budgeted for maintenance of Alau Dam was utilized. You should have known as Fela, the unrecognized philosopher king, once said, that "fish no dey probe water"? Ever seen a fish-monger having cat as pet?

You must have rated your "egbo" highly by thinking that a man who runs a "palliative economy" and hopelessly so? A man who had no other conviction about governance and leadership ideals other than "it is my turn"? A man bereft of the simplest ideas of how to harness the abundant human and material: resources nature has endowed us with, to general good of the citizenry? To "run run an economy that puts people to work and creates massive opportunities"? Are you kidding me?

My last line: "So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him', but she had hidden him"

The above excerpt from the Holy Writ keeps coming to my mind. Just hope we do not get there!
