Comments on: Good Morning, Mr. Gates Truth and Reason Tue, 10 Sep 2024 05:07:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: lanel Tue, 10 Sep 2024 05:07:53 +0000 bill gate himself does not pay his fair share of tax in america.

By: Aguiyi Mon, 09 Sep 2024 03:08:03 +0000 In reply to RumuPHC.

"With a spending of $2.8bn of his personal money on charity in Nigeria , Bill Gates is apparently the highest “ taxpayer “ in Nigeria . He certainly deserve to have a voice in our affairs if not a vote . We should listen and take his advice if we accept his cash"
Gbam !

In fairness though, Amuta clarified, in the later part of his essay, that BG was primarily referring to corporate and value added tax. But you are correct. Many journalists fail to see the wisdom behind BG's advice that Nigerians should pay more tax in order to increase healthcare spending

They fail to understand what their life will be like had BG not spent his hard earned $2.8 billion in Nigeria. They fail to realize that Polio, Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, could be ravaging large swaths of Nigeria today — including people that they know — without BG's $2.8 billion.

So, they sit down on their cushy seats, in their airconditioned studios, sipping tea, and complaining about why BG should be asking them to pay more taxes. It is when the man stops spending his money in Nigeria, and they see their neighbors getting sick, with Craw-Craw, M-Pox, and other Infectious Diseases (God forbid) that their eyes will open

By: RumuPHC Mon, 09 Sep 2024 02:19:55 +0000 Bill Gates has always told all governments of Nigeria the right things to do to improve the quality of lives ,especially those of the poor. It is journalist like you together with many supposedly educated and informed Nigerians that ignorantly and pompously aid and promote government incompetent public expenditure and economic policies. This is how Nigerians got to support the subsidy on petrol for the past 2 decades when it was clearly the wrong thing to do and obviously unsustainable as it gupled over 30% of government revenue !

The problem with media in Nigeria is that most journalists and public policy commentators who read largely humanities often take the lead on commentaries related to economic and technical issues they have little knowledge of . Through their loud megaphones they assist politicians and government to destroy the economy and prosperity of the country .

With a spending of $2.8bn of his personal money on charity in Nigeria , Bill Gates is apparently the highest “ taxpayer “ in Nigeria . He certainly deserve to have a voice in our affairs, if not a vote . We should listen and take to his advice if we accept his cash .

It is no secret that Nigeria tax-to-GDP ratio is criminally low and that there is need to improve tax collection . One does not need to be one of the richest men in the world to come to this conclusion on Nigeria revenue profile and responsibilities of government to provide public goods of healthcare and basic amenities. It is no rocket science to decipher that revenue at less than an $40bn annually accruing to government is low from $400bn economy. A bulk of this is largely from receipts of sales of oil and gas equity held by NNPCL . There is therefore a compelling justification for more efficient tax system to bring income from the larger economic activities outside oil that form the backbone of the $400bn national economy.

Tax collection doesn’t imply taking more from the poor and the struggling middle class . It is more about redistribution of wealth by taxing the wealthy and the rich to support the poor masses and provide public good for all . It is obvious the rich and mighty of our society do not pay taxes commensurate to their wealth and affluence on display . Most hard working middle class actually pay more taxes , relatively , than private jet owning individuals. Taxation is currently skewed against corporate organizations and salary earners where taxes are deducted from source as against entrepreneurship and looters of public fund who are at liberty not to declare their sources of income and assets .

Only 1% of total bank accounts in Nigeria hold a deposit of N500k and above according to CBN report . So an efficient tax system focused at just these depositors or less than 0.3 % of the population who own the N14trn ($9bn) in banks including there other assets outside the banking sector will certainly yield huge tax revenue for Nigeria . Furthermore a good tax system will avoid double taxation and should take into account charities and other expenses on public goods that are tax deductible.

Tracking and taxing the high and mighty who own properties in choice locations in Nigeria and across the world include fleet of exotic limousines and SUVs with private jet to boot, together with the rich with huge income from known and unknown sources is the first step to effective tax system and generation of revenue commensurate with GDP and the affluence in Nigeria . I suppose this is what Bill Gates is advocating for government.

By: Aka Nkwume Sun, 08 Sep 2024 18:52:33 +0000 In reply to Felix .

The international financial institutions are no angels but nobody is forcing them on African nations. Your outrage should first go to our corrupt and clueless leaders that put us at the mercy of those institutions. The criminals masquerading as political leaders squander humongous loan amounts on their ostentatious lifestyles. Yet, they subject the masses to draconian policies. When the consequent hardship is not shared by the so called leaders, and when they refuse to lead by example, there will be no peace.

The Bill Gates of the world can afford to talk down on our leaders because we depend on them for the basic necessities that should be the primary responsibility of our governments.

By: Felix Sun, 08 Sep 2024 14:08:11 +0000 Bill Gates cannot feign ignorance of the international financial institutions holding us to ransom with their endless loans, that mortgaged the future of our children. He comes to Nigeria to pretend not to see the linkage between his save the world mentality and the global Caucasian institutions. What about the donor states and agencies trapping black Africa permanently under the stranglehold of the white man? Gates is their hatchet man in Subsaharan Africa.

By: Tito Kane #Proud to be a NEGER Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:29:59 +0000 In reply to Middle of Everywhere.

You said SOMETHING and you said it all

By: Tito Kane #Proud to be a NEGER Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:29:13 +0000 In reply to Mystic mallam.

I beg eeeeee no finis me wit LAFF-TER OOOOO

By: Mystic mallam Sun, 08 Sep 2024 08:53:00 +0000 Bill Gates preaching the gospel of responsible governance in Nigeria – that's hypocrisy at its best – advising frugality and good behavior to the crowd of pick-pocket politicians led by the master carpetbagger currently trolling for whatever, in China, the same one that America assisted to usurp power in Nigeria to ensure that we're kept in our appropriate place. What is Bill Gates talking about – that he desires a strong, viable, powerful Nigeria able to compete and say No to America? Anyone that believes that, will believe anything.

By: Middle of Everywhere Sun, 08 Sep 2024 05:52:43 +0000 More impunities, sacrileges & un-heard-ofs have happened in the contraption between 2015 & 2024 than have happened between 1914 & 2015. They have even been by far since 2023. That is also the time the greatest crim1nals have been in power! (President, a world famous narcotics dealer, VP, Boko Haram sponsor, Chief of Staff, a former convict in the US, Senate President, a corruption czar, etc). The events have been mind numbing! They have become too shocking for words! With Bill Gates impunity, neo-colonialism is no longer hiding its face!

By: Tito Kane #Proud to be a NEGER Sat, 07 Sep 2024 22:25:39 +0000 #All anyone needs to qualify to lecture an entire Nigerian government is a trove of cash and influence either as a refinery owner or a rich technology billionaire turned philanthropist
The National assembly was Bypassed and didn't even officially invite anyone but instead,BEAST gates went into the NIGERIAN FEDERAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING UNHINGED and UNHINDERED
An UNFORGIVABLE SACRILEGE/ABOMINATION has been done to the Nigerian so-called seat of power that is OBVIOUSLY NOW KNOWN to have ZERO POWER & CONTROLLED by foreign power.
If that is not enough to show who controls the ILLEGITIMATE J'AGUDA EMILOKAN olule tifnubu and his fellow J'AGUDAS in the governmental places of Nigeriawide,—-then the madness has completely made the entirety of the Nigerian so-called leaders LIFELESS.
There should be an uproar and the ILLEGITIMATE J'AGUDA EMILOKAN olule tifnubu and SHIT-tima MUST RESIGN immediately and right away and now now now now
